Most wellknown domains are mostly uninteresting from an analysis perspective, yet the number of clients and queries are interesting for the understanding of a DNS queries baseline, making it possible to relate interesting events and changes to the overall state of the DNS environment.
# | Name | Spark type | Comment |
1 | Date | DatetimeType() | Date of histogram |
2 | Creator | StringType() | The resolver which is created the histogram |
3 | Label0 | StringType() | Top level label of domain name |
4 | Label1 | StringType() | Second label of domain name |
5 | Label2 | StringType() | Third label of domain name |
6 | Label3 | StringType() | Fourth label of domain name |
7 | Label4 | StringType() | Fifth label of domain name |
8 | Label5 | StringType() | Sixth label of domain name |
9 | Label6 | StringType() | Seventh label of domain name |
10 | Label7 | StringType() | Eighth label of domain name |
11 | Label8 | StringType() | Ninth label of domain name |
12 | Label9 | StringType() | Tenth label of domain name |
13 | Hour | ByteType() | hour of the day when the query was sent |
14 | Minute | ByteType() | minute of the day when the query was sent |
15 | Tagstring | StringType() | General representation of tag string, attributes related to the domain name |
16 | Fqdn | StringType() | Fully qualified domain name |
17 | RFqdn | StringType() | Reversed fully qualified domain name |
18 | IdnFqdn | StringType() | Internationalized domain name |
19 | ACount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of A queries |
20 | AAAACount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of AAAA queries |
21 | MXCount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of MX queries |
22 | NSCount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of NS queries |
23 | OtherTypeCount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of other query types |
24 | NonINCount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of non-IN query class |
25 | OKCount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of successful queries |
26 | NXCount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of NXDOMAIN queries |
27 | FailCount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of failed queries |
28 | OtherRcodeCount | DecimalType(20,0) | Count of other return codes |
29 | Deltas | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Time deltas between values |
30 | OKPerClient | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Count of successful queries per client |
31 | NXPerClient | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Count of NXDOMAIN queries per client |
32 | FailPerClient | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Count of failed queries per client |
33 | OtherRcodePerClient | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Count of other return codes per client |
34 | OtherTypePerClient | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Count of other types per client |
35 | NonINPerClient | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Count of non-IN queries per client |
36 | v4Clients | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Count of v4 clients |
37 | v6Clients | ArrayType(IntegerType()) | Count of v6 clients |
38 | v4ClientsHLL | BinaryType() | Hyper Log Log sketch of IPv4 clients |
39 | v6ClientsHLL | BinaryType() | Hyper Log Log sketch of IPv6 clients |
40 | v4ClientsCount | IntegerType() | Total count of v4 clients |
41 | v6ClientsCount | IntegerType() | Total count of v6 clients |