A maven plugin for replacing saga-maven-plugin, as it does not generate the correct coverage anymore when used with the jasmine-maven-plugin.
It's powered by JSCover project.
See: http://searls.github.io/jasmine-maven-plugin/code-coverage.html : replace the plugin block for saga-maven-plugin with:
<jsSrcDir>src/main/webapp/app</jsSrcDir><!-- mandatory for LCOV and COBERTURAXML -->
<generateXMLSUMMARY>true</generateXMLSUMMARY><!-- optional -->
<generateLCOV>true</generateLCOV><!-- optional -->
<generateCOBERTURAXML>true</generateCOBERTURAXML><!-- optional -->
<timeout>60</timeout> <!-- default 60 seconds -->
<!-- optionals:
--><!-- you can remove js code if it cause issues -->
for additional instrumentation configuration, use instead of "<noInstruments>":
you can also use: --no-instrument-reg= and --only-instrument-reg=