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Deploy using Helm

The hello-kubernetes Helm chart can be used to deploy the hello-kubernetes application. The chart will deploy the following resources:

  • ServiceAccount
  • Service
  • Deployment
  • Ingress (Optional)


Configuration and installation

The following table lists the configuration parameters of the hello-kubernetes chart and their default values.

Parameter Type Default Description
message string "" A custom message to display instead of the default.
ingress.enabled bool false Indicates whether an ingress has been configured in the cluster.
Note: this chart will not install or configure an ingress. You will need to install an ingress controller and add ingress record to the app namespace.
ingress.rewritePath bool true Indicates whether pathPrefix is rewritten by the ingress.
If this is set to true then the hello-kubernetes dynamic content and static assets will be served from /, otherwise, they will be served from /$pathPrefix.
ingress.pathPrefix string "" The path prefix configured in the ingress for the hello-kubernetes service.
Must be provided when ingress is used.
service.type string "LoadBalancer" The service type.
service.port int 80 The port exposed by the service.
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Create a Prometheus ServiceMonitor.
imageKey.repository string eduardobaitello/hello-kubernetes The container image to run in the hello-kubernetes pods.
imageKey.tag string "" The container image tag. If not specified, the chart's appVersion is used.
deployment.replicaCount int 2 The number of replicas for the hello-kubernetes deployment.
deployment.container.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The pull policy for the container image.
deployment.container.port int "8080" The port that hello-kubernetes app listens on.
deployment.nodeSelector object {"":"linux", "":"amd64"} The node selector for the deployment.
deployment.resources object {} The resource limits for the deployment.
deployment.tolerations object [] The tolerations for the deployment.
deployment.affinity object {} The affinity for the deployment.

Installing the chart

Ensure that you are in the chart directory in the repo, since the instructions reference a local helm chart.

cd deploy/helm

To install hello-kubernets via the Helm chart, use the following to:

  • create the hello-kubernetes namespace if it doesn't exist
  • deploy the chart located in the ./hello-kubernetes folder into the hello-kubernetes namespace
  • create a Helm release named hello-world
helm install --create-namespace --namespace hello-kubernetes hello-world ./hello-kubernetes

You can override the values for the configuration parameter defined in the table above, either directly in the hello-kubernetes/values.yaml file, or via the --set switches.

helm install --create-namespace --namespace hello-kubernetes custom-message ./hello-kubernetes \
  --set message="I just deployed this on Kubernetes!"

Upgrading the chart

Ensure that you are in the chart directory in the repo, since the instructions reference a local helm chart.

cd deploy/helm

You can modify the hello-kubernetes app by providing new values for the configuration parameter defined in the table above, either directly in the hello-kubernetes/values.yaml file, or via the --set switches.

helm upgrade --namespace hello-kubernetes custom-message ./hello-kubernetes \
  --set message="This is a different message"

Uninstalling the chart

You can uninstall the hello-kubernetes app as follows:

helm uninstall --namespace hello-kubernetes custom-message