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Anders Jenbo edited this page Mar 20, 2021 · 7 revisions


We have set up a .clang-format definition that should be used for automatically formatting the code to the project code style. The formatting is based on WebKit-code style, with some adjustments to better fit what has been found to be the original code style. Note that we only follow the formatting part of the WebKit style (i.e. everything clang-format automatically cleans up).

To avoid uninitialized variables local variable declarations should happen at the first statment. See the example below:


int f() {
	int x = 5;
	return x;


int f() {
	int x;

	x = 5;
	return x;

Data types

In general, you should use SDL or C++ types.

Some globals and parameters are using a hungarian notation specifying the type. The ones we've identified for now are the following:

Uint8 bLen;
bool isEnabled;
Uint16 wLen;
Uint32 dwLen;
size_t nLen;
static bool sgbSomeFlag;
static Uint32 sgdwSomeDword;


true/false should be used in any case as boolean literals.

Unsigned integers

  • Use Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, size_t, or Uint64

Signed integers

Avoid char as it can be signed or unsigned depending on the platform, use Sint8 unless it's a C-string.

Use Sint8, Sint16, Sint32, Sint64



Null-pointers should use nullptr instead of 0 to stand out more between numeric values.

Increments and decrements

  • Avoid all increments/decrements used as expressions and try to write the code to include them as statements unless it'd contradict with other information we have (like all local variable names).


    foo[++count] = 0;


    foo[count] = 0;
  • Avoid pre-increments/-decrements whenever possible. The default should be foo++/foo--.

Conditions/checks (esp. zero/falsy checks)

  • Booleans: Use the expression itself: if (!condition)
  • Pointers: Use explicit comparisons with nullptr: if (ptr == nullptr)
  • Integers: Use explicit comparisons with 0: if (count == 0)

Reasoning: Comparing with the literals of the right type makes the intent of the check clearer in many cases.


  • Use Doxygen style for documentation of the code
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