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Built-in Functions | Function Handlers
A function directs HyperTalk to perform a task that produces some value. Therefore, functions can appear as a term in an expression. For example, 3 / the average of "1, 2, 3"
is a legal expression.
WyldCard provides a suite of built-in functions plus the ability to script new ones.
When invoking a built-in WyldCard function, there are several equivalent syntax forms that can be used:
- Use
the <function>
for built-in functions that don't accept any arguments. For example,the mouseLoc
orthe screenRect
(the precedingthe
is required for no-argument functions). - Use
[the] <function> { of | in } <argument>
for built-in functions that accept a single argument. For example,the number of card buttons
orsqrt of 25
is optional). WyldCard also allows this form to be used when invoking a function that accepts a list of arguments, provided the list is contained within quotes. For example,the max of "1,2,3"
(HyperCard does not support this syntax). - Use
function(<arg1>, <arg2>, ...)
for any kind of built-in functions. For example,sum(3,5,9)
You cannot invoke a function handler defined inside of a script using either of the first two forms. Only WyldCard-provided functions can be invoked as the <function>
or <function> of ...
WyldCard includes the following built-in functions:
Function | Description |
abs |
Returns the absolute value of the given numerical argument. |
atan |
Returns the trigonometric arctangent of the given argument, represented in radians. |
annuity |
Given two arguments; an interest rate, and a number of periods, annuity returns the total value of an annuity that makes one payment per period at the given interest rate. Equivalent to (1 - (1 + rate) ^ -periods) / rate . For example, to calculate the monthly payment on a 30-year mortgage loan of a $100,000 at 3% interest, 100000 / annuity(.03 / 12, 30 * 12) yields approximately 421.60 . |
average |
Returns the statistical mean of a list of numerical items. Example: the average of "1,2,3,4,5" (returns 3) or average (93, 26, 77) returns 65.33 . |
charToNum |
Return the numerical codepoint associated with the given character. The actual mapping between characters and numbers will depend on the character encoding used by the system, but charToNum is always assured to be the inverse of numToChar
clickH |
Returns the x-coordinate of the last location the user clicked the mouse. |
clickChunk |
Returns a HyperTalk expression referring to the chunk of text last clicked in a text field. For example, char 13 to 18 of background field 2
clickLine |
Returns the line number of where the user last clicked in a text field. |
clickLoc |
Returns the coordinate of the last location the user clicked the mouse. |
clickText |
The last word that was clicked in a text field, or the empty string if no text has been clicked. For example, put "You clicked " & the clickText . |
clickV |
Returns the y-coordinate of the last location the user clicked the mouse. |
commandKey |
Returns the current state of the command key (and/or 'ctrl' key on PC hardware), either up or down . Also available as the cmdKey
compound |
Given two arguments; an interest rate, and a number of periods, compound returns the value of one unit of principal invested at the given interest rate compounded over the given number of periods. Equivalent to (1 + rate) ^ periods . For example, to calculate how much a $1,000 initial investment will be worth assuming a 3% annual rate of return compounded annually and invested over 6 years, 1000 * compound(.03, 6) yields approximately 1194.05 . |
cos |
Returns the trigonometric cosine of the given argument, represented in radians. |
date |
Returns the current date in a variety of formats. Use the date or the short date to yield a date in the format 07/04/16 ; use the long date or the English date for Sunday, July 4, 2016 ; use the abbrev date or the abbreviated date for Sun, Jul 4, 2016 . |
diskSpace |
Returns the number of free bytes on the filesystem containing WyldCard, or any specified filesystem. For example, the diskSpace or the diskSpace of "/Volumes/Macintosh HD" . Accepts the path of any disk, folder or file. |
exp |
Returns the value of e raised to the power of the given argument. |
exp1 |
Returns the value of 1-e raised to the number of the given argument. |
exp2 |
Returns the value of 2 raised to the given argument; for example the exp2 of 3 is equivalent to 2^3 . |
foundChunk |
Returns a HyperTalk chunk identifying the currently highlighted search result text (the result of executing the find command). For example, chars 13 to 17 of background field id 8 . |
foundField |
Returns a HyperTalk expression representing the field containing the highlighted search result text. For example, background field id 8 . |
foundLine |
Returns a HyperTalk line chunk expression representing the line and field containing the highlighted search result. For example, line 4 of background field id 8 . |
foundText |
Returns the highlighted search result, that is, the text string that is presently box-highlighted on the card. |
length |
Returns the number of characters in the value of the given expression. Example: the length of "Hello World!" yields 12 . |
ln |
Returns the natural logarithm of the given argument. |
ln1 |
Returns the natural logarithm of the given argument plus one. |
log2 |
Returns the base-2 logarithm of the given argument. |
max |
Returns the maximum number passed to the function. For example: min(3,5,7.24,9) evaluates to 9 . |
menus |
Returns a return -delimited list of menus appearing in the menu bar. |
message |
Returns the contents of the message box. For example: put the message box into aVar . Also available as message box or message window
min |
Returns the minimum number passed to the function. For example: min(3,5,7.24,9) evaluates to 3 . |
mouse |
Returns the current state of the left mouse button; either up or down
mouseClick |
Returns whether the mouse was pressed at any point since the current handler began executing. |
mouseH |
Returns the x-coordinate of the mouseLoc ; the number of pixels the mouse cursor is from the left border of the card. |
mouseLoc |
Returns the current location of the cursor (in coordinates relative the top-left corner of the card panel), for example: the mouseLoc returns 123,55
mouseV |
Returns the y-coordinate of the mouseLoc ; the number of pixels the mouse cursor is from the top border of the card. |
number of |
Returns the count of something within a given container. Several usages including: number of words in <container> , number of chars in <container> , number of lines in <container> , number of items in <container> , number of card { buttons / fields / parts} , number of background {buttons / fields / parts} , number of menuItems in menu <menuName> , number of menus , number of cards , number of marked cards , number of backgrounds , number of cards in background <background> . |
