#Using it as a torrent box
- Have Raspbian installed
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install deluged
sudo apt-get install deluge-console
Start the deluge daemon by running
It creates the necessary files that we can now edit.
Stop this after some time (5-10 seconds) by running
sudo pkill deluged
Now edit the auth file. But first create a backup.
```cp ~/.config/deluge/auth ~/.config/deluge/auth.copy````
Editing the auth file. ```nano ~/.config/deluge/auth```
Add a line at the bottom of the configuration file with the following convention: ```user:password:level```
Example : ```pi:pi:10``` (10 is full-access/administrative level for the daemon)
Now let's update the settings for allowing remote connections.
config -s allow_remote True
config allow_remote
Restart deluged for this configuration to take effect.
sudo pkill deluged
Intall deluge-web to be able to access it from remote.
sudo apt-get install python-mako
sudo apt-get install deluge-web
Access deluge-web from a remote machine on the same network.
Navigate to
.You have a torrent server at your service!
Enter the password as
and immediately change it. -
In addition to accessing the web-gui from you can also access it from an Android application like Torrent Manager.
While using this app just provide the password which was changed in step 8.