diff --git a/Code.gs b/Code.gs
index 2ce91c3..0a476e5 100644
--- a/Code.gs
+++ b/Code.gs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ var sourceCalendars = [ // The ics/ical urls that you want to get
-var howFrequent = 15; // What interval (minutes) to run this script on to check for new events
+var howFrequent = 15; // What interval (minutes) to run this script on to check for new events. Any integer can be used, but will be rounded up to 5, 10, 15, 30 or to the nearest hour after that.. 60, 120, etc. 1440 (24 hours) is the maximum value. Anything above that will be replaced with 1440.
var onlyFutureEvents = false; // If you turn this to "true", past events will not be synced (this will also removed past events from the target calendar if removeEventsFromCalendar is true)
var addEventsToCalendar = true; // If you turn this to "false", you can check the log (View > Logs) to make sure your events are being read correctly before turning this on
var modifyExistingEvents = true; // If you turn this to "false", any event in the feed that was modified after being added to the calendar will not update
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ var addTasks = false;
var emailSummary = false; // Will email you when an event is added/modified/removed to your calendar
var email = ""; // OPTIONAL: If "emailSummary" is set to true or you want to receive update notifications, you will need to provide your email address
+var customEmailSubject = ""; // OPTIONAL: If you want to change the email subject, provide a custom one here. Default: "GAS-ICS-Sync Execution Summary"
+var dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD" // date format in the email summary (e.g. "YYYY-MM-DD", "DD.MM.YYYY", "MM/DD/YYYY". separators are ".", "-" and "/")
@@ -97,16 +99,30 @@ var email = ""; // OPTIONAL: If "emailSummary" is set
var defaultMaxRetries = 10; // Maximum number of retries for api functions (with exponential backoff)
-function install(){
- //Delete any already existing triggers so we don't create excessive triggers
+function install() {
+ // Delete any already existing triggers so we don't create excessive triggers
- //Schedule sync routine to explicitly repeat and schedule the initial sync
- ScriptApp.newTrigger("startSync").timeBased().everyMinutes(getValidTriggerFrequency(howFrequent)).create();
+ // Schedule sync routine to explicitly repeat and schedule the initial sync
+ var adjustedMinutes = getValidTriggerFrequency(howFrequent);
+ if (adjustedMinutes >= 60) {
+ ScriptApp.newTrigger("startSync")
+ .timeBased()
+ .everyHours(adjustedMinutes / 60)
+ .create();
+ } else {
+ ScriptApp.newTrigger("startSync")
+ .timeBased()
+ .everyMinutes(adjustedMinutes)
+ .create();
+ }
- //Schedule sync routine to look for update once per day
- ScriptApp.newTrigger("checkForUpdate").timeBased().everyDays(1).create();
+ // Schedule sync routine to look for update once per day using everyDays
+ ScriptApp.newTrigger("checkForUpdate")
+ .timeBased()
+ .everyDays(1)
+ .create();
function uninstall(){
@@ -136,46 +152,66 @@ function startSync(){
PropertiesService.getUserProperties().setProperty('LastRun', new Date().getTime());
+ var currentDate = new Date();
if (onlyFutureEvents)
- startUpdateTime = new ICAL.Time.fromJSDate(new Date());
+ startUpdateTime = new ICAL.Time.fromJSDate(new Date(currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() - getPastDaysIfOnlyFutureEvents)));
//Disable email notification if no mail adress is provided
emailSummary = emailSummary && email != "";
- sourceCalendars = condenseCalendarMap(sourceCalendars);
for (var calendar of sourceCalendars){
//------------------------ Reset globals ------------------------
+ var sourceURL = calendar[0];
+ var sourceCalendarName = calendar[1];
+ var targetCalendarName = calendar[2];
+ var color = calendar[3];
calendarEvents = [];
calendarEventsIds = [];
icsEventsIds = [];
calendarEventsMD5s = [];
recurringEvents = [];
- targetCalendarName = calendar[0];
- var sourceCalendarURLs = calendar[1];
