activity |
factor |
variable |
one of 6 different activities currently engage when the measurement was taken: walking, walking_upstairs, walking_downstairs, standing, laying |
subject |
factor |
1 |
one of a group of 30 volunteers within an age bracket of 19-48 years |
timebodyaccelerometermeanx |
numeric |
the mean of the time body accelerometer x-axis measurement |
standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerometermeany |
numeric |
the mean of the time body accelerometer y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerometermeanz |
numeric |
the mean of the time body accelerometer z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerometerstandarddeviationx |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body accelerometer x-axis |
measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerometerstandarddeviationy |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body accelerometer y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerometerstandarddeviationz |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body accelerometer z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timegravityaccelerometermeanx |
numeric |
the mean of the time gravity accelerometer x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timegravityaccelerometermeany |
numeric |
the mean of the time gravity accelerometer y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timegravityaccelerometermeanz |
numeric |
the mean of the time gravity accelerometer x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timegravityaccelerometerstandarddeviationx |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time gravity accelerometer x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timegravityaccelerometerstandarddeviationy |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time gravity accelerometer y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timegravityaccelerometerstandarddeviationz |
numeric |
timebodyaccelerationjerkmeany |
numeric |
1 |
the mean of the time gravity acceleration jerk y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationjerkmeanz |
numeric |
the mean of the time gravity acceleration jerk z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationjerkstandarddeviationx |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time gravity acceleration jerk x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationjerkstandarddeviationy |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time gravity acceleration jerk y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationjerkstandarddeviationz |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time gravity acceleration jerk z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopemeanx |
numeric |
the mean of the time body gyroscope x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopemeany |
numeric |
the mean of the time body gyroscope y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopemeanz |
numeric |
the mean of the time body gyroscope z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopejerkstandarddeviationx |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body gyroscope x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopejerkstandarddeviationy |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body gyroscope y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopejerkstandarddeviationz |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body gyroscope z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationmagnitudemean |
numeric |
the mean of the time body acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationmagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time gravity accelerometer z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timegravityaccelerationmagnitudemean |
numeric |
variable |
the mean of the time gravity acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timegravityaccelerationmagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
1 |
the standard deviation of the time gravity acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationjerkmagnitudemean |
numeric |
the mean of the time body acceleration jerk magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationjerkmagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body jerk acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopemagnitudemean |
numeric |
the mean of the time body gyroscope magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopemagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body gyroscope acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopejerkmagnitudemean |
numeric |
the mean of the time body gyroscope jerk magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodygyroscopejerkmagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the time body gyroscope jerk acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerometermeanx |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerometermeany |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerometermeanz |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerometerstandarddeviationx |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerometerstandarddeviationy |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
timebodyaccelerationmagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerometermeanfrequencyx |
numeric |
variable |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerometermeanfrequencyy |
numeric |
1 |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerometermeanfrequencyz |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body accelerometer z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkmeanx |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkmeany |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkmeanz |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkstandarddeviationx |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkstandarddeviationy |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkstandarddeviationz |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkmeanfrequencyx |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkmeanfrequencyy |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkmeanfrequencyz |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemeanx |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body gyroscoping x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemeany |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope jerk x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemeanz |
numeric |
variable |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopestandarddeviationx |
numeric |
1 |
the standard deviation of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopestandarddeviationy |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopestandarddeviationz |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemeanfrequencyx |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope x-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemeanfrequencyy |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope y-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemeanfrequencyz |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope z-axis measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationmagnitudemean |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationmagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the frequency domain signal body acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationmagnitudemeanfrequency |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkmagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
the standard deviation frequency of the frequency domain signal body acceleration magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodyaccelerationjerkmagnitudemeanfrequency |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body acceleration jerk magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemagnitudemean |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
frequencydomainsignalbodyygyroscopemagnitudestandarddeviation |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopemagnitudemeanfrequency |
numeric |
the mean frequency of the frequency domain signal body gyroscope magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopejerkmagnitudemean |
numeric |
the mean of the frequency doamain signal body gyroscope jerk magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopejerkmagnitudestandarddeviation |
numeric |
the standard deviation of the frequency doamain signal body gyroscope jerk magnitude measurement standardized between -1 and 1 |
frequencydomainsignalbodygyroscopejerkmagnitudemeanfrequency |
numeric |