This folder contains example yaml files which can be used to start Eclipse Ditto with its backing Database - MongoDB - and a reverse proxy - nginx - in front of the HTTP and WebSocket API.
The nginx's configuration is located in the nginx.conf
file and contains a "Basic authentication"
for accessing the HTTP and WebSocket API. The users for this sample authentication are configured
in the nginx.htpasswd
file also located in this directory.
In order to add a new entry to this file, use the "openssl passwd" tool to create a hashed password:
openssl passwd -quiet
Password: <enter password>
Verifying - Password: <enter password>
Append the printed hash in the nginx.htpasswd
file placing the username who shall receive this
password in front like this:
Running OpenShift cluster with at least developer access.
This is necessary for the pods to access the Kubernetes API and then build the pekko cluster.
oc apply -f pod-reader-role.yaml
oc create secret generic mongodb-secret -n digitaltwins --from-literal=MONGODB_PASSWORD='mongodb-secret-pw' --from-literal=MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD='mongodb-admin-secret-pw' &&
oc create secret generic mongodb-uri -n digitaltwins --from-literal=mongodb-uri='mongodb://mongodb-user:mongodb-secret-pw@mongodb:27017/iot-things?ssl=false'
oc create configmap nginx-conf --from-file=nginx/nginx.conf &&
oc create configmap nginx-cors --from-file=nginx/nginx-cors.conf &&
oc create configmap nginx-htpasswd --from-file=nginx/nginx.htpasswd &&
oc create configmap nginx-index --from-file=nginx/index.html
oc apply -f mongodb/mongodb.yaml
oc apply -f ditto/ditto-cluster.yaml
# Start ditto services with an alternative version e.g. 0-SNAPSHOT
# cat openshift/ditto/ditto-cluster.yaml | sed s/latest/0-SNAPSHOT/ | oc apply -f -
oc apply -f nginx/nginx.yaml
Have Fun!