This subdirectory contains input data used by the pipeline. Genbank file having features to parse with alignparse. Has H5 HA marked as gene (the gene of interest) and barcode site annotated.
PacBio_feature_parse_specs.yaml: How to parse the PacBio amplicon using alignparse.
PacBio_runs.csv: List of PacBio CCS FASTQs used to link barcodes to variants. It must have the following columns:
: name of the libraryrun
: name of the sequencing run, must be uniquefastq
: FASTQ file from running CCS
site_numbering_map.csv: Maps several different numbering shcemes for HA. Columns in the spreadsheet include: sequential_site (sequential numbering of H5 HA 1,2,3...), reference_site (H3 reference numbering applied to H5 HA), reference_H1_site (H1 numbering applied to H5 HA), mature_H5_site (H5 HA sequential numbering starting after signal peptide), HA1_HA2_H5_site (Sequential H5 HA HA1 and HA2 ), region (assigns each site to a region of the protein).
data/mutation_design_classification.csv classifies mutations into the different categories of designed mutations. Has columns sequential_site, amino_acid, and mutation_type.
neutralization_standard_barcodes.csv barcodes for the neutralization standards. Has columns barcode and name, giving the barcode and name of this neutralization standard set.
barcode_runs.csv contains all samples and paths to sequencing files. It has the following format:
: sample namelibrary
: name of librarydate
: date of sequencingfastq_R1
: path to one more FASTQ R1 sequencing files, multiple files should be semicolon-delimited
func_effects_config.yml has the configuration for analyzing functional effects of mutations. The format is explained within the file.
antibody_escape_config.yml has the configuration for analyzing escape from antibodies, stability treatment, etc.
summary_config.yml has the configuration for making summaries across assays.