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impt Testing

There are Jasmine tests in the spec folder to test impt commands.

Tests Running

  1. Clone or download the latest version of imp-central-impt repository to a local imp-central-impt folder. For example, by a command git clone --recursive imp-central-impt
  2. Install imp-central-impt dependencies by calling npm install command from your local imp-central-impt folder.
  3. Set the mandatory environment variables:
    • IMPT_USER_EMAIL - impCentral account username or email address.
    • IMPT_USER_PASSWORD - the account password.
    • IMPT_DEVICE_IDS - comma separated list of Device IDs that will be used for tests execution.
  4. If needed, set optional environment variables:
    • IMPT_DEBUG - if true, displays additional output of the command execution (default: false).
    • IMPT_ENDPOINT - impCentral API endpoint (default: You need to specify it when working with a private impCentral installation.
    • IMPT_GITHUB_USER / IMPT_GITHUB_TOKEN - a GitHub account username / password or personal access token. You need to specify them when you got GitHub rate limit reached error.
  5. Alternatively, instead of the environment variables setting, you can directly specify the values of the corresponding variables in your local imp-central-impt/spec/config.js file.
  6. Run the tests by calling npm test command from your local imp-central-impt folder.

Note, at this moment some tests for impt test run command need to be run either on an imp001 or an imp002 module as they are designed to fail with an "Out of memory" error, which does not happen on imp modules with more memory available.

Tests Running Management

A set of tests to run is specified by a pattern of the file names which is defined as a value of the "spec_files" key in your local imp-central-impt/spec/support/jasmine.json file. By default it is:

  "spec_files": [

I.e. all files with names ended by spec.js or Spec.js in your local imp-central-impt/spec directory and all it's subdirectories are considered as files with tests.

To run one particular test file, or all test files from one particular directory, or any other subset of test files, update the value of the "spec_files" key correspondingly.

Tests Writing

One test file contains one test suite, intended to test one or several impt commands, usually from the same command group.

Test files are combined in directories. One directory includes all test files (test suites) intended to test impt commands of one command group. For example:

A test file should be named as <test_suite_name>.spec.js, where <test_suite_name> is some meaningful name, eg. it includes the tested command name.

Every test file (test suite) is executed independently from all other test suites.

Every test file (test suite) includes two mandatory methods:

  • beforeAll() - is executed before any other code in the file. Should be used to setup an environment before the test suite execution (eg. logging in, creation a Product, etc.)
  • afterAll() - is executed after any other code in the file. Should be used to cleanup the environment after the test suite execution (eg. deleting the Product, etc.)

Every test suite must delete all impCentral entities (Products, Device Groups, Deployments, etc.) which were created during the tests running.

If a test suite needs a new input parameter (eg. an unbound key or a Webhook url) it should be provided via a new environment variable. The environment variable must be documented in this readme file.

There is a common util file - imp-central-impt/spec/ImptTestingHelper.js - that contains useful methods which may be used by different test suites. The file may be extended by adding more reusable methods during new tests development.