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Obstacle-Avoidance Robot using rosserial_python, Arduino, and Ultrasonic Sensor


This project focuses on building an obstacle-avoidance robot using Arduino UNO, Ultrasonic Sensor, and rosserial_python for ROS integration. The robot is designed to navigate autonomously in its environment while avoiding obstacles.


  • Arduino UNO
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
  • SG90 Micro Servo Motor
  • L289N Motor Driver
  • 12V DC Motors
  • Li-ion Cells
  • Breadboard

Installation and Setup

  1. Install the necessary libraries for Arduino:

    • Servo.h
    • ros.h
    • std_msgs/Int8.h
  2. Connect the hardware components as per the provided circuit diagram.

  3. Upload the provided Arduino code to the Arduino UNO board.

  4. Install rosserial_python for ROS integration.


  1. Power on the Arduino-powered robot.

  2. Ensure that the ROS environment is set up and running.

  3. Run the rosserial_python node to establish communication between Arduino and ROS.

  4. Monitor the published data using rostopic echo chatter to observe the distance readings.

  5. Test the robot in an environment with obstacles to observe its obstacle-avoidance behavior.