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ARM32 assembly


Simple branching is done with the b instruction. The syntax is

b{cond} label

where {cond} is an optional condition code. If {cond} is omitted, the branch is unconditional.

Examples of condition codes include eq and ne, which branch to label if the Z flag is set or clear, respectively. See the documentation for a complete list of condition codes.

We need to specify whether an instruction should set the flags or not. Most instructions, e.g. add and sub, do not set the flag, but adding the suffix s makes them set the flag.

For instance, the instructions

subs r1, r1, 1
beq zero

thus subtract 1 from r1 and branches to the label zero if the result is zero.

The instruction cmp may also be useful for comparing values.

Function calls

Calling conventions

Recall that by the calling conventions for ARM32, the callee must save the contents of some of the registers, namely r4-r8, r10, r11 (i.e. fp) and r12 (i.e. sp), and maybe also r9. Note that this means that the caller must save the register r14 (i.e. lr)

Simple function calls

Strictly speaking there is no such thing as functions in ARM (just as there are not loops, arrays, etc.). The usual way to implement function-like constructs in ARM, and in assembly in general, is simply to place a label, say function, at the first instruction in the body of the function. To call the function we jump to this label.

We immediately run into several issues: First of all, how do we know where to return to? Before we call the function (i.e. jump to the function label) we must save the address of where the function will return to, i.e. the address just beyond the one stored by the program counter pc. We do this in the r14 register, which is known as the 'link register' and thus has the alias lr. That is, before we call the function we save pc in lr:

mov lr, pc
b function
<to be executed after returning>

Notice that this only works because pc (for historical reasons) turns out to contain the address of the instruction after the next one to be executed. The next instruction is b function, and the one after that is the one we wish to execute once the function returns.

We obviously don't want to remember this fact about pc. Instead we use the bl ('branch and link') instruction, which saves the correct return address in lr and branches to a label:

bl function
<to be executed after returning>

To return to the caller, we simply copy the content of lr back into pc:

mov pc, lr

(Notice the symmetry between calling a function and returning from a function.) Again there is a simpler method provided by the bx ('branch and exchange') instruction. The x ('exchange') has to do with switching between ARM and Thumb instructions, but this is not relevant to us here. The bx instruction, as opposed to e.g. b, lets us (unconditionally) branch to an address contained in a register instead of a label:

bx lr

In total, we call a function with the instruction bl function, and return with the instruction bx lr.

Using callee-saved registers

If the callee wishes to use callee-saved registers (see above), their values must somehow be preserved and restored before returning. This usually cannot be done by using the other registers but must be done by register spilling (i.e. saving them to memory). The usual way of doing this is to push the registers to the call stack at the beginning of the function call, and then pop them before returning. This works first of all because the stack pointer is callee-saved, so it is preserved by function calls, and secondly because a function (again by convention) does not modify the values already on the stack when the function is called.

ARM (in ARM mode as opposed to in Thumb mode) does not include explicit push and pop instructions, though pseudo-instructions push and pop do exist. Instead we use the instructions stmdb and ldmia, which stand for 'store multiple, decrement before' and 'load multiple, increment after'. In fact, I personally prefer the pseudo-instructions stmfd and ldmfd, where fd in both cases stands for 'full descending', referring to the fact that ARM's call stack is a full descending stack (i.e. it grows downwards, and the stack pointer points to the lowest element as opposed to the address just beyond the lowest element). But any combination of stmdb/stmfd/push and ldmia/ldmfd/pop will work. We thus do something like:

stmdb sp!, {<registers>}
<function body>
ldmia sp!, {<registers>}
bx lr

Note that the syntax using push/pop is slightly different, in that the stack pointer is updated automatically:

push {<registers>}
<function body>
pop {<registers>}
bx lr

Here <registers> is a comma-separated list of registers. The syntax stmdb sp!, {<registers>} means the following: The register sp is the base register containing the address at which the contents of the registers should be stored. The exclamation mark ! means that the value of sp will be overwritten by the instruction. Finally, {<registers>} denotes the registers to be saved. The registers are stored in sequence such that registers with lower numbers are stored at lower memory addresses. Since the stack is descending, this means that the above instruction is essentially equivalent to pushing the elements of registers in reverse order.

Nested function calls

The above is sufficient if functions never call other functions. But if a function f1 calls another function f2, then the above does not quite work: For when f1 calls f2 it saves the return address in lr, overwriting the location to which it should jump when it itself returns. Thus we need to save lr before calling f2 (indeed, recall from above that lr is caller-saved).

We can simply save lr on the stack. The function f1 will then look as follows:

stmdb sp!, {<registers>, lr}
<function body>
ldmia sp!, {<registers>, lr}
bx lr

Of course we omit saving any registers we do not need to save. In particular, if f1 calls another function but does not need to save any registers, we can simply do:

stmdb sp!, {lr}
<function body>
ldmia sp!, {lr}
bx lr

Stack frames

Finally, we also wish to store local variables on the stack. As above we rely on the fact that functions do not modify the stack, except by pushing elements and popping those same elements. Thus by decrementing (since the stack is descending) the stack pointer sp we may allocate memory in which to store local variables. Notice that if we, after saving lr and various callee-saved registers, decrement sp by $4n$, this allocates space for $n$ local variables with addresses sp, sp + 4, ..., sp + 4*n. Appropriately incrementing sp before returning then frees the memory again.

This is sufficient to store and use local variables on the stack. But since the stack may grow and shrink during the execution of the function, it is fairly tricky to use. Instead we store in r11 (i.e. fp) a so-called frame pointer, which points to somewhere at the base of the function's stack frame. It does not matter precisely where it points to, but it customarily points to the location at which the function's return address (i.e. the value of lr) is stored.

However, recall that r11 is a callee-saved register. Thus before overwriting fp, the old value must be stored somewhere. It is again immaterial precisely where it is stored as long as it is restored upon returning, but it is usually stored immediately below the return address (i.e. at address fp - 4, following the above convention).

In total, we obtain the following picture of the stack, from the point of view of the callee:

<caller's stack frame>
lr                          <- fp
<caller's fp>
<callee-saved register>
<callee-saved register>
<local variable>
<local variable>            <- sp
<non-allocated memory>

TODO: How to access non-local variables?

System calls

We will see system calls again later when we study operating systems in more detail. A system call is a function that asks the operating system for a particular service, like writing to or reading from a file, exiting a program, creating or removing directories, updating access permissions, and so on.

On the Linux manual page for the syscall function we can see the calling conventions for different kinds of architectures. The Raspberry Pi uses arm/EABI (to see this, consider the output of the readelf -h max command, so to perform a system call we use the instruction swi 0x0 (swi for 'SoftWare Interrupt'). Note that swi is equivalent to the instruction svc (for 'SuperVisor Call') used by the Unified Assembler Language (UAL). The table also indicates which register should be used to specify the system call (which on arm/EABI is r7), and which registers receive return values or error values.

Looking at a list of system calls, we see that the code for the write system call is 0x04, and that the code for the exit system call is 0x01. The table also specifies in which registers arguments to the system call should be placed. For instance, the arguments to write should be placed in registers r0, r1 and r2.

Furthermore, looking at the manual page for the write system call, we see what each argument does: The first argument fd is a file descriptor. On Linux many things are modelled using files, for instance standard I/O. Hence the standard output also gets a file descriptor, and it is always given the descriptor 1. The argument buf is a pointer to the string to be printed, and count is the size of the string.

Similarly, the exit system call takes exactly one argument to be placed in r0, namely the exit code (which is usually 0 when no error has occurred, and something else when an error has in fact occurred, the code depending on the error).