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Bayesian model fitting and evidence calculation.

1. Introduction


We have a paper out in "Astronomy and Computing" about BayesicFitting. Kester and Mueller (2021) or find it directly here.

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the Bayesian ways to perform inference from data. If not, there are enough books on the market that explain what it is about. E.g. Sivia (2006), Bishop (2006), von der Linden (2014) and Jaynes (2003). The equations implemented in this toolbox can be found in Kester (2004).

The BayesicFitting toolbox can be used to fit data to a model and to find the model that fits the data best. The first goal is achieved by optimizing the parameters of the model in light of the data present. For the second goal the evidence is calculated, either as a Gaussian approximation, or in case of NestedSampler by integrating over the posterior.

Quick Start

The easiest way to get started with this package is to look into the examples directory at and find an example that looks like the problem to be solved.

To run the examples, find the examples directory or download it from github, and start a notebook in that directory by typing

jupyter notebook

Select the example in the list that appears in the browser. Copy and edit the example until it works on the problem at hand.


The toolbox contains over 100 classes. Each class forms an object that encapsulates several methods. The name of the class is a good indication of the functionality of the object it generates. E.g. PolynomialModel generates a Model object that yields a polynomial of a selected order, etc. Similarly there are collections of Fitters, ErrorDistributions, Priors and Engines.

Each class and all of its methods are fully documented, using document strings. See the Reference Manual.

The classes can be divided into 3 broad categories Models, Fitters and classes pertaining to the NestedSampler.

2. Imports

All classes must be imported with

from BayesicFitting import SomeClass

or of course with

from BayesicFitting import *

which imports all classes. In the remainder of this manual it is assumed that all necessary imports have been performed in the code listed.

3. Models

A model is a class that encapsulates a relation between independent variable, parameters and a dependent variable. The independent variable is called x (or xdata); de parameters are indicated as p (or pars, param or params) and the dependent variable is called y (or ydata). The relation between them is a mathematical function f.

  manualEquation-1 (1)

The result of the function together with its derivatives, parameter values, and other possibly usefull information is packed into the class.

Assuming that m is a Model, all following attributes and methods are defined.

np = m.npars                        # number of parameters in the model
p = m.parameters                    # list of parameters of the model
nd = m.ndim	                        # number of input dimensions in the model
r = m.result( xdata, pars )         # results of f(xdata:pars)
r = m( xdata )                      # short for m.result( xdata, p )
dfdp = m.partial( xdata, pars )     # partial derivative of f to p
dfdx = m.derivative( xdata, pars )  # derivative of f to x
name = m.__str__()                  # name of the model as a string
parname = m.parNames                # list of parameter names


Most Models are 1-dimensional i.e. they require a 1-dimensional input vector. Two- or more-dimensional models need 2 or more numbers for each result it produces. One could think of fitting maps or cubes. The results of any model is almost always a 1-dimensional vector, except when it is a multiple output model.

In general, models of different dimensionality cannot be combined into compound models.

Simple Models.

Simple models are objects that are created by invoking one model class.

m1 = PolynomialModel( 1 )
m2 = GaussModel()

Both m1 and m2 are simple models. The first assumes a linear relation between xdata and ydata.

  manualEquation-2 (2)

It has 2 parameters that can be optimized to fit the ydata.

The second model m2 encapsulates the function

  manualEquation-3 (3)

It has 3 parameters to be fitted.


Figure 1 shows 3 simple models: PolynomialModel (blue), GaussModel (red) and ArctanModel (green).

A simple model is a Model, i.e. all actions valid for Models can be done with simple models.

Fixed Models.

Upon construction of a simple model, the value(s) of one or more parameters can be fixed. Either with a constant value, turning the model into one with less parameters, or with another Model. In the latter case the parameter is changing as the Model. Results and derivatives are constructed from the interacting models.

A keyword argument, fixed=<dictionary>, is used to construct a fixed model. The dictionary consist of an integer key, indicating the parameter index, and a float value for fixing the parameter with a constant, or a Model value for replacing the parameter by the model. In the former case the fixed model has one parameter less than the original model. In the latter case, the parameters of the replacing model are appended to the parameters of the fixed model which also is one parameter less than the original.

m1 = PolynomialModel( 1, fixed={0:0.0} )	# line through origin
m2 = GaussModel()
m3 = ArctanModel( fixed={0:m2} )		# Gauss-modulated arctangus
# Build a series of models of increasing polynomial order.
pm1 = PolynomialModel( 1 )			# 1st order: p0 + p1 * x
pm2 = PolynomialModel( 1, fixed={1:pm1} )	# 2nd order: p0 + ( p1 + p2 * x ) * x
pm3 = PolynomialModel( 1, fixed={1:pm2} )	# 3rd order: p0 + ( p1 + ( p2 + p3 * x ) * x ) * x
# etc. But not as efficient as PolynomialModel( 3 )

See also the mrs-fringes example.


Figure 2 shows the 2 fixed models listed above: PolynomialModel (red) and ArctanModel (green).

Fixed models are non-linear, except when the model is linear and the parameters are fixed with constants.

A fixed model is a Model, i.e. all actions valid for Models can be done with fixed models.

Compound Models.

Models can be combined by various operations (+, -, *, /, |) into a new (compound) model. The 4 arithmetic operators do the obvious: they take the results of both models and apply the operation. The last operation is a pipe. It feeds the output of the first model, as input to the second model. For compound models the (partial) derivatives, (parameter) names etc are properly defined.

All operations are also available as assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, and |=.

Addition (+)

To construct a gaussian emission line on a linearly changing background:

m4 = PolynomialModel( 1 ) + GaussModel()

Subtraction (-)

To construct an absorption line with a voigt profile on a constant background:

m5 = PolynomialModel( 0 ) 
m5 -= VoigtModel()


Figure 3 shows examples of Compound Models using addition and subtraction.

Multiplication (*)

Using multiplication an alternative for m3 can be written as:

m6 = ArctanModel( fixed={0:1.0} ) * GaussModel() 

Note that without the fixed keyword in ArctanModel, m6 would be degenerate as both models have an amplitude parameter. By fixing one of them to 1.0 the model avoids degeneracy.

