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SQKo edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 3 revisions

Invites are part of Channel.

use Discord\Parts\Channel\Invite;

An invite to a Channel and Guild.

Requires GUILD_INVITES intent



Create an Invite in the Channel

Your BOT must have create_instant_invite permission

You must first get the Channel object to use the code below

Create an $invite to $channel with topic 60 seconds expiry and 5 limits:

    // All options are optional
    'max_age' => 60, // 1 minute
    'max_uses' => 5, // 5 uses
    // more options in Docs
])->done(function (Invite $invite) {
    echo "Here is the invite link: {$invite->invite_url}";

Get Invites of a Channel

You must first get the Channel object to use the code below.

Get all $invites to $channel:

$channel->getInvites()->done(function (Collection $invites) {
    foreach ($invites as $invite) {
        // ...

Get a Specific Invite in a Guild

You must first get the Guild object to use the code below. Change abc123 below with the Invite code you want to retrieve

Cached, synchronous:

$invite = $guild->invites->get('code', 'abc123');

If the code above returns null, you may need to fetch it first (Promise, asynchronous):

$guild->invites->fetch('abc123')->done(function (Invite $invite) {
    // ...

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