#Using rack-mini-profiler
to track memory leaks
My application has a memory leap. I've tried identifing the source of the leak by deactivating features of the application but did not managed to find where the problem was coming from.
And then I discovered the ruby-mini-profiler
gem that gives a lot of insights on the memory.
##Installing the gem
# add this to Gemfile
# in my case the dev environment is an environment identical to the production one (but used to test branches under development)
group :dev, :development do
# source https://www.nateberkopec.com/2015/08/05/rack-mini-profiler-the-secret-weapon.html
gem 'rack-mini-profiler'
gem 'flamegraph'
gem 'stackprof' # ruby 2.1+ only
gem 'memory_profiler'
According to one of the articles in the sources it's best to disable https. In my case that meant I needed to change FORCE_SSL
value for '1'
to '0'
and also tell the browser to forget about the STS settings.
We also need to authorize the gem in order to be used. For simplicity I decided to make it available to all user :
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
before_action do
Rack::MiniProfiler.authorize_request if Rails.env.dev? || Rails.env.development?
The gem requires storage. For simplicity reasons I decided to use the memory (but you can also use redis or filestorage).
# config/initializers/rack_mini_profiler.rb
if Rails.env.dev? || Rails.env.development?
(Rack::MiniProfiler.config.storage = Rack::MiniProfiler::MemoryStore) if Rails.env.dev? || Rails.env.development?
Now you can access the miniprofiler page by adding ?pp=help
to the end of the url. Most useful features for debugging memory issues are:
- profile-gc
- profile-memory
- analyze-memory