Examples of CWL workflows chaining multiple tools together.
Note: Before running cwltool, you may want to edit the values for the parameters, including adding a required email address.
Running these CWL files expects webservice-clients directory to be
found alongside the webservice-cwl
Input string sequence -> blast search, output: ids -> dbfetch, output: protein sequences -> clustal omega, output: Multiple sequence alignment -> simple phylogeny, output: phylogeny tree
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-blast-clustalo-phylogeny.cwl inputs-blast-clustalo-phylogeny.yml
Input sequence string -> blast search, output: ids -> EBI search, output: structural homologs to original sequence -> PDBe API, output: summary information about the structure
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-blast-ebeye-pdbe.cwl inputs-blast-ebeye-pdbe.yml
Input sequence string -> blast search, output: protein sequence -> phobius, output: protein topology
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-blast-phobius.cwl inputs-blast-phobius.yml
Input sequence string -> fetch search, output: protein sequence -> phobius, output: protein topology
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-fetch-phobius.cwl inputs-fetch-phobius.yml
Unknown DNA sequence file -> emboss_transeq, output: translated protein sequence -> blast search, output: ids -> dbfetch, output: protein sequences -> clustal omega, output: Multiple sequence alignment -> simple phylogeny, output: phylogeny tree Additional output: translated protein sequence -> iprscan5, output: out file
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-transeq-blast-clustalo.cwl inputs-transeq-blast-clustalo.yml
Input protein sequence file -> fasta, output: ids -> dbfetch, output: protein sequence -> pratt, output: patterns in unaligned sequences
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-fasta-pratt.cwl inputs-fasta-pratt.yml
Input sequence string -> dbfetch, output: protein sequence -> hmmer3_hmmscan, output: ids
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-fetch-hmmscan.cwl inputs-fetch-hmmscan.yml
Input protein sequence file -> emboss_backtranseq, output: corresponding DNA sequence -> emboss_cpgplot, output: cpg island plot Additional output: protein sequence -> emboss_pepinfo, output: amino acid properties
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-pepinfo-backtranseq-cpgplot.cwl inputs-pepinfo-backtranseq-cpgplot.yml
Input protein sequence file -> hmmer3_phmmer, output: ids -> dbfetch, output: protein sequence -> blast (multifasta to search all sequences), output: ids
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-phmmer-blast.cwl inputs-phmmer-blast.yml
Input protein name query -> ebisearch [Perl client], output: taxonomy ids
Input protein name query -> ebisearch [API], output: taxonomy ids
Explore this workflow with CWL viewer or test it yourself:
cwltool workflow-ebisearch.cwl inputs-ebisearch.yml