var vevents;
+//------------------------ Determine whether to sync each calendar based on SyncDelay ------------------------
+ let sourceSyncDelay = Number(calendar[4])*60*1000;
+ let currentTime = Number(new Date().getTime());
+ let lastSyncTime = Number(PropertiesService.getUserProperties().getProperty(sourceCalendarName));
+ var lastSyncDelta = currentTime - lastSyncTime;
+ if (isNaN(sourceSyncDelay)) {
+ Logger.log("Syncing " + sourceCalendarName + " because no SyncDelay defined.");
+ } else if (lastSyncDelta >= sourceSyncDelay) {
+ Logger.log("Syncing " + sourceCalendarName + " because lastSyncDelta ("+ (lastSyncDelta/60/1000).toFixed(1) + ") is greater than sourceSyncDelay (" + (sourceSyncDelay/60/1000).toFixed(0) + ").");
+ } else if (lastSyncDelta < sourceSyncDelay) {
+ Logger.log("Skipping " + sourceCalendarName + " because lastSyncDelta ("+ (lastSyncDelta/60/1000).toFixed(1) + ") is less than sourceSyncDelay (" + (sourceSyncDelay/60/1000).toFixed(0) + ").");
+ continue;
+ }
//------------------------ Fetch URL items ------------------------
- var responses = fetchSourceCalendars(sourceCalendarURLs);
- Logger.log("Syncing " + responses.length + " calendars to " + targetCalendarName);
+ var responses = fetchSourceCalendars([[sourceURL, color]]);
+ //Skip the source calendar if a 5xx or 4xx error is returned. This prevents deleting all of the existing entries if the URL call fails.
+ if (responses.length == 0){
+ Logger.log("Error Syncing " + sourceCalendarName + ". Skipping...");
+ continue;
+ }
+ Logger.log("Syncing " + sourceCalendarName + " calendar to " + targetCalendarName);
//------------------------ Get target calendar information------------------------
var targetCalendar = setupTargetCalendar(targetCalendarName);
targetCalendarId = targetCalendar.id;
- Logger.log("Working on calendar: " + targetCalendarId);
+ Logger.log("Working on target calendar: " + targetCalendarId);
//------------------------ Parse existing events --------------------------
if(addEventsToCalendar || modifyExistingEvents || removeEventsFromCalendar){
var eventList =
- return Calendar.Events.list(targetCalendarId, {showDeleted: false, privateExtendedProperty: "fromGAS=true", maxResults: 2500});
+ return Calendar.Events.list(targetCalendarId, {showDeleted: false, privateExtendedProperty: 'fromGAS=' + sourceCalendarName, maxResults: 2500});
}, defaultMaxRetries);
calendarEvents = [].concat(calendarEvents, eventList.items);
//loop until we received all events
while(typeof eventList.nextPageToken !== 'undefined'){
eventList = callWithBackoff(function(){
- return Calendar.Events.list(targetCalendarId, {showDeleted: false, privateExtendedProperty: "fromGAS=true", maxResults: 2500, pageToken: eventList.nextPageToken});
+ return Calendar.Events.list(targetCalendarId, {showDeleted: false, privateExtendedProperty: 'fromGAS=' + sourceCalendarName, maxResults: 2500, pageToken: eventList.nextPageToken});
}, defaultMaxRetries);
if (eventList != null)
@@ -203,7 +239,7 @@ function startSync(){
}, defaultMaxRetries);
- processEvent(e, calendarTz);
+ processEvent(e, calendarTz, targetCalendarId, sourceCalendarName);
Logger.log("Done processing events");
@@ -212,7 +248,7 @@ function startSync(){
//------------------------ Remove old events from calendar ------------------------
Logger.log("Checking " + calendarEvents.length + " events for removal");
- processEventCleanup();
+ processEventCleanup(sourceURL);
Logger.log("Done checking events for removal");
@@ -226,6 +262,8 @@ function startSync(){
for (var recEvent of recurringEvents){
+ //Set last sync time for given sourceCalendar
+ PropertiesService.getUserProperties().setProperty(sourceCalendarName, new Date().getTime());
if ((addedEvents.length + modifiedEvents.length + removedEvents.length) > 0 && emailSummary){
diff --git a/Helpers.gs b/Helpers.gs
index 4cfe250..f791eec 100644
--- a/Helpers.gs
+++ b/Helpers.gs
@@ -1,3 +1,54 @@
+ * Formats the date and time according to the format specified in the configuration.