numToChar |
Returns the character value associated with the given character codepoint. The actual mapping between numbers and characters will depend on the character encoding used by the system, but numToChar is always assured to be the inverse of charToNum
offset |
Accepts two values as arguments, text1 and text2 . Returns 0 if text1 does not appear in text2 , otherwise, returns the number of characters in text2 where text1 appears, counting from 1. For example, offset("world", "Hello world") yields 7 . |
optionKey |
Returns the current state of the option key (and/or 'meta' key on Unix hardware), either up or down . For example, repeat while the optionKey is up
param |
Returns the value of the given numbered parameter (or, more accurately, it returns the parameter's argument). Use 0 to retrieve the name of the handler or function. For example, in the context of the function myFunction("V1","V2") , the param of 1 would yield V1 ; the param of 0 would yield myFunction . |
params |
Returns a comma-separated list of arguments passed to the given handler or function. For example, in the context of myFunction(1,2,3) , the params would yield 1, 2, 3 . |
paramCount |
Returns the number of parameters passed to the current handler of function. |
random |
Returns a random integer between 0 and the given argument. Example: the random of 100 or random(10) . |
result |
Accepts no arguments and provides the value returned from a function or message handler, or the error status reported by certain commands. |
screenRect |
The rectangle of the screen on which the card is displayed, for example put item 3 of the screenRect into screenWidth
seconds |
Returns the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. |
selectedChunk |
Returns a chunk expression in the form char x to y of container describing the active text selection; returns empty if no selection exists. |
selectedField |
Returns a chunk expression identifying the part containing the active selection, for example the selectedField yields card field id 13
selectedLoc |
Returns the location (in card-relative coordinates) of the text insertion caret last active in a focused text field. |
selectedLine |
Returns a chunk expression identifying the line or lines in a field containing the active selection. For example, the selectedLine yields line 2 to 7 of background field id 4
selectedText |
Returns the currently selected text within whichever field is in focus, or the empty string if no selection exists. For example, answer the selectedText
shiftKey |
Returns the current state of the shift key, either up or down . For example, wait until the shiftKey is down
sin |
Returns the trigonometric sine of the given argument, represented in radians. |
speech |
Returns the text currently being spoken via the speak command, or done if nothing is being spoken. |
sqrt |
Returns the square root of the given argument or NaN of the argument is negative. |
sound |
Returns the name of the currently playing sound, or done if no sound is being played. |
stacks |
Returns a line delimited list of currently open stacks. HyperCard orders this list by z-order; WyldCard guarantees no ordering. |
sum |
Returns the sum of the arguments. For example, sum(1,3,8) yields 9 . |
tan |
Returns the trigonometric tangent of the given argument, represented in radians. |
target |
Returns a HyperTalk expression referring to the part that first received the current message. For example, the target might yield card button id 13 . Note that the target is a function, but target is a container. |
themes |
Returns a comma-separated list of available Java Swing look-and-feels installed on this system. The function does not exist in HyperCard. |
ticks |
Returns the number of ticks (1/60th second) since the JVM was started. |
time |
Returns the time of day in a variety of formats. Use the time , the abbrev time , the abbreviated time or the short time to yield a time in the format 11:15 AM ; use the long time or the English time for 11:15:27 AM . |
tool |
Returns the name of the currently selected tool. Example: if the tool is "brush" then answer "Happy painting!"
trunc |
Returns the integer portion of the given numerical argument; for example the trunc of 8.99 yields 8 . |
value |
Evaluates the given factor as a HyperTalk expression and returns the result. Example: the value of ("3" & "*4") yields 12 . |
voices |
Returns a list of installed voices. This function is unique to WyldCard and does not exist in HyperCard. |
windows |
Accepts no arguments and returns a return-delimited list containing the name of every window in alphabetical order (note that HyperCard returns this list in Z-order; WyldCard guarantees no ordering). |
A function handler is a subroutine scripted by the user that performs some action and optionally returns a value. More accurately, all user-defined functions return a value, but those which do not explicitly call return
implicitly return empty
Note that user-defined function handlers may not...
- Be invoked using the
[the] <function> of ...
syntax (like you'd use with a built-in HyperTalk function) - Have the same name as another function in the same script, or the same name as a HyperTalk keyword. HyperTalk does not support function overloading (two functions with the same name but having different parameters).
- Be nested inside of other functions or handlers
If a function handler is not defined in the same script in which it is invoked, the message passing order is used to locate the function handler. Thus, if a card button attempts to invoke myFunction()
and the button's script does not define function myFunction
then the card's script is searched, then the background's, then the stack's. However, unlike message handlers, invoking a function for which no function handler exists results in a syntax error.
The syntax for defining a function handler is:
function <functionName> [<arg1> [, <arg2>] ... [, <argN>]]]
[return <expression>]
end <functionName>
When calling a user-defined function, use the syntax <functionName>(<arg1>, <arg2>, ...)
. The number of arguments passed to the function must match the number declared in the handler.
Consider this recursive function for generating the Fibonacci sequence:
on mouseUp
answer fibonacci(empty, 0, 1, 200)
end mouseUp
function fibonacci sequence, lastValue, thisValue, maxValue
if sequence is empty then put "0" into sequence
put thisValue + lastValue after the last item of sequence
if thisValue + lastValue <= maxValue then
return fibonacci(sequence, thisValue, thisValue + lastValue, maxValue)
return sequence
end if
end fibonacci
Copyright © 2019 Matt DeFano, licensed under MIT