This package (PyTorch-based) currently contains
- classification metrics, especially also metrics for assessing the quality of probabilistic predictions, and
- post-hoc calibration methods, especially a fast and accurate implementation of temperature scaling.
It accompanies our paper Rethinking Early Stopping: Refine, Then Calibrate. Please cite our paper if you use this repository for research purposes. The experiments from the paper can be found here: vision, tabular, theory.
Probmetrics is available via
pip install probmetrics
To obtain all functionality, install probmetrics[extra,dev,dirichletcal]
- extra installs more packages for smooth ECE, Venn-Abers calibration, centered isotonic regression, the temperature scaling implementation in NetCal.
- dev installs more packages for development (esp. documentation)
- dirichletcal installs Dirichlet calibration, which however only works for Python 3.12 upwards.
We provide a highly efficient implementation of temperature scaling that, unlike some other implementations, does not suffer from optimization issues.
from probmetrics.calibrators import get_calibrator
import numpy as np
probas = np.asarray([[0.1, 0.9]])
labels = np.asarray([1])
# this is the version with Laplace smoothing,
# use 'temp-scaling' for the version without
calib = get_calibrator('temp-scaling', calibrate_with_mixture=True)
# other option: calib = MixtureCalibrator(TemperatureScalingCalibrator())
# there is also a fit_torch / predict_proba_torch interface, labels)
calibrated_probas = calib.predict_proba(probas)
# -------- alternatively, using torch tensors (GPU support) ------------
The PyTorch version can be used directly with GPU tensors, but this can actually be slower than CPU for smaller validation sets (around 1K-10K samples).
from probmetrics.distributions import CategoricalProbs
from probmetrics.calibrators import get_calibrator
import torch
probas = torch.as_tensor([[0.1, 0.9]])
labels = torch.as_tensor([1])
calib = get_calibrator('ts-mix')
# if you have logits, you can use CategoricalLogits instead
calib.fit_torch(CategoricalProbs(probas), labels)
We provide estimators for refinement error (loss after post-hoc calibration) and calibration error (loss improvement through post-hoc calibration). They can be used as follows:
import torch
from probmetrics.metrics import Metrics
# compute multiple metrics at once
# this is more efficient than computing them individually
metrics = Metrics.from_names(['logloss',
y_true = torch.tensor(...)
y_logits = torch.tensor(...)
results = metrics.compute_all_from_labels_logits(y_true, y_logits)
In general, while some metrics can be flexibly configured using the corresponding classes, many metrics are available through their name. Here are some relevant classification metrics:
from probmetrics.metrics import Metrics
metrics = Metrics.from_names([
'brier', # for binary, this is 2x the brier from sklearn
'accuracy', 'class-error',
'auroc-ovr', # one-vs-rest
'auroc-ovo-sklearn', # one-vs-one (can be slow!)
# calibration metrics
'ece-15', 'rmsce-15', 'mce-15', 'smece'
The following function returns a list of all metric names:
from probmetrics.metrics import Metrics, MetricType
While there are some classes for regression metrics, they are not implemented.