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Jesús Casado Rodríguez edited this page Aug 30, 2024 · 11 revisions

Lisflood Utilities is a set of tools to help LISFLOOD users (or any users of PCRaster/NetCDF files) to execute some mundane tasks that are necessary to operate lisflood. Here's a list of the tools you can find in lisflood-utilities package.

  • catchstats calculates catchment statistics (mean, sum, std, min, max...) from NetCDF4 files given masks created with cutmaps.

  • cddmap is a tool to generate correlation decay distance (CDD) maps starting from station timeseries

  • compare is a package containing a set of simple Python classes that helps to compare NetCDF, PCRaster and TSS files.

  • cutmaps is a tool to cut NetCDF files in order to reduce size, using either

  • gridding is a tool to interpolate meteo variables observations stored in text files containing (lon, lat, value) into grids.

  • lfcoords is a tool that finds the appropriate coordinates in the LISFLOOD river network for any point (gauging station, dam...).

  • nc2pcr is a tool to convert a NetCDF file into PCRaster maps.

  • ncextract is a tool to extract values from NetCDF4 (or GRIB) file(s) at specific coordinates.

  • pcr2nc is a tool to convert PCRaster maps to NetCDF4 files.

Note: PCRaster must be installed in the Conda environment.

  • thresholds is a tool to compute the discharge return period thresholds from NetCDF4 file containing a discharge time series.

  • water-demand-historic is a package allowing to generate sectoral (domestic, livestock, industry, and thermoelectric) water demand maps with monthly to yearly temporal steps for a range of past years, at the users’ defined spatial resolution and geographical extent. These maps are required by the LISFLOOD OS water use module

  • waterregions is a package containing two scripts that allow to create and verify a water regions map, respectively.

The package contains convenient classes for reading/writing:

  • PCRasterMap
  • PCRasterReader
  • NetCDFMap
  • NetCDFWriter
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