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  • KubeJWTAuthenticator
  • jwt认证
	authenticators := []authenticate.Authenticator{
		authenticate.NewKubeJWTAuthenticator(s.kubeClient, s.clusterID, s.multicluster.GetRemoteKubeClient, spiffe.GetTrustDomain(), features.JwtPolicy.Get()),


func (a *KubeJWTAuthenticator) Authenticate(ctx context.Context) (*Caller, error) { targetJWT, err := extractBearerToken(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("target JWT extraction error: %v", err) } clusterID := extractClusterID(ctx) var id []string

kubeClient := a.GetKubeClient(clusterID)
if kubeClient == nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get cluster %s's kube client", clusterID)
var aud []string

if !util.IsK8SUnbound(targetJWT) || security.Require3PToken.Get() {
	aud = security.TokenAudiences
	// TODO: check the audience from token, no need to call
	// apiserver if audience is not matching. This may also
	// handle older apiservers that don't check audience.
} else {
	// No audience will be passed to the check if the token
	// is unbound and the setting to require bound tokens is off
	aud = nil
// 通过tokenreview接口验证客户端token的有效性
id, err = tokenreview.ValidateK8sJwt(kubeClient, targetJWT, aud)
if err != nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to validate the JWT from cluster %s: %v", clusterID, err)
if len(id) != 2 {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse the JWT. Validation result length is not 2, but %d", len(id))
callerNamespace := id[0]
callerServiceAccount := id[1]
return &Caller{
	AuthSource: AuthSourceIDToken,
	Identities: []string{fmt.Sprintf(identityTemplate, a.trustDomain, callerNamespace, callerServiceAccount)},
}, nil



func (cca *ClientCertAuthenticator) Authenticate(ctx context.Context) (*Caller, error) { peer, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx) if !ok || peer.AuthInfo == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no client certificate is presented") }

if authType := peer.AuthInfo.AuthType(); authType != "tls" {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported auth type: %q", authType)

tlsInfo := peer.AuthInfo.(credentials.TLSInfo)
chains := tlsInfo.State.VerifiedChains
if len(chains) == 0 || len(chains[0]) == 0 {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no verified chain is found")

ids, err := util.ExtractIDs(chains[0][0].Extensions)
if err != nil {
	return nil, err

return &Caller{
	AuthSource: AuthSourceClientCertificate,
	Identities: ids,
}, nil
