Pleco is a complete fishtank controller, intended to be run on a RaspberryPI, with a relay board connected. With that hardware, it's possible to turn on and off any AC equipment (such as lights, water pumps, etc).
- Simple appliances (100V-220V) on/off using relay controller board
- Schedule on/off for lights, water pumps, etc
- Raspberry PI (any model should be compatible)
- Relay board
To install, SSH into your Raspberry PI, and run:
git clone
cd pleco
pip install -r requirements.txt
For now, pleco is just a CLI script for turning on and off electrical (AC) stuff.
Each electrical appliance should be conected to a port in the relay board. Each port should be asociated to a Raspberry PI GPIO pin.
To turn a port on use the script as follows:
./ --port=1 --on
To turn a port off simply use the script as follows:
./ --port=1 --off
It is possible to use Cron to schedule on/off actions:
root@raspecera:/etc/cron.d# cat light_controller
# Main Lights
0 08 * * * root /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/ --port=4 --on
0 20 * * * root /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/ --port=4 --off
For additional help with Cron syntax use
GNU General Public License v3.0
See LICENSE to see the full text.
- Initial commit
- Add basic doc
- License GPLv3
- Complete repository reorganization
- Split code into modules
- Flask API to interact with the relay module
- Simple Js GUI to interat with API
- Testing!
- CI with TravisCI
- Electronic schematics