is the command-line version that you can install with pip
. It
doesn't require any special development tools, beyond Python and the
git download instructions if you don't already have it.
The details are at, but the main steps are:
Update the version number in
and development status
. -
Activate the latest Python's virtual environment.
source .tox/py39/bin/activate
Install the build tools.
python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel twine
Build the release files.
python sdist bdist_wheel
Upload the release to PyPI. You'll need a user name and password.
ls dist/* twine upload dist/*
Check that the new version is on the package page, and try installing it.
pip install --no-cache space_tracer
Remove the uploaded files and recreate the tox environment. (The browser version uses these files, so don't remove them until you've deployed that.)
rm dist/* deactivate tox -r -epy39
Commit the version number changes, push, and create a release on GitHub. (Finish the other releases before marking the release on GitHub, if you're releasing more.)