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Activity 3.1 DNS Enumeration

dthomsen116 edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 6 revisions

Thomsen Tech Journal

Stated Goal of the Assignment

DNS can be a treasure trove of information for penetration testers. Hostnames, naming conventions, hierarchical namespaces and of course IP resolution can focus your attack efforts. A misconfigured DNS server can also provide a great deal of information.

Useful Commands

List out any commands that were used or found to be helpful during the process.

Steps from the Process

Document any notes that were taken while working on the assignment.

  1. Rewrite the portscanner to make portscanner2 where it scan against a network and a port, revealing which machines on the network have the port open.


Troubles Encountered

**List out any issues that were encountered while working on the assignment. **



If any issues were solved, list out the resolutions for each problem.


Further Questions

List out any questions that arose while working on the assignment.