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File metadata and controls

131 lines (113 loc) · 6.31 KB



pip install meshtool


git clone git:// meshtool
cd meshtool
python meshtool --help

Optional Dependencies

Some visualization filters use Panda3D. To enable the filters, install version 1.7.2 of the Panda3D SDK from here:


$ python meshtool --load_collada duck.dae --print_textures

Usage and Filter List

usage: meshtool --load_filter [--operation] [--save_filter]

Tool for manipulating mesh data using pycollada.

  --load_collada file   Loads a collada file
  --load_obj file       Loads a Wavefront OBJ file

  --print_textures      Prints a list of the embedded images in the mesh
  --print_render_info   Prints estimated number of batches, total number of
                        triangles, and total texture memory
  --print_json          Prints a bunch of information about the mesh in a JSON
  --print_info          Prints a bunch of information about the mesh to the
  --print_instances     Prints geometry instances from the default scene
  --print_scene         Prints the default scene tree
  --print_bounds        Prints bounds information about the mesh

  --sander_simplify pm_file
                        Simplifies the mesh based on sandler, et al. method.
  --add_back_pm pm_file percent
                        Adds back mesh data from a progressive PDAE file

  --combine_effects     Combines identical effects
  --combine_materials   Combines identical materials
  --combine_primitives  Combines primitives within a geometry if they have the
                        same sources and scene material mapping (triangle sets
  --strip_lines         Strips any lines from the document
                        Strips any empty geometry from the document and
                        removes them from any scenes
                        Strips any source arrays from geometries if they
                        aren't referenced by any primitives
  --triangulate         Replaces any polylist or polygons with triangles
  --generate_normals    Generates normals for any triangle sets that don't
                        have any
  --save_mipmaps        Saves mipmaps to disk in tar format in the same
                        location as textures but with an added .tar. The
                        archive will contain PNG or JPG images.
  --optimize_textures   Converts all textures with alpha channel to PNG and
                        ones without to JPEG
  --adjust_texcoords    Adjusts texture coordinates of triangles so that they
                        are as close to the 0-1 range as possible
  --normalize_indices   Goes through all triangle sets, changing all index
                        values to go from 1 to N, replacing sources to be size
  --make_atlases        Makes a texture atlas with the textures referenced in
                        the given file. Extremely conservative: will only make
                        an atlas from texture coordinates inside the range
                        (0,1). Atlas can be saved with --save_collada_zip.
                        Splits triangles that span multiple texcoords into
                        multiple triangles to better help texture atlasing
  --optimize_sources    Compresses sources to unique values, updating
                        triangleset indices

  --viewer              Uses panda3d to bring up a viewer
  --collada_viewer      Uses panda3d to bring up a viewer with lights and
                        camera from the collada file
  --pm_viewer pm_file   Uses panda3d to bring up a viewer of a base mesh and
                        progressive stream

                        A meta filter that runs a safe, medium-level of
                        optimizations. Performs these filters in this order:
                        triangulate, generate_normals, combine_effects,
                        combine_materials, combine_primitives,
                        optimize_sources, strip_unused_sources,
  --full_optimizations  A meta filter that runs all optimizations. Performs
                        these filters in this order: triangulate,
                        generate_normals, combine_effects, combine_materials,
                        combine_primitives, adjust_texcoords,
                        optimize_textures, split_triangle_texcoords,
                        normalize_indices, make_atlases, combine_effects,
                        combine_materials, combine_primitives,

  --save_screenshot file
                        Saves a screenshot of the rendered collada file
  --save_rotate_screenshots file N W H
                        Saves N screenshots of size WxH, rotating evenly
                        spaced around the object between shots. Each
                        screenshot file will be file.n.png
  --save_collada file   Saves a collada file
  --save_collada_zip file
                        Saves a collada file and textures in a zip file.
                        Normalizes texture paths.
  --save_badgerfish file
                        Saves a collada file as JSON badgerfish
  --save_ply file       Saves a collada model in PLY format
  --save_obj file       Saves a mesh as an OBJ file
  --save_obj_zip file   Saves an OBJ file and textures in a zip file.
                        Normalizes texture paths.
  --save_bam file       Saves to Panda3D BAM file format
  --save_threejs_scene file
                        Saves a collada model in three.js scene format