There are 2 options to build the app in Android: one automatic and another manual.
Make sure that both docker and docker-compose are available in the machine.
If needed,
will install both.
Generate the APK using [Makefile]:
make apk
- The APK is generated and signed with the key
- The new apk will be available in the folder
- The APK is generated and signed with the key
NOTE: If you're developing on MacOS, check the guide for installing Android Studion on MacOS
NOTE: It's easier to build with Docker using make apk
This describes how to build manually.
Navigate to geteduroam folder
cd geteduroam
Install Dependencies and build (nodeJS dependencies)
npm i npm run build
folder and config gradlenpx cap add android
Synchronize the
foldernpx cap sync android
(If you want to open this in Android Studio, run
npx cap open android
) -
Access the new generated
foldercd android
Create APK
./gradlew assembleDebug
Access the folder in which the APK is available
cd app/build/outputs/apk/debug/
Align APK
zipalign -v -p 4 app-debug.apk app-debug-aligned.apk
Sign APK
apksigner sign \ --ks /release-key.jks \ --ks-pass pass:KEY_PASSWORD \ --key-pass pass:KEY_PASSWORD \ --out