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DOM Cloud Container

Set up your own DOM Cloud server instance inside a virtualized platform and control it with our cloud platform.

Our self hosted solution is for our customers who:

  • Behind a corporate that mandates all data is self hosted to an on-premise server
  • Wishing for more computing power or having the hardware their your control

With Caveats:

  • This approach is generally more complex than simply using our cloud servers
  • Requires good knowledge of Linux and its networking components to make everything works
  • You're resposible to everything a server needs to do, including keeping the software up to date

Here's feature comparison:

Compare Features Cloud Self-Hosted
Getting Started Easy Easy but Challenging
Who own the Infra? Us You
Who monitor Infra? Us You
Has Public IP Depends on your ISP
Use nsp/ NS
Can use If not behind NAT
Storage/Network Limit Calculated Unlimited
Can have root Access
Self-hosted email Possible but discouraged

Built Images

The most recent one built on 2024-12-06:

Select based on Virtualization platform e.g. Proxmox and QEMU uses QCOW2 while VMWare and VirtualBox uses VMDK.

If you don't want to download our custom prebuilt images, you can run these from freshly installed Rocky Linux Minimal ISO or Ubuntu Server ISO instead:

# make sure to run this using root:
if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then OS=ubuntu; elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then OS=rocky; else OS=unknown; fi
curl -sSL$ | bash
curl -sSL | bash

About the image

We use Hashicorp Packer to build images. We ran it inside privilenged docker. Simply run make build-image. With KVM acceleration the build should be done around one hour.

The image consist of Rocky Linux Minimal ISO + Some scripts that installs Virtualmin and additional services to make it exactly like how a DOM Cloud server works. See and to see the install scripts.

To run the final image using QEMU:

qemu-system-x86_64 -hda domcloud-x86_64.qcow2 -smp 2 -m 2048 -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2022-:22,hostfwd=tcp::2080-:80,hostfwd=tcp::3443-:443,hostfwd=tcp::2443-:2443 -cpu max -accel kvm
# Windows: -cpu Broadwell -accel whpx,kernel-irqchip=off

This VM expose these ports:

  • 22 for SSH
  • 53 for DNS
  • 80 and 443 for HTTP/HTTPS
  • 2443 for Webmin

There's http://localhost Handled by NGINX to that runs our bridge software. This software orchestrates your VM based on (To be undocumented) REST APIs.

Go to https://localhost:2443 in your browser to open webmin. Additionally, go to http://localhost/status/check and http://localhost/status/test To see if all services running and configured correctly.

Enter credential root with rocky as password for SSH and Webmin login.

The root password includes the root webmin access is rocky. The bridge HTTP secret and webmin login is also set to rocky.

Things to do after your VM Running

Have A Static Public IP

Please assign your 80 and 443 to your static public IP address.

If you don't have a public IP address or you're just running the whole VM behind NAT or your personal laptop, please have a domain and install Cloudfare Zero Trust HTTP Tunnel to port 80 inside the VM.

Change your VM passwords

You have 5 passwords to change. To change it, run this script:

# make sure to run this using root:
curl -sSL | bash

Check Virtualmin Configuration

Go to https://localhost:2443 and log in with user root.

  1. Finish the post installation wizard
  2. Go to Virtualmin -> System Settings -> Re-Check Configuration

Install the correct IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

The VM is built with QEMU. The networking IP addresses definitely changed and you need to adjust it.

  1. Identify your IP addresses, run nmcli dev show ens3 or ip addr show scope global in terminal.
  2. Go to Virtualmin -> Addresses and Networking -> Change IP Addresses
  3. Enter old IP and new IP. Click Change Now.
  4. Also Update DNS default IP address by go to Virtualmin Configuration -> Networking Settings -> Default IP Address for DNS records.

Rename Bridge's localhost domain

The bridge default domain name is defaulted to localhost so you can open it via your laptop. But to connect it to DOM Cloud, you must put it to a domain. You can run this in SSH:

virtualmin change-domain --username bridge --new-domain

Make sure to insert A or AAAA record to that domain.

Get SSL for the Bridge's Domain

First, change your system hostname to the domain

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname ""

Then go to Manage Virtual Server > Setup SSL Certificate > SSL Providers and click "Request Certificate"

Update Packages

Run yum update.

Expand Disk (Rocky / XFS)

The disk is prebuilt with capped at 40 GB. Here's how it layouted.

# lsblk
sr0                 11:0    1 1024M  0 rom
vda                252:0    0  256G  0 disk
├─vda1             252:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
└─vda2             252:2    0   39G  0 part
  ├─rl_rocky9-root 253:0    0 36.9G  0 lvm  /
  └─rl_rocky9-swap 253:1    0    2G  0 lvm  [SWAP]

The vda is the real disk provisioned by the system. To extend the vda2:

  1. Open parted /dev/vda
    • resizepart
    • Select 2 vda2
    • Enter the new size 100%
  2. partprobe
  3. pvresize /dev/vda2
  4. Resize swap
    • Turn off the swap swapoff /dev/mapper/rl_rocky9-swap
    • Extend it (say 8GB) lvresize -L 8G /dev/rl_rocky9/swap
    • mkswap /dev/rl_rocky9/swap
    • swapon /dev/rl_rocky9/swap
  5. Resize main disk
    • lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/rl_rocky9/root
    • xfs_growfs /

Connect to DOM Cloud

Goto Servers section in DOM Cloud Portal Dashboard to connect to our cloud portal.

Why still connecting to our cloud portal?

  • Bridge is headless. There are no UI, just pure APIs. The APIs are used to communicate to your instance.
  • All tools works out of the box, including Deployment systems, templates and GitHub integration
  • Deployments for self-hosted instances doesn't use storage/data network/instance limit
  • You get some cloud features like backups, domain, team collab, etc
  • Can be connected for free