LeetCode #: 787
Difficulty: Medium
Topics: Dynamic Programming, Heap, Breadth-first Search.
There are n
cities connected by m
flights. Each flight starts from city u
and arrives at v
with a price w
Now given all the cities and flights, together with starting city src
and the destination dst
, your task is to find the cheapest price from src
to dst
with up to k
stops. If there is no such route, output -1
Example 1:
n = 3, edges = [[0,1,100],[1,2,100],[0,2,500]]
src = 0, dst = 2, k = 1
Output: 200
The cheapest price from city 0 to city 2 with at most 1 stop costs 200, as marked red in the picture.
Example 2:
n = 3, edges = [[0,1,100],[1,2,100],[0,2,500]]
src = 0, dst = 2, k = 0
Output: 500
The cheapest price from city 0 to city 2 with at most 0 stop costs 500, as marked blue in the picture.
- The number of nodes
will be in range[1, 100]
, with nodes labeled from0
ton - 1
. - The size of flights will be in range
[0, n * (n - 1) / 2]
. - The format of each flight will be
(src, dst, price)
. - The price of each flight will be in the range
[1, 10000]
. k
is in the range of[0, n - 1]
.- There will not be any duplicated flights or self cycles.
The idea is based on Dijkstra's algorithm.
Reference: [Java/Python] Priority Queue Solution by lee215