Division (/)

To construct the inverse of (p0 + p1 x2):

m7 = ConstantModel( values=1 ) / PolynomialModel( 2, fixed={1:0.0} )

The ConstantModel is a model without parameters that returns a constant value, in this case 1.0 for any value of x.


Figure 4 shows examples of Compound Models using multiplication and division.

Pipe (|)

A special operation that can be applied to two models is the pipe, indicated by |. It acts like the (unix) pipe: the result of the left-hand model is used as input of the right-hand model.

When m1, m2 and m3 are models implementing

  manualEquation-4 (4)


  manualEquation-5 (5)

The input of m2 is relacced by the result of m1. While in case of

  manualEquation-6 (6)

the m1 only influences m2, not m3. To influence both m2 and m3, brackets are needed.

  manualEquation-7 (7)

This is the only place where a 2-d model can be combined with a 1-d model as the output of a 2-d model is 1 dimensional. Or in general the output dimensionality of the left hand model must conform the input dimensionality of the right hand model.

In the FixedModels paragraph a gauss modulated arctan model was constructed. In that model the gauss and the arctan had its own x-shift parameter. Both parameters were set to the same value in Figure 2, making a balanced wave function.

To force them being the same, the x-shift parameters in both models are fixed to 0. Then x is shifted linearly and it is piped through the other models.

m10 = ArctanModel( fixed={0:1.0,1:0.0} ) * GaussModel( fixed={1:0.0} )
m11 = PolynomialModel( 1, fixed={1:1.0} ) | m10


Figure 5 shows examples of Compound Models with a pipe.

Compound models are Models and can be combined with other (compound) models into a new model. This way quite complicated models can be formed without worrying about internal consistency. See the gaussfit example.

Compound models are non-linear unless all its constituents are linear and its operations are additive.

A compound model ia a Model, i.e. all actions valid for Models can be done with compound models.


The models in a chain are processed, from left to right. There is no adherence to operation preferences. However, when a compound model is appended to a chain, the appended model is considered as a single unit. It gets a set of brackets around it. If m1, m2 and m3 are all models, then

m = m1 * m2
m += m3

is different from

m = m1
m *= m2 + m3

The first is processed as ( m1 * m2 ) + m3 while the second is processed as m1 * ( m2 + m3 ). The brackets are introduced implicitly. This feature was used in the piping example above. Explicit placement of brackets can be done as m = m1 * ( m2 + m3 ).


The ConstantModel returns the same (constant) result no matter what the input. The result can be a single value (0, 1 or whatever) or the result of another Model with known parameters or even a table. However, if a table is used, the table values are returned as result, irrespective of whatever the input was.

The ConstantModel has no parameters and strictly speaking, it can not be fitted. It states that the the data, except for the constant form, is mere noise. It might seem a useless class, but it can be interesting in model comparison. E.g. to decide whether some feature is present or not.

m1 = ConstantModel( value=1.5 )
m2 = ConstantModel( fixedModel=ExpModel( params=[1.0, -2.0] ) )


A CombiModel combines a number of repetitions of the same model, possibly with relations of same parameters.

gm = GaussModel()               # model to be repeated
ac = {1:[0,1.4,2.7,3.6]}        # add connection of par[1] (centers)
mc = {2:[1,1,1,1]}              # mul connection of par[2] (widths)
m12 = CombiModel( gm, nrepeat=4, addCombi=ac, mulCombi=mc )

In the example case above all gauss widths are the same and the lines have a fixed separation. The remaining parameters are [amp0, center, width, amp1, amp2, amp3].


Figure 6 shows example of a Combi Model.

See also the combifit example.

A Repeating Model is another way to define a repetition of the same model. The difference is that RepeatingModels can be dynamic.

Kernel Models

KernelModels encapsulate kernel functions into a model. A kernel function is a an even integrable function. It is bound if the function value is 0 everywhere except for a region around zero.

km1 = KernelModel()                     # default: Biweight
km2 = KernelModel( kernel=Cosine() )
km3 = KernelModel( kernel=Tophat( 0 ) )
km4 = KernelModel( kernel=Tophat( 1 ) )
km5 = KernelModel( kernel=Tophat( 4 ) )


Figure 7 shows examples of KernelModels. The Biweight kernel is in blue; the Cosine in green. The remaining 3 are 0, 1 and 4 convolutions of Tophat.

SincModel is actually defined as a KernelModel with a Sinc kernel. Both GaussModel and LorentzModel could be defined in the same way, but are not.

Two dimensional kernel models also exist: Kernel2dModel. They come is 3 varieties: circular, elliptic and rotated.

km6 = Kernel2dModel( kernel=Gauss )
km7 = Kernel2dModel( kernel=Gauss, shape='elliptic' )
km8 = kernel2dModel( kernel=Gauss, shape='Rotated' )


Figure 8 shows examples of Kernel2dModels. Lower left is a circular 2d kernel; lower right an elliptic one and in the upper center a rotated one.

Dynamic Models

Dynamic models can alter their behaviour by changing the number of parameters they contain. The purpose is to find the best model both in complexity (number of parameters) as in the parameter values itself. Fitters cannot do this, however the NestedSampler can.

Dynamic models have 2 extra methods grow() and shrink() that increase cq. decrease the number of parameters. The rate of growth is governed by a growPrior.

Dynamic models inherit from Model and from Dynamic.

mdl1 = PolynomialDynamicModel( 2 )
mdl2 = HarmonicDynamicModel( 0, maxOrder=6 )
mdl3 = RepeatingModel( 1, GaussModel(), minComp=1, maxComp=7,
	same=2, growPrior=JeffreysPrior() )

mdl1 starts as a polynomial of degree 2. It has a minimum degree of 0 and no maximum. The growPrior is an ExponentialPrior.

mdl2 starts as a HarmonicModel of order 0 with a maximum at 6. The growPrior is a UniformPrior.

mdl3 consists of at least 1 repetition of a GaussModel, up to 6 repetions are possible, where all GaussModels have the same value for the 2nd parameters (width).