+ *
+ * @param {string} date The date to be formatted.
+ * @return {string} The formatted date string.
+ */
+function formatDate(date) {
+ const year = date.slice(0,4);
+ const month = date.slice(5,7);
+ const day = date.slice(8,10);
+ let formattedDate;
+ if (dateFormat == "YYYY/MM/DD") {
+ formattedDate = year + "/" + month + "/" + day
+ }
+ else if (dateFormat == "DD/MM/YYYY") {
+ formattedDate = day + "/" + month + "/" + year
+ }
+ else if (dateFormat == "MM/DD/YYYY") {
+ formattedDate = month + "/" + day + "/" + year
+ }
+ else if (dateFormat == "YYYY-MM-DD") {
+ formattedDate = year + "-" + month + "-" + day
+ }
+ else if (dateFormat == "DD-MM-YYYY") {
+ formattedDate = day + "-" + month + "-" + year
+ }
+ else if (dateFormat == "MM-DD-YYYY") {
+ formattedDate = month + "-" + day + "-" + year
+ }
+ else if (dateFormat == "YYYY.MM.DD") {
+ formattedDate = year + "." + month + "." + day
+ }
+ else if (dateFormat == "DD.MM.YYYY") {
+ formattedDate = day + "." + month + "." + year
+ }
+ else if (dateFormat == "MM.DD.YYYY") {
+ formattedDate = month + "." + day + "." + year
+ }
+ if (date.length < 11) {
+ return formattedDate
+ }
+ const time = date.slice(11,16)
+ const timeZone = date.slice(19)
+ return formattedDate + " at " + time + " (UTC" + (timeZone == "Z" ? "": timeZone) + ")"
* Takes an intended frequency in minutes and adjusts it to be the closest
* acceptable value to use Google "everyMinutes" trigger setting (i.e. one of
@@ -12,15 +63,20 @@ function getValidTriggerFrequency(origFrequency) {
return 15;
- var adjFrequency = Math.round(origFrequency/5) * 5; // Set the number to be the closest divisible-by-5
- adjFrequency = Math.max(adjFrequency, 1); // Make sure the number is at least 1 (0 is not valid for the trigger)
- adjFrequency = Math.min(adjFrequency, 15); // Make sure the number is at most 15 (will check for the 30 value below)
+ // Limit the original frequency to 1440
+ origFrequency = Math.min(origFrequency, 1440);
- if((adjFrequency == 15) && (Math.abs(origFrequency-30) < Math.abs(origFrequency-15)))
- adjFrequency = 30; // If we adjusted to 15, but the original number is actually closer to 30, set it to 30 instead
+ var acceptableValues = [5, 10, 15, 30].concat(
+ Array.from({ length: 24 }, (_, i) => (i + 1) * 60)
+ ); // [5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, ..., 1440]
- Logger.log("Intended frequency = "+origFrequency+", Adjusted frequency = "+adjFrequency);
- return adjFrequency;
+ // Find the smallest acceptable value greater than or equal to the original frequency
+ var roundedUpValue = acceptableValues.find(value => value >= origFrequency);
+ Logger.log(
+ "Intended frequency = " + origFrequency + ", Adjusted frequency = " + roundedUpValue
+ );
+ return roundedUpValue;
String.prototype.includes = function(phrase){
@@ -76,26 +132,39 @@ function fetchSourceCalendars(sourceCalendarURLs){
for (var source of sourceCalendarURLs){
var url = source[0].replace("webcal://", "https://");
var colorId = source[1];
callWithBackoff(function() {
var urlResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { 'validateHttpsCertificates' : false, 'muteHttpExceptions' : true });
if (urlResponse.getResponseCode() == 200){
- var urlContent = RegExp("(BEGIN:VCALENDAR.*?END:VCALENDAR)", "s").exec(urlResponse.getContentText());
- if(urlContent == null){
- Logger.log("[ERROR] Incorrect ics/ical URL: " + url);
- return;
- }
- else{
- result.push([urlContent[0], colorId]);
- return;
+ var icsContent = urlResponse.getContentText()
+ const icsRegex = RegExp("(BEGIN:VCALENDAR.*?END:VCALENDAR)", "s")
+ var urlContent = icsRegex.exec(icsContent);
+ if (urlContent == null){
+ // Microsoft Outlook has a bug that sometimes results in incorrectly formatted ics files. This tries to fix that problem.
