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standard-readme compliant

Facebook clone created using Ruby On Rails. Live Demo

Table of Contents


This project is our implementation of Facebook - the world's biggest social network.

We wanted to showcase our Ruby on Rails skills with this project. Soon, we intend to also incorporate React and NextJS to deal with the frontend (and server side rendering) while converting our backend to a simple API.

Minimum features

  1. User signup and signin (with Remember Me) and creation of Profile (with Profile picture uploading)
  2. Sending, Accepting, Cancelling and Deleting (Rejecting) Friend Requests
  3. Removing Friends
  4. Showing a user's friends and mutual friends with other users
  5. Newsfeed and Timeline
  6. Posting on the newsfeed, on one's own timeline and on a friend's timeline (allows image uploading)
  7. Editing and Deleting authored posts
  8. Commenting on posts or other comments
  9. Editing and deleting comments
  10. Liking and Unliking posts and comments
  11. Showing Like count


System Requirements

  • Ruby version of at least 2.5.3
  • Rails version of at least 5.2.3
  • PostgreSQL version 9 above

After cloning:

In Gemfile change ruby '2.6.3' to correspond to your system's ruby version. For rbenv users, run the command in the terminal: rbenv local <your system's ruby version>.

Run bundle update to install the latest version of the gems in the Gemfile.

Run in the terminal:

EDITOR="<your default code editor> --wait" rails credentials:edit

This will fire up a `XYZ.credentials.yml file. In this file edit the following:

  username: <your local postgreSQL username>
  password: <corresponding password>

  app_id: <your FB APP ID>
  app_secret: <your FB APP SECRET>

Then save and close this file. It will generate a master.key file.

Configure database by running rails db:setup -> creates the development and test databases and seeds the application.


Development Server

rails server

Then goto http:\\localhost:3000


Simply run



If using Heroku, make sure you have an existing heroku app for this or run:

heroku create <app name>

to create an app in Heroku and add heroku as a remote.

In Heroku app settings click on Reveal Config Vars then add the following fields (along with their values in your credentials):


Then in your local terminal run:

heroku run rails db:migrate && heroku run rails db:seed


@Ryan and @Dipto


Contact maintainers for contribution instructions.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


ryto © 2019 Ryan and Dipto