This subdirectory contains input data used by custom analyses jupyter notebooks and supplemental data for paper
- File for setting custom altair themes, used by most notebooks for plotting
- File for setting custom altair themes, used by notebooks to make heatmaps
- File for setting custom altair themes, used by notebooks to make large interactive figures
- Supplemental data for paper
- ephrin_E2_E3_sequences.fasta Amino acid alignment of Human and Pteropus alecto EFNB2 and EFNB3
- Nipah_RBP_AA_align.fasta Alignment of Nipah RBP sequences downloaded from GenBank
- wild_type_seq.fasta wildtype sequence (non codon-optimized) of NiV-M RBP
- Nipah-B_MK673572.1.fasta wildtype sequence of NiV-B RBP
- country_genbank_ids.csv Country of origin of genbank sequences
- nipah_whole_genome_alignment.fasta Alignment of whole genome nipah sequences
- nipah_whole_genome_genbank_accession_ids.txt Accession IDs from genbank
- nipah_whole_genome_phylo.tre Phylogeny of whole genome nipah sequences inferred from IQ-TREE
/crystal_structures: PDB files of:
- 2vsm.pdb (Nipah RBP bound to Ephrin-B2)
- 3d12.pdb (Nipah RBP bound to Ephrin-B3)
- 6cmg.pdb (Hendra RBP bound to m102.3)
- 6vy4.pdb (Hendra RBP bound to HENV-32)
- 6vy5.pdb (Nipah RBP bound to HENV-26)
- 7txz.pdb (Partial Nipah RBP bound to nAH1.3)
/experimental_data: Raw experimental data of relative light units (RLUs) or fraction infectivity neutralization experiments. Also includes mAb, binding, and cell entry validation data. More information in readme in directory