+ // Add END:VEVENT for every BEGIN:VEVENT that's missing it
+ const veventRegex = /BEGIN:VEVENT(?:(?!END:VEVENT).)*?(?=.BEGIN|.END:VCALENDAR|$)/sg;
+ icsContent = icsContent.replace(veventRegex, (match) => match + "\nEND:VEVENT");
+ // Add END:VCALENDAR if missing
+ if (!icsContent.endsWith("END:VCALENDAR")){
+ icsContent += "\nEND:VCALENDAR";
+ }
+ urlContent = icsRegex.exec(icsContent)
+ if (urlContent == null){
+ Logger.log("[ERROR] Incorrect ics/ical URL: " + url)
+ return
+ }
+ Logger.log("[WARNING] Microsoft is incorrectly formatting ics/ical at: " + url)
+ result.push([urlContent[0], colorId]);
+ return;
else{ //Throw here to make callWithBackoff run again
- throw "Error: Encountered HTTP error " + urlResponse.getResponseCode() + " when accessing " + url;
+ throw "Error: Encountered HTTP error " + urlResponse.getResponseCode() + " when accessing " + url;
}, defaultMaxRetries);
return result;
@@ -173,7 +242,7 @@ function parseResponses(responses){
- //No need to process calcelled events as they will be added to gcal's trash anyway
+ //No need to process cancelled events as they will be added to gcal's trash anyway
result = result.filter(function(event){
return (event.getFirstPropertyValue('status').toString().toLowerCase() != "cancelled");
@@ -187,10 +256,21 @@ function parseResponses(responses){
event.updatePropertyWithValue('uid', Utilities.computeDigest(Utilities.DigestAlgorithm.MD5, event.toString()).toString());
- var recID = new ICAL.Time.fromString(event.getFirstPropertyValue('recurrence-id').toString(), event.getFirstProperty('recurrence-id'));
- var recUTC = recID.convertToZone(ICAL.TimezoneService.get('UTC')).toString();
- icsEventsIds.push(event.getFirstPropertyValue('uid').toString() + "_" + recUTC);
+ let recID = new ICAL.Time.fromString(event.getFirstPropertyValue('recurrence-id').toString(), event.getFirstProperty('recurrence-id'));
+ if (event.getFirstProperty('recurrence-id').getParameter('tzid')){
+ let recUTCOffset = 0;
+ let tz = event.getFirstProperty('recurrence-id').getParameter('tzid').toString();
+ if (tz in tzidreplace){
+ tz = tzidreplace[tz];
+ }
+ let jsTime = new Date();
+ let utcTime = new Date(Utilities.formatDate(jsTime, "Etc/GMT", "HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy"));
+ let tgtTime = new Date(Utilities.formatDate(jsTime, tz, "HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy"));
+ recUTCOffset = (tgtTime - utcTime)/-1000;
+ recID = recID.adjust(0,0,0,recUTCOffset).toString() + "Z";
+ event.updatePropertyWithValue('recurrence-id', recID);
+ }
+ icsEventsIds.push(event.getFirstPropertyValue('uid').toString() + "_" + recID);
@@ -206,9 +286,9 @@ function parseResponses(responses){
* @param {ICAL.Component} event - The event to process
* @param {string} calendarTz - The timezone of the target calendar
-function processEvent(event, calendarTz){
+ function processEvent(event, calendarTz, targetCalendarId, sourceCalendarName){
//------------------------ Create the event object ------------------------
- var newEvent = createEvent(event, calendarTz);
+ var newEvent = createEvent(event, calendarTz, sourceCalendarName);
if (newEvent == null)
@@ -226,12 +306,13 @@ function processEvent(event, calendarTz){
//------------------------ Send event object to gcal ------------------------
if (needsUpdate){
if (modifyExistingEvents){
+ oldEvent = calendarEvents[index]
Logger.log("Updating existing event " + newEvent.extendedProperties.private["id"]);
newEvent = callWithBackoff(function(){
