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executable file
115 lines (84 loc) · 4.67 KB


An alternative to java.util.Optional.


  • Allows instances to contain null (map is fully monadic)
  • Provides initialization methods for both possible null-handling behaviors (maybe and someNullable)
  • Instances are serializable
  • Provides specialized instances for all eight primitive types
  • Primitive instances are cached for small values
  • Has some nice convenience methods not provided by Optional (matches for applying filter + isSome in one operation, and filterTo{Type} for applying filter type checking + map type casting in one operation)

Why not?

  • Uses byte code re-writing (enables using a single None instance for both primitive and reference types, and eliminates some ClassCastExceptions in bridged methods)
  • Optional is standard and probably good enough
  • Will probably be obsoleted by Valhalla

Usage & Examples

some and none

final var some = Option.some(true);
final var none = (BooleanOption) Option.<Boolean>none();
assert some.booleanOrElse(false) == true;
assert none.booleanOrElse(false) == false;


assert Option.some(0).mapInt(i -> i == 0 ? null : (Integer) i).get() == null;


final var some = Option.some(123);
assert some.filterToType(Object.class).orElse("ABC").equals(123);
assert some.filterToType(String.class).orElse("ABC").equals("ABC");


assert Option.some(1) == Option.some(1);

Interop with Optional

assert Option.some(123).toOptionalInt().getAsInt() == 123;
assert Option.from(Optional.of("ABC")).get().equals("ABC");

Comparison with Optional

Method Optional Option
initialize none empty none
initialize non-null -> some of some
initialize non-null/null -> some someNullable
initialize non-null/null -> some/none ofNullable maybe
check if value is present isPresent isSome
check if value is absent isEmpty isNone
action if present ifPresent ifSome
action if absent ifNone
action depending on if present/absent ifPresentOrElse ifSomeOrElse
test value matches
filter value filter filter
filter value type filterToType
map value map map
flat map value flatMap flatMap
'and' with option and
'and' with lazy option andGet
'or' with option or
'or' with lazy option or orGet
get value get get
get value or default value orElse orElse
get value or lazy default value orElseGet orElseGet
get value or throw orElseThrow orElseThrow
get value stream stream stream

Q & A

What is the difference between maybe and someNullable?

some(value) returns Some[value] if value is not null; otherwise, throws NullPointerException.

maybe(value) returns Some[value] if value is not null; otherwise, returns None.

someNullable(value) returns Some[value] if value is not null; otherwise, returns Some[null].

What is the difference between Option<Boolean> and BooleanOption?

(Applies similarly to other primitive specializations)

Option<Boolean> can be one of four instances: Some[true], Some[false], Some[null], or None.

BooleanOption can be one of three instances: Some[true], Some[false], or None.

filterToBoolean can be used to convert an Option<Boolean> to a BooleanOption. Some[null] will be mapped to None.

BooleanOption can be cast directly to Option<Boolean>.

Any gotchas?

Calling toOptional on Some[null] will throw a NullPointerException because Optional doesn't allow instances to contain null. If desired, use filterToObject to indicate explicitly that Some[null] should be mapped to None before calling toOptional.