- Config files on LittleFS / SD for T4.x
- Unipolar variant of SequenceX?
- T4.1 - expand to 8 channels: Piqued, Quadraturia, Captain MIDI
- Fully merge "abandoned/refactoring" branch from pld
- this is partially done on the dev/2.0 branch
- Auto-tuner with floor/ceiling detection (fail gracefully)
- generalized AppletParams for flexible assignment, extra virtual I/O
- MIDI Learn for anything
- Audio Applets for T4.1
- Integrate Calibr8or with DAC for global tracking adjustments
- Update Boilerplates - I just assume this needs attention
- MIDI looper applet!
- better Polyphonic MIDI input tracking
- MIDI output for all apps?
- Implement some MIDI SysEx commands, sheesh
- WebMIDI interface
- Two Spheres (two applets in series on each side)
- Snake Game
- Multipliers in DivSeq (maybe a separate applet)
- Runtime filtering/hiding of Applets
- Automatic stop for internal Clock
- global quantizer settings in Hemisphere Config
- Flexible input remapping for Hemisphere
- Move calibration routines to a proper App
- add swing/shuffle to internal clock
- applet with modal interchange - MultiScale or ScaleDuet
- Add auto-tuner to Calibr8or
- ProbMeloD - alternate melody on 2nd output
- Fix FLIP_180 calibration
- Add Clock Setup to Calibr8or
- Calibr8or screensaver
- Pull in Automatonnetz
- Sync-Start for internal Clock
- General Config screen (long-press right button)
- better MIDI input message delegation (event listeners?)
- import alternative grids_resources patterns for DrumMap2
- Add Root Note to DualTM