return Calendar.Events.update(newEvent, targetCalendarId, calendarEvents[index].id);
}, defaultMaxRetries);
if (newEvent != null && emailSummary){
- modifiedEvents.push([[newEvent.summary, newEvent.start.date||newEvent.start.dateTime], targetCalendarName]);
+ modifiedEvents.push([[oldEvent.summary, newEvent.summary, oldEvent.start.date||oldEvent.start.dateTime, newEvent.start.date||newEvent.start.dateTime, oldEvent.end.date||oldEvent.end.dateTime, newEvent.end.date||newEvent.end.dateTime, oldEvent.location, newEvent.location, oldEvent.description, newEvent.description], targetCalendarName]);
@@ -242,7 +323,7 @@ function processEvent(event, calendarTz){
return Calendar.Events.insert(newEvent, targetCalendarId);
}, defaultMaxRetries);
if (newEvent != null && emailSummary){
- addedEvents.push([[newEvent.summary, newEvent.start.date||newEvent.start.dateTime], targetCalendarName]);
+ addedEvents.push([[newEvent.summary, newEvent.start.date||newEvent.start.dateTime, newEvent.end.date||newEvent.end.dateTime, newEvent.location, newEvent.description], targetCalendarName]);
@@ -260,7 +341,7 @@ function processEvent(event, calendarTz){
* @param {string} calendarTz - The timezone of the target calendar
* @return {?Calendar.Event} The Calendar.Event that will be added to the target calendar
-function createEvent(event, calendarTz){
+function createEvent(event, calendarTz, sourceCalendarName){
var icalEvent = new ICAL.Event(event, {strictExceptions: true});
if (onlyFutureEvents && checkSkipEvent(event, icalEvent)){
@@ -376,10 +457,8 @@ function createEvent(event, calendarTz){
if (addCalToTitle && event.hasProperty('parentCal')){
- var calName = event.getFirstPropertyValue('parentCal');
- newEvent.summary = "(" + calName + ") " + newEvent.summary;
+ newEvent.summary = newEvent.summary + " (" + sourceCalendarName + ")";
if (event.hasProperty('description'))
newEvent.description = icalEvent.description;
@@ -464,16 +543,20 @@ function createEvent(event, calendarTz){
newEvent.recurrence = parseRecurrenceRule(event, calendarUTCOffset);
- newEvent.extendedProperties = { private: { MD5 : digest, fromGAS : "true", id : icalEvent.uid } };
+ newEvent.extendedProperties = { private: { MD5 : digest, fromGAS : sourceCalendarName, id : icalEvent.uid } };
if (event.hasProperty('recurrence-id')){
- var recID = new ICAL.Time.fromString(event.getFirstPropertyValue('recurrence-id').toString(), event.getFirstProperty('recurrence-id'));
- newEvent.recurringEventId = recID.convertToZone(ICAL.TimezoneService.get('UTC')).toString();
+ newEvent.recurringEventId = event.getFirstPropertyValue('recurrence-id').toString();
newEvent.extendedProperties.private['rec-id'] = newEvent.extendedProperties.private['id'] + "_" + newEvent.recurringEventId;
if (event.hasProperty('color')){
- newEvent.colorId = event.getFirstPropertyValue('color').toString();
+ let colorID = event.getFirstPropertyValue('color').toString();
+ if (Object.keys(CalendarApp.EventColor).includes(colorID)){
+ newEvent.colorId = CalendarApp.EventColor[colorID];
+ }else if(Object.values(CalendarApp.EventColor).includes(colorID)){
+ newEvent.colorId = colorID;
+ }; //else unsupported value
return newEvent;
@@ -532,10 +615,19 @@ function checkSkipEvent(event, icalEvent){
var exDates = event.getAllProperties('exdate');
- var ex = new ICAL.Time.fromString(e.getFirstValue().toString());
- if (ex < newStartDate){
+ var values = e.getValues();
+ values = values.filter(function(value){