Modifiable Models

Modifiable models can alter the internal structure of the model. E.g. the location of the knots in SplinesNodel. Again the purpose is to find the best internal structure and the best parameters that go with it. This can be done with NestedSampler

Modifiable models implement an extra method vary() that varies the structure.

Most modifiable models are dynamic. They always inherit from Modifiable too.

It is indeed debatable whether the internal structure is not just another set of parameters. We chose this way as changes in the internal structure can be much more complicated than a simple change in value.

Multiple Output Models

Some models are easier defined when it results in 2 (or more) values per observation. Eg. the outcome of football match (3-1), or the position of a star in orbit around another (distance and angle). These model have an extra attribute ndout indicating how many output values per observation are present.

The use of MultipleOutputProblem is needed in NestedSampler to flatten the multiple outputs.

External Models

The class AstropyModel is a wrapper for models originating from astropy.modeling.Model. Any FittableModel, wrapped in an AstropyModel can be used in BayesicFittings fitters and samplers.

from astropy import modeling
gm = modeling.models.Gaussian1D()
model = AstropyModel( gm )

Using UserModel, externally generated functionals of the form f(x:p) can participate.

def f( x, p ) :
    return p[0] * numpy.sin( p[1] * x + p[2] * numpy.log( x + p[3] ) )
model = UserModel( 4, f )		# 4 is the number of parameters

Optionally the partial derivatives df/dp and df/dx, and a name can be provided too. Otherwise numerically calculated values will be used.

model = UserModel( 4, f, userPartial=dfdp, userDeriv=dfdx, 
                   userName="myName" )

Where dfdp and dfdx are methods: dfdp( x, p ) and dfdx( x, p ). The correctness of the (partial) derivatives can be checked with the method

model.testPartial( x, p, silent=False )

The methods are compared with numeric calculations of df/dp and df/dx.

4. Fitters

A Fitter is an algorithm that minimizes the errors ε, the differences between the data, y, and the model, f(x:p).

  manualEquation-8 (8)

The best fit is found through optimization of the parameters p. Traditionally this is done by finding the minimum of χ2, the sum of the squared errors. This least-squares method is computationally simple, especially if f is a linear function in its parameters p. These problems can be solved by (the equivalent of) one matrix inversion. Non-linear least-squares methods also exist. They are more demanding and require iterative methods to arrive at the minimum.

Other methods focus around the likelihood, which is maximized. Maximum likelihood is attained when the errors are minimal. Several likelihood functions are available in BayesicFitting. They are called ErrorDistribution. Using the GaussErrorDistribution, while maximizing the likelihood is equivalent to using the least-squares method.

Data Quality.

In a fitting process, it often occurs that data points are of different quality due to a variety of reasons. We can express the quatilies as either importance weights attached to the data points, or as a scale factor in the residuals. In our paper Kester and Mueller (2021) we expressed our preference for weights. However, we reconsidered it in the light of correlated errors in both axes. Kester 2023 Since version 3.1.0 of BayesicFitting, we offer both options.


Up on fitting, weights can be provided as a vector of the same length as the data vector. The behaviour of the fitter is such that when a point has a weight of n, this is equivalent to a case where that particular point is present in the dataset n times. This concept is extended to non-integral values of the weights.
Weights could be derived from the standard deviations in a previous calculation. In that case the weights should be set to the inverse squares of the stdevs. However weights do not need to be inverse variances; they could be derived in any other way. One specially usefull feature of the use of weights, is that some weights might be set to zero, causing those points not to contribute at all to the fit.


The accuracy is a (set of) numbers that represent a user provided estimate of the size of the errors.
Accuracies do not change the "number of observations", as weights do. Each measurement might have a different accuracy; it is still one measurement. When choosing weight = accuracy-2, the difference only matters in the calculation of the evidence.
Accuracy can be 1 number, valid for all data, or a vector of N, one value for each data point. When there are possibly errors in both the dependent variable and the independent variable, it can be a matrix of (N,2) or of (N,3). In the latter case the third number is the (Pearson) correlation coefficient between both variables.

Linear Fitters.

As with Models there are two kinds of Fitters, linear an non-linear ones for linear and non-linear Models resp.

The landscape for linear models is monomodal i.e. it has only one (global) minimum. The linear fitter has generally no problem finding this minimum in one direct matrix conversion. It is fast and efficient. This package has 2 linear fitters: Fitter and QRFitter.

xdata = numpy.asarray( [1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0] )
ydata = numpy.asarray( [3.2, 3.9, 3.7, 4.0, 5.6] )
model = PolynomialModel( 1 )        # suppose liner relation 
ftr = Fitter( xdata, model )        # define the fitter
par = ydata, plot=True )   # optimal values for parameters


Figure 9. A simple linear fit. The black dots are the data, the red line is the model and the green line a one-sigma confidence region.

Non-linear Fitters.

For non-linear models the χ2-landscape can be complicated. It can have many minima of which only one is the deepest. That is the one the fitter should find. Non linear fitters search for a gradient in the landscape to descend into the valley. Wherever a minimum is found, most fitters get stuck. There are several strategies to search the landscape but all of them are iterative. There is no single best strategy. It depends on the problem and on knowledge of the starting values for the parameters. This package has a dozen non-linear fitters.

Some non-linear fitters are strictly least-squares, others can be used as maximum likelihood fitters too.

xdata = numpy.asarray( [ 0.0, 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 3.0] )
ydata = numpy.asarray( [-1.2,-0.9,-0.3, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.8] )
wgts  = numpy.asarray( [ 0.5, 2.1, 0.9, 1.3, 1.2, 0.8, 1.1] )  # weights
model = ArctanModel( )    
ftr = LevenbergMarquardtFitter( xdata, model )  # define the fitter
par = ydata, weights=wgts )            # optimal parameters 


Figure 10. A non-linear fit.

Maximum Likelihood Fitters.

LevenbergMarquardtFitter and CurveFitter are strictly least squares fitters. Other non-linear fitters like AmoebaFitter and the ScipyFitters can also be used as MaxLikelihoodFitters. The maximize the likelihood selected for the fitter.

ftr = AmoebaFitter( xdata, model, errdis='laplace' )

See the summerdays example.

Fitter Results.

