Releases: dotnet/roslynator
Releases · dotnet/roslynator
- NEW - UseForStatementToCreateInfiniteLoop analyzer and code fix added
- NEW - UseWhileStatementToCreateInfiniteLoop analyzer and code fix added
- NEW - AvoidUsageOfDoStatementToCreateInfiniteLoop analyzer and code fix added
- NEW - UseStringLiteralInsteadOfInterpolatedString analyzer and code fix added
- RemoveRedundantEmptyLine analyzer enhanced
- FormatAccessorList analyzer now works for auto-property accessor list
- MergeLocalDeclarationWithReturnStatement code fix now works when cursor is in return statement
- MergeIfStatementWithContainedIfStatement code fix improved (unnecessary parentheses are not added)
- bug fixed in SimplifyAssignmentExpression analyzer
- "Extract statement(s) from if statement" refactoring now works for topmost if statement that has else clause
- "Format binary expression on multiple lines" refactoring now works for a single binary expression
- "Negate binary expression" refactoring now works properly for a chain of logical and/or expressions
- "Remove parameter name from each argument" refactoring now works when any argument has parameter name
- "Expand property and add backing field" improved (accessor is on a single line)
- bug fixed in "MergeIfStatementWithContainedIfStatement" analyzer
- "MergeIfStatementWithContainedIfStatement" analyzer and code fix added
- "DeclareEachTypeInSeparateFile" analyzer added
- "AvoidLockingOnPubliclyAccessibleInstance" analyzer and code fix added (without batch fixer)
- "SimplifyAssignmentExpression" analyzer and code fix added
- "AddEmptyLinesBetweenDeclarations" analyzer and code fix added
- "AvoidUsingAliasDirective" analyzer added
- "AvoidSemicolonAtEndOfDeclaration" analyzer and code fix added
- "UseLogicalNotOperator" analyzer renamed to "SimplifyBooleanComparison" and improved
- "RemoveRedundantBooleanLiteral" analyzer now works for "&& true" and "|| false"
- "Add boolean comparison" refactoring added
- "Convert interpolated string to string literal" refactoring added
- "Convert string literal to interpolated string" refactoring added
- "Change 'Any/All' to 'All/Any'" refactoring added
- "Format all parameters on a single line" refactoring now works for parameter list with a single parameter
- "Convert to constant" refactoring now works only for predefined types (except object)
- "Remove comment/comments" refactorings now work for comments that are inside trivia
- "Make member abstract" refactoring now work only for non-abstract indexer/method/property that is in abstract class
- "Add/remove parameter name (to/from each argument)" refactorings now work when cursor is right behind the parameter
- Bug fixed in "Uncomment" refactoring
- bug fixes and minor improvements