+ return (new ICAL.Time.fromString(value.toString()) > newStartDate);
+ });
+ if (values.length == 0){
+ else if(values.length == 1){
+ e.setValue(values[0]);
+ }
+ else if(values.length > 1){
+ e.setValues(values);
+ }
var rdates = event.getAllProperties('rdate');
@@ -604,7 +696,7 @@ function processEventInstance(recEvent){
var eventInstanceToPatch = callWithBackoff(function(){
return Calendar.Events.list(targetCalendarId,
{ singleEvents : true,
- privateExtendedProperty : "fromGAS=true",
+ privateExtendedProperty : 'fromGAS=' + sourceCalendarName,
privateExtendedProperty : "rec-id=" + recEvent.extendedProperties.private["id"] + "_" + recEvent.recurringEventId
}, defaultMaxRetries);
@@ -622,23 +714,27 @@ function processEventInstance(recEvent){
orderBy : "startTime",
maxResults: 1,
timeMin : recEvent.recurringEventId,
- privateExtendedProperty : "fromGAS=true",
+ privateExtendedProperty : 'fromGAS=' + sourceCalendarName,
privateExtendedProperty : "id=" + recEvent.extendedProperties.private["id"]
}, defaultMaxRetries);
if (eventInstanceToPatch !== null && eventInstanceToPatch.length == 1){
- Logger.log("Updating existing event instance");
- callWithBackoff(function(){
- Calendar.Events.update(recEvent, targetCalendarId, eventInstanceToPatch[0].id);
- }, defaultMaxRetries);
+ if (modifyExistingEvents){
+ Logger.log("Updating existing event instance");
+ callWithBackoff(function(){
+ Calendar.Events.update(recEvent, targetCalendarId, eventInstanceToPatch[0].id);
+ }, defaultMaxRetries);
+ }
- Logger.log("No Instance matched, adding as new event!");
- callWithBackoff(function(){
- Calendar.Events.insert(recEvent, targetCalendarId);
- }, defaultMaxRetries);
+ if (addEventsToCalendar){
+ Logger.log("No Instance matched, adding as new event!");
+ callWithBackoff(function(){
+ Calendar.Events.insert(recEvent, targetCalendarId);
+ }, defaultMaxRetries);
+ }
@@ -646,7 +742,7 @@ function processEventInstance(recEvent){
* Deletes all events from the target calendar that no longer exist in the source calendars.
* If onlyFutureEvents is set to true, events that have taken place since the last sync are also removed.
-function processEventCleanup(){
+function processEventCleanup(sourceURL){
for (var i = 0; i < calendarEvents.length; i++){
var currentID = calendarEventsIds[i];
var feedIndex = icsEventsIds.indexOf(currentID);
@@ -666,7 +762,7 @@ function processEventCleanup(){
}, defaultMaxRetries);
if (emailSummary){
- removedEvents.push([[calendarEvents[i].summary, calendarEvents[i].start.date||calendarEvents[i].start.dateTime], targetCalendarName]);
+ removedEvents.push([[calendarEvents[i].summary, calendarEvents[i].start.date||calendarEvents[i].start.dateTime, calendarEvents[i].end.date||calendarEvents[i].end.dateTime, calendarEvents[i].location, calendarEvents[i].description], targetCalendarName]);
@@ -884,7 +980,7 @@ function sendSummary() {
var subject;
var body;
- var subject = `GAS-ICS-Sync Execution Summary: ${addedEvents.length} new, ${modifiedEvents.length} modified, ${removedEvents.length} deleted`;
+ var subject = `${customEmailSubject ? customEmailSubject : "GAS-ICS-Sync Execution Summary"}: ${addedEvents.length} new, ${modifiedEvents.length} modified, ${removedEvents.length} deleted`;
addedEvents = condenseCalendarMap(addedEvents);
modifiedEvents = condenseCalendarMap(modifiedEvents);
removedEvents = condenseCalendarMap(removedEvents);
@@ -893,7 +989,13 @@ function sendSummary() {
for (var tgtCal of addedEvents){
body += `
${tgtCal[0]}: ${tgtCal[1].length} added events