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- Curl
curl -s -H "api-key: YOURAPIKEY" https://api.scripture.api.bible/v1/bibles/a6aee10bb058511c-02/verses/JHN.3.16\?fums-version\=3
- Raw
GET /v1/bibles/a6aee10bb058511c-02/verses/JHN.3.16?fums-version=3 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.scripture.api.bible
- Success
"data": {
"id": "JHN.3.16",
"orgId": "JHN.3.16",
"bookId": "JHN",
"chapterId": "JHN.3",
"bibleId": "a6aee10bb058511c-02",
"reference": "John 3:16",
"content": "<p class=\"s1\">God So Loved the World</p><p class=\"p\"><span data-number=\"16\" class=\"v\">16</span>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. </p>",
"verseCount": 1,
"copyright": "King James Version 1611, spelling, punctuation and text formatting modernized by ABS in 1962; typesetting © 2010 American Bible Society.",
"next": {
"id": "JHN.3.17",
"number": "17"
"previous": {
"id": "JHN.3.15",
"number": "15"
"meta": {
"fumsToken": "G0wBgBwHbqxlyoOgvZ6lYyp_uvBQFmocvykgSJauvtB528beKuJyHB2OZq8VtIOgO2u2mhHYxiiJ0fzDzeUfz9sB8C_21Fze_TRNl0um2YxiicxzS-KVgtSu1xk5dZwAzX8QIoPp5dJdgAPVxKnEmlM0oCDhj8lYMUM4wCkvEQPBBjxyYVksCbunKC0UV2oZA7Z3ufLztgQ1fftYcvRhYtohRHILNlg9j_ezKk416zSv2p8WcWlDyWTLYjq3S50XSiuaLapg"
- Error
"message":"missing key"