When an optimal solution for the parameters has been found, a number of methods, all inherited from BaseFitter, are available to calculate standard deviations, noise scale, χ2, confidence regions and the evidence.

par   = ftr.parameters           # optimal parameters (same as above)
stdev = ftr.stdevs               # standard deviations on parameters
covar = ftr.covariance           # covariance matrix
chisq = ftr.chisq                # chisq at the optimal params
scale = ftr.scale                # scale of the remaining noise
yfit  = ftr.getResult()          # fitted model values
yfit  = model( xdata )           # same as previous
yband = ftr.monteCarloError()    # 1-sigma confidence region

All items above are more or less derived from the covariance matrix at the optimal parameter location.


The evidence is a number that indicates how probable a model is given the data. Evidence is not an absolute number; it must always be used to compare one model with other model(s).

For the casual user the evidence is the single item that lifts Bayesian fitting way above ordinary fitting. Wonderful things can be done with it that are beyond the standard ways. See my papers Kester (1999), Kester, Beitema and Lutz (2009), Kester and Bontekoe(2010), Kester (2010), Kester, Avruch and Teyssier (2014) and Kester, Higgins and Teyssier (2017).

The evidence can only be calculated when the limits on the parameters are provided. And, when the noise scale is fitted too, also for the scale. Priors for the parameters are assumed to be Uniform, for the scale it is JeffreysPrior.

It is up to the user to make sure that the optimal parameters and noise scale are well within the limits provided. Otherwise the gaussian approximation of the evidence calculation is invalid.

limits = [-100.0,100.0]             # either 2 floats: all pars same limit. Or
lo = [-100.0, 0.0, 10.0]            # lower limits for the parameters
hi = [+100.0, 100.0, 20.0]          # upper limits for the parameters
limits = [lo,hi]                    # or 2 lists of floats
noiselim = [0.01, 10]               # limits on noisescale; all > 0
                                    # the 10-log evidence is obtained as:
evidence = ftr.getEvidence( limits=limits, noiseLimits=noiselim )

When in the above examples model has more than 3 parameters, the last limit is repeated for all remaining cases.

There is a lot of mumbo-jumbo about priors. Formally, it is a representation of the knowledge about the problem before the data is taken into account. In abstracto one could imagine that there is no prior knowledge. In such cases the determination of priors seems highly subjective. However, in real life problems there are always limits on what can be measured in sensitivity, spectral range, duration, location etc. And consequentially on what values the parameters can attain.

See example on model comparison or harmonicfit for demonstration of the use of evidence to determine the best model. For instructions on when to optimize the noise scale too, see noise2 example. For a demonstration on the influence of noise on model selection see noise example.

Keep fixed.

The Fitters have the option to keep one or more parameters fixed during the fitting proces. It can be done in the construction of the fitter

fitter = SomeFitter( xdata, model, keep={key:value} )

to fix the parameter for the lifetime of the fitter. Or in the fit method itself.

params = ydata, keep={key:value} )

to fix the parameter for this fit only. In both cases, key is a parameter index and value is a float at which the parameter should be fixed.

Note that fixing the parameter in the model replaces a parameter permanently with the chosen value.

See the fix parameters example for the suble differences between fixing the model, the fitter or the fit.

Two or more dimensions.

Sometimes the independent input xdata has more than 1 dimension. Then a 2 or more dimensional models is required for a fit. The input, xdata, is of the form array[N,D], where D is the number of dimensions and N is the number of D-dimensional points. If N = 1 it can collapse to array[D].

When the data to be fitted has the form of a map, or a cube, the xdata still need to be an enumeration of all pixels. ImageAssistant extracts the necessary xdata from the map, and converts the map values in 1-d ydata. It is silently invoked by the fitter when the keyword map is set.

y = numpy.zeroes( (3,4), dtype=float )  # some empty map 
mdl = PolySurfaceModel( 0, 0 )
fitter = Fitter( y, mdl, map=True )     # use y here as xdata
print( fitter.xdata.shape )             # show shape of internal xdata
> [12,2]
pars = y )                  # use y here too, now as ydata
print( fitter.yfit.shape )              # show the shape of the result
> [3,4]                                 # same as the original map y
print( mdl( fitter.xdata ).shape )      # the model however, returns  
> [12]                                  # a 1-d version of y

See simplemap for more about the use of the keyword map. And randommap for random observation in a 2-d object and about the explicit use of ImageAssistant.

Robust fitting.

A special fitter is RobustShell. It is a shell around any other fitter. RobustShell iteratively de-weights outlying points. It makes the fit more robust in the presence of a minority of outliers i.e. points that should not partake in the fit. The de-weighting process is governed by one of the kernels.

np = 101                                # 
xdata = numpy.linspace( 0, 1, np )      # make 101 datapoints
ydata = numpy.linspace( 0.3, 0.5, np ) + 0.3 * numpy.random.rand( np )
no = 20                                 # 20 outliers
out = numpy.asarray( np * numpy.random.rand( no ), dtype=int )
val = 1 * numpy.random.rand( no )
ydata[out] += val                       # at random place, value
pm = PolynomialModel( 1 )               
ftr = Fitter( xdata, pm )               
par0 = ydata )                 # simple fit
rft = RobustShell( ftr )
par1 = ydata )                 # robust fit
rwgt = rft.weights                      # resulting robust weights


Figure 11. A robust fit. The data points are in black; the outliers are red. The normal fit is the red line; the robust fit is green. In the lower panel the resulting weights are displayed.

Robust fitting is even more dangerous than ordinary fitting. Never trust the results without thorough checking.

This more elaborate example shows the suppression of irrelevant points.

5. NestedSampler, PhantomSampler and NestedSolver

NestedSampler is a novel technique to do Bayesian calculations. It samples the Posterior while integrating it to calculate the evidence. The evidence and the samples from the posterior are the main results of NestedSampler. From the samples, the optimal values for the model parameters, its standard deviations etc can be calculated.

Nested sampling is an idea of David McKay and John Skilling. Skilling has written a separate chapter in Sivia's book explaining the Nested Sampling idea, including an algorithm in C, which served as the basis (via JAVA) for our implementation.

NestedSampler applies an ensemble of walkers, initially evenly distributed over the prior probability. Then an iterative process is started. Every iteration the walker with the lowest likelihood is discarded and replaced by a copy of one of the remaining walkers. The copied walker is wandered around randomly by one or more Engines, provided it keeps a higher likelihood than the value of the discarded walker. This way the ensemble of walkers stays randomly distributed over the prior while the ensemble as a whole slowly ascends the likelihood to the top. The discarded walker is kept as a sample of the posterior, appropriately weighted. NestedSampler uses Priors for the initial distribution of the parameters and an ErrorDistribution to calculate the likelihoods.

PhantomSampler is an extension of NestedSampler, in the sense that it uses (some of) the intermediate positions that the walkers take when they are wandered around by the Engines. These positions are commonly known as phantoms. How many phantoms are used, is governed by the keyword step=. In each iteration step percent of the ensemble is replace by new phantom walkers. The benefits of the scheme is a step-fold increase in calculation speed; the downside is less precision and less exploratory power. The value of step is limited to 10.

NestedSampler needs more information to run than ordinary Fitters. It needs priors for all its parameters and it needs a likelihood function.

We start off defining some data.

xdata = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
ydata = [0.2, 1.3, 4.5, 1.4, 0.1]

Set up the model with limits on the uniform priors of the parameters.

model = GaussModel()
lolim = [-10.0, 0.0, 0.0]		    # low limits on the params
hilim = [+10.0, 5.0, 5.0]		    # high limits
model.setLimits( lolim, hilim )	    # use UniformPrior with limits

The likelihood is calculated by the GaussErrorDistribution. By default it has a fixed scale. However in most real cases ( see noise2 example ) it is better to treat the scale as a hyperparameter, which needs a prior, by default a JeffreysPrior, and limits.

limits = [0.01, 10]
ns = NestedSampler( xdata, model, ydata, limits=limits )	

We execute the program as

logE = ns.sample()

where logE is the 10log of the evidence.

After the call to sample() optimal parameters, standard deviations, scale and the optimal fit of the model are available from NestedSampler.

param = ns.parameters
stdev = ns.standardDeviations
scale = ns.scale
yfit  = ns.modelfit

The values are actually obtained from the SampleList, a list of Samples, that is the other result of the NestedSampler. From the SampleList numerous items can be extracted.

slist = ns.samples
param = slist.parameters		## same as params above
mlpar = slist.maxLikelihoodParameters

In the examples directory the use of NestedSampler is demonstrated in HD2039 and outliers2.

NestedSolver applies the same algorithm to OrderProblems, where the problem is solved by finding an optimal order. The parameters are no floats but integers, that provide an ordering of the data. The iconic example is the traveling salesman problem. However all kind of scheduling problems fall in this category too.

A problem specific cost function functions as a (unnormalized) likelihood.

The NestedSolver returns the last (best) sample as the solution to the order problem.


The Problem classes have been introduced in version 2.0. They are meant to broaden the applicability of NestedSampler beyond the classic problems that we addressed before. A Problem collects all items that are needed to solve the problem, where the parameters constitute the solution.

A ClassicProblem consists of a parameterized model with a list of measured data at the locations of the indepemdent variables. Optionally there are weights and/or accuracies. The ClassicProblem is invoked by default.

Other Problems need to be separately invoked.

In case there could be errors both in the independent variable (x) and in the dependent variable (y), the ErrorsInXandYProblem should be invoked. To solve this kind of problems we need to assign extra parameters for all values of the independent variable (x). These new positions need to be estimated along with the parameters of the model itself. These new parameters need a prior. A GaussPrior with a fixed scale is advised. The priors will be centered on the measured x values.

prior = GaussPrior( scale=0.1 )
problem = ErrorsInXandYProblem( model, xdata, ydata, prior=prior )
ns = NestedSampler( problem=problem )
evidence = ns.sample()

The extra parameters needed here, are called nuisance parameters.

For models that naturally produce 2 or more dimensional outputs (like the StellarOrbitModel) the MultipleOutputProblem need to be invoked. It just reshapes the residuals into a 1-dim array before it is used to calculate the likelihood..

The EvidenceProblem uses the evidence calculated for different instantiations of a Modifiable model, as "likelihood" in a next level of Bayes' theorem to determine which of the instantiations is best. The "likelihood" to be used here is the ModelDistribution. It calculates the evidence of the model either as a Gaussian approximation or by using NestedSampler on a ClassicProblem.

The OrderProblem is for integer valued problems where the solution is found in some ordering of the data. The only example now is the SalesmanProblem.

See below for lists of available Problems. More Problems can be expected in later versions.

Samples and SampleList

A Sample is a collection of items.

  • id : int
    identity of the sample.
  • parent : int
    id of the parent of this sample.
  • model : Model
    the model being used.
  • parameters : array-like
    list of model parameters.
  • hyper : array-like (optional)
    list of hyper parameters from the ErrorDistribution.
  • nuisance : array-like (optional)
    list of nuisance parameters from ErrorsInXandYProblem.
  • logL : float
    log Likelihood = log Prob( data | params )
  • logW : float
    log weight. Relative weight of this sample.
  • fitIndex : None or array-like
    list of all parameters to be fitted; None is all.

Samples can be collected in a SampleList. The resulting samples from the posterior are collected in a SampleList.

When using the samples of the posterior for other purposes than are provided in SampleList, all items derived from individual Samples should be weighted with

weight = exp( sample.logW )

before averaging them.

Walkers and WalkerList.

The internal ensemble of trial points is designed as a WalkerList, or a list of Walkers. Walkers are similar to Samples, except that they have a Problem in stead of a Model.

The number of walkers can be set with the ensemble keyword. By default ensemble=100. The number of walkers that are discarded in every iteration can be set with discard. By default discard=1. When discard is greater than 1, it might be profitable to set the keyword threads=True to randomize each walker in a separate thread. And finally the keyword maxsize can be used to limit the amount of resulting samples. When the size of the sample list is larger than maxsize, the samples with the smallest weights are thrown out. By default maxsize=None.

ns = NestedSampler( xdata, model, ydata, ensemble=200, discard=5,
                    threads=True, maxsize=5000 ) 


Before NestedSampler can be started with ns.sample() the Model should be provided with Priors for all parameters. The same holds for the ErrorDistribution if it has unknown hyperparameters.

Priors are attributes of the simple model.

gm = GaussModel()
amppr = ExponentialPrior( scale=10 )        # prior on amplitude (>0)
cenpr = UniformPrior( limits=[-1,1] )       # prior on center
widpr = JeffreysPrior( limits=[0.1, 2] )    # prior on width
gm.priors = [amppr, centpr, widpr]          # set the priors

The default prior for model parameters is the UniformPrior. The UniformPrior needs limits: low and high. When a Model is provided with limits it sets the priors as UniformPrior with the limits.

low = [0.0, 2.0, -10]           # lower limits
high = [10, 10, 10]             # upper limits; high[k]>low[k] forall k
model.setLimits( low, high )    # makes list of 3 uniformPriors with limits

When the model has more parameters than the length of the limits cq. priors, the last one is repeated for all remaining parameters.

The priors are attributes of the simple models. In compound models the priors are taken from the constituent simple models, including the repetition of the last prior. So priors should be set, before using the simple model in a compound one.

Suitable Priors can have limits, which may be circularly folded for parameters that represent a phase or a period. The circular keyword either takes a boolean, to indicate that it is circular between the limits, or a float to define the period of circularity.

lp = LaplacePrior( center=1.0, scale=0.5, circular=3 )
pr = UniformPrior( limits=[2,3], circular=True )

See below for lists of available Priors.


The ErrorDistribution determines the likelihood function.

Except the PoissonErrorDistribution and the BernoulliErrorDistribution all others have one or more HyperParameters which are governed by a Prior, unless they are known in advance.

dis = GaussErrorDistribution( )
dis.setLimits( [0.1, 1.0] )
ns = NestedSampler( xdata, model, ydata, distribution=dis )

The GaussErrorDistribution is an descendant of the abstract ScaledErrorDistribution. As is the LaplaceErrorDistribution, the ExponentialErrorDistribution and the UniformErrorDistribution. They are all different norms of the residuals. The ExponentialErrorDistribution has another HyperParameter called power, It is the (fractional) norm.

The PoissonErrorDistribution is for counting experiments, with integer-valued data.

The BernoulliErrorDistribution is for categorical data. It needs a model with as much outputs (ndout) as there are categories. The dependent variable (y) contains an integer (< ndout) indicating to which category this data point belongs. Each model output gives the probability (0 <= p <= 1), that the item falls in that category.
At present only the SoftMaxModel is available.

The use of a mixture of 2 error distributions (MixedErrorDistribution) is shown in outliers2.

To avoid certain combinations of parameters a "constrain" attribute can be attached to an ErrorDistribution. It needs to be a user-provided callable method in the form

def insideSphere( logL, problem, allpars, lowLogL ) :
    return logL if numpy.sum( numpy.square( allpars ) ) < 1.0 else lowlogL - 1

errdis.constrain = insideSphere

When the to be avoided condition occurs logL is returned as one less than the low likelihood limit so it will never be selected. Otherwise logL should be returned unchanged. It should be noted that the acceptable area should be large enough that it can reasonly be sampled randomly for an initial ensemble of Walkers. Although the constrain is applied during the calculation of the likelihood, it is actually a prior condition. It is known beforehand that there are areas in the parameter space that are inaccessable cq. should be avoided.

See below for lists of available ErrorDistributions.

Since version 2.0 the ErrorDistributions has changed its interface. Previously it was called as GaussErrorDistribution( xdata, ydata ). Now the responsiblities of ErrorDistribution and Problem are better separated.

For the only OrderProblem at present we provide the DistanceCostFunction to obtain a proxy of the likelihood.


An Engine is piece of programming that moves a walker around in parameter space such that the resulting walker is distributed randomly over the priors within the constraint that the likelihood associated with the walker remains higher than a preselected level.

The engines of choice for continuous parameter estimation are the GalileanEngine and the ChordEngine.

The GalileanEngine starts at the copied walker. It selects a random step in parameter space and moves forward half a dozen times. When a step trespasses the likelihood boundary it mirrors on the boundary to get back into allowed space. If that is also unsuccesfull in reverses its steps.

The ChordEngine selects a random direction, though its starting point. It extends that direction until is is outside the the selected level. It selects a random point on the line. If it is inside the level, it is the new point. Otherwise replace one of the endpoints and select again.

The initial distribution of the walkers is made by StartEngine.

When the model is dynamic, the BirthEngine and DeathEngine are added to the engine list to govern the increase and decrease of the number of parameters.

When a model is modifiable, the StructurEngine is added to the engine list, to randomly change the structure of the model.

For the SalesmanProblem 5 engines are provided that all change the order in the parameters by some way: MoveEngine, ReverseEngine, SwitchEngine, LoopEngine, ShuffleEngine and NearEngine.

Engines are selectable in the construction. The keyword rate governs the speed of the engines. High rate equals high speed equals low accuracy.

ns = NestedSampler( xdata, model, ydata, rate=0.5,
                    engines=["galilean", "gibbs", "chord", "step"] )

See below for lists of available Engines.

Each iteration of NestedSampler the Engines in the list are selected in a random order and executed until enough movement is provided to the Walker. By setting the attributes "slow" to an Engine, it is selected only every slow-th iteration. With

ns.engine[1].slow = 3  

the GibbsEngine is selected every third iteration only. To be used for expensive, biased or unbalanced Engines.


The PhantomCollection collects all valid steps that each walker take on their way to randomization. For non-dynamic models the PhantomCollection is just a WalkerList containing a walker at each step. For dynamic models, it is a dictionary with the number of parameters as key and a WalkerList as value. The WalkerLists are kept sorted according to their log Likelihood and cropped to the present likelihood constraint.

The PhantomCollection is used as a proxy for a bounding box that encompasses the accessable likelihood area, given the present likelihood constraint.

Other uses of the PhantomCollection are under development.

Other keyword arguments

Just like the Fitters NestedSampler can have a keywords weights to set weights and keep to keep some parameters fixed at a known value. Both keywords act as in the Fitters. Also analog to the fitters, the sample() method can have the keywords keep and plot.

When the keyword bestBoost is set to True, every walker step is checked whether it is the best in the PhantomCollection. If so, a Fitter is run, starting from the best point to improve it even further. As this is done in the PhantomCollection, it does not affect the evidence calculation, but it could open a corridor to the top that otherwise might not be found. By default bestBoost is False. Other options are True, using a LevenbergMarquardtFitter, or the name of some other (non-linear) fitter which is then used.

The keyword verbose determines how much output the program generates.

  • 0 : silent
  • 1 : basic information. it is the default.
  • 2 : some info about every 100th iteration
  • 3 : some info about every iteration

The keyword seed seeds the random number generator, to ensure the same random sequence each run.

ns = NestedSampler( xdata, model, ydata, weights=wgts, keep={0:1.0},
                    seed=123456, verbose=2, bestBoost=True ) 
logE = ns.sample( keep={2:3.14}, plot=True )

6. Synopsis

All classes are listed with a one-line purpose. They are organized by their functionality into 5 sections, models, fitters, nested sampling, kernels and miscellaneous.


simple models 1-dimensional

  • ArctanModel
    Arctangus Model. See example
  • BasicSplinesModel
    General splines model of arbitrary order and with arbitrary knot settings.
  • BSplinesModel
    General b-splines model of arbitrary order and with arbitrary knot settings.
  • ChebyshevPolynomialModel
    Chebyshev polynomial model of arbitrary degree.
  • ConstantModel
    ConstantModel is a Model which does not have any parameters.
  • EtalonModel
    Fabry-Perot Etalon Model. See example
  • ExpModel
    Exponential Model. See example
  • FreeShapeModel
    Pixelated Model.
  • GaussModel
    Gaussian Model. See example
  • HarmonicModel
    Harmonic oscillator Model. See example
  • KernelModel
    Kernel Model, a Model build around a Kernel.
  • LogisticModel
    Logistic function.
  • LorentzModel
    Lorentz profile
  • PadeModel
    General Pade model of arbitrary degrees in numerator and denominator. See example
  • PolySineAmpModel
    Sine of fixed frequency with polynomials as amplitudes.
  • PolynomialModel
    General polynomial model of arbitrary degree. See example
  • PowerLawModel
    General powerlaw model of arbitrary degree.
  • PowerModel
    General power model of arbitrary degree. See example
  • PseudoVoigtModel
    Weighted sum of Gauss and Lorentz models; approximation of VoigtModel
  • RadialVelocityModel
    Radial velocity variations of a star, caused by an orbiting planet. Gregory. See example
  • SincModel
    Sinc Model.
  • SineAmpModel
    Sine with fixed frequency.
  • SineModel
    Sinusoidal Model. See example
  • SplinesModel
    General splines model of arbitrary order and with arbitrary knot settings. See example
  • VoigtModel
    Voigt's Gauss Lorentz convoluted model for spectral line profiles.

Simple wrapper models

  • AstropyModel
    Wrapper fro FittableModels from astropy.modeling. See example
  • UserModel
    Wrapper for a user provided function f(x:p). See example

Simple models 2-dimensional inputs

  • EtalonDriftModel
    Sinusoidal Model with drifting frequency.
  • FreeShape2dModel
    Pixelated 2-dim Model. (TBD)
  • Kernel2dModel
    Two dimensional Kernel Model. See example
  • PolySurfaceModel
    General polynomial surface model of arbitrary degree. See example
  • ProductModel
    Direct product of 2 (or more) models. Two (or more) dimensional.
  • SurfaceSplinesModel
    Surface splines model of arbitrary order and knot settings.

Simple models 2-dimensional outputs

  • StellarOrbitModel
    Orbit of a double star as function of time, resulting in 2d sky position. Boule. See example

Simple models more-dimensional inputs and outputs

  • FootballModel
    More or less complex model for the outcome of football marches.
  • SoftMaxModel
    Generalization of the LogisticModel over multiple inputs and outputs

Simple dynamic or modifiable models.

Dynamic models have an adaptable number of parameters. They can only be used with NestedSampler.

  • DecisionTreeModel
    Decision Tree, dynamic and modifiable.
  • HarmonicDynamicModel
    Harmonic oscillator Model of variable order.
  • PolynomialDynamicModel
    General polynomial model of variable degree.
  • RepeatingModel
    Variable number of repetitions of the same Model
  • SplinesDynamicModel
    BasicSplinesModel with unknown number of knots and locations

Compound models.

  • BracketModel
    BracketModel provides brackets to a chain of models.
  • CombiModel
    CombiModel combines a number of copies of the same model. See example

Base models.

Base Models should never be called directly. They contain features common to all classes that inherit from them.

  • BaseModel
    BaseModel implements the common parts of simple models.
  • FixedModel
    FixedModel implements the 'fixing' of parameters for simple models.
  • Model
    Model implements the common parts of (compound) models.
  • LinearModel
    Anchestor of all linear models.
  • NonLinearModel
    Anchestor of all non-linear models.
  • Dynamic
    Contains a number of methods common to Dynamic models.
  • Modifiable
    Contains a number of methods common to Modifiable models.


  • NeuralNetUtilities
    Building blocks for SoftMaxModel and NeuralNetModel (TDB).


Linear fitters

  • Fitter
    Fitter for linear models. See example
  • QRFitter
    Fitter for linear models, using QR decomposition.

Nonlinear fitters (least-squares)

  • CurveFitter
    CurveFitter implements scipy.optimize.curve_fit.
  • LevenbergMarquardtFitter
    Non-linear fitter using the Levenberg-Marquardt method. See example

Nonlinear fitters (least-squares and maximum likelihood)

  • AmoebaFitter
    Fitter using the simulated annealing simplex minimum finding algorithm, See example
  • ScipyFitter
    Unified interface to the Scipy minimization module minimize, to fit data to a model. ScipyFitter contains the classes:
    • NelderMeadFitter
      Nelder Mead downhill simplex.
    • PowellFitter
      Powell's conjugate direction method. See example
    • ConjugateGradientFitter
      Conjugate Gradient Method of Polak and Ribiere.
    • BfgsFitter
      Quasi-Newton method of Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shannon.
    • NewtonCgFitter
      Truncated Newton method
    • LbfgsbFitter
      Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization
    • TncFitter
      Truncated Newton method with limits.
    • CobylaFitter
      Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximation.
    • SlsqpFitter
      Sequential Least Squares
    • DoglegFitter
      Dog-leg trust-region algorithm.
    • TrustNcgFitter
      Newton conjugate gradient trust-region algorithm.

Base fitters.

BaseFitters contain common methods for fitters that inherit from them.

  • BaseFitter
    Base class for all Fitters.
  • IterativeFitter
    Base class with methods common to all iterative fitters.
  • MaxLikelihoodFitter
    Base class with methods common to fitters handling ErrorDistributions.


  • RobustShell
    For fitting in the presence of outliers. See example
  • ImageAssistant
    Helper class in case the data are in the form of an image. See example
  • AnnealingAmoeba
    Minimizer using an annealing Nelder-Mead simplex.
  • MonteCarlo
    Helper class to calculate the confidence region of a fitted model.
  • ConvergenceError
    Thrown when an iterative fitter stops while the minimum has not been found.


  • NestedSampler
    A novel technique to do Bayesian calculation. See example1 or example2 or example3
  • PhantomSampler
    A possibly faster version of NestedSampler
  • NestedSolver
    A version of NestedSampler for for OrderProblems
  • Explorer
    Helper class of NestedSampler to run the Engines.
  • Walker
    Trial point in parameter space.
  • WalkerList
    Ensemble of Walkers.
  • PhantomCollection
    Ordered collection of phantoms.
  • Sample
    Weighted random draw from a Posterior distribution from NestedSampler.
  • SampleList
    List of Samples with interpretational methods.


  • ClassicProblem
    Default problem
  • ErrorsInXandYProblem
    Classic problem with errors in both xdata and ydata. See example
  • EvidenceProblem
    For Dynamic and Modifiable models. Kester and Mueller (2021). see example.
  • MultipleOutputProblem
    Problems with more dimensional output values. See example
  • OrderProblem
    Problems where the order of the data provides the solution.
  • SalesmanProblem
    Traveling salesman problem. See example
  • Problem
    Base class defining problems.

Prior distributions

  • CauchyPrior
    Cauchy prior distribution.
  • ExponentialPrior
    Exponential prior distribution.
  • GaussPrior
    Gauss prior distribution.
  • JeffreysPrior
    Jeffreys prior distribution, for scale-like parameters.
  • LaplacePrior
    Laplace prior distribution.
  • UniformPrior
    Uniform prior distribution, for location parameters. See example
  • CircularUniformPrior
    Uniform prior distribution wrapped at the endpoints, for phase-like parameters. See example
  • Prior
    Base class defining prior distributions.

Error distributions.

  • BernoulliErrorDistribution
    To calculate a likelihood for categorials.
  • DistanceCostFunction
    To calculate the distrance travelled by the salesman.
  • GaussErrorDistribution
    To calculate a Gauss likelihood. See example
  • Gauss2dErrorDistribution
    To calculate a Gauss likelihood for correlated error in X and Y. See example
  • ExponentialErrorDistribution
    To calculate a generalized Gaussian likelihood.
  • LaplaceErrorDistribution
    To calculate a Laplace likelihood.
  • MixedErrorDistribution
    A mixture of 2 errordistributions See example
  • ModelDistribution
    For use in EvidenceProblem See example
  • PoissonErrorDistribution
    To calculate a Poisson likelihood. See example
  • UniformErrorDistribution
    To calculate a Uniform likelihood. See example
  • ErrorDistribution
    Base class that defines general methods for a error distribution.
  • ScaledErrorDistribution
    Base class that defines methods common to error distributions with a scale.

Hyper parameters.

  • NoiseScale
    Hyperparameter for the scale of a ScaledErrorDistribution
  • HyperParameter
    Values and priors for the parameter(s) of an ErrorDistribution.


  • ChordEngine
    Select a random point on a chord sliced though the likelihood.
  • GalileanEngine
    Move all parameters in forward steps, with mirroring on the edge.
  • GibbsEngine
    Move a one parameter at a time by a random amount.
  • StartEngine
    Generates an initial random walker.
  • StepEngine
    Move a walker in a random direction.
  • BirthEngine
    Increase the number of parameters of a walker
  • DeathEngine
    Decrease the number of parameters of a walker
  • StructureEngine
    Vary the internal structure of a modifiable model randomly.
  • LoopEngine
    Unloop a loop
  • MoveEngine
    Move part of the parameter list to another position
  • NearEngine
    Move to the nearest location first
  • ReverseEngine
    Reverse part of the parameter list in place
  • ShuffleEngine
    Shuffle part of the parameter list in place
  • StartOrderEngine
    Initilize the order problem
  • SwitchEngine
    Switch two positions
  • Engine
    Base class that defines general properties of a Engine.


Kernels are even functions that are integrable over (-inf,+inf). A kernel is bound when it is zero outside (-1,+1)

They can be encapsulated in a KernelModel or in a 2dim Kernel2dModel. They also find use in the RobustShell.

Name Function Bound Comment
Biweight ( 1-x2 )2 true
CosSquare cos2 ( 0.5 π x ) true
Cosine cos( 0.5 π x ) true
Gauss exp( -0.5 x2 ) false
Huber min( 1, 1/|x| ) false improper because infinite integral
Lorentz 1 / ( 1 + x2 ) false
Parabola 1 - x2 true
Sinc sin(x) / x false do not use in RobustShell
Tophat convolution true 0 to 6 convolutions of Uniform
Triangle 1 - |x| true
Tricube ( 1 - |x|3 )3 true
Triweight ( 1 - x2 )3 true
Uniform 1.0 true


  • Formatter
    Format a number or array, nicely into a string.
  • Kepplers2ndLaw
    Calculates radius and true anomaly (and derivatives) for Kepplers 2nd law.
  • LogFactorial
    Natural logarithm of n!
  • OrthonormalBasis
    Construct a orthonormal basis from (random) vectors.
  • Plotter
    Plot a model fitted to data.
  • Tools
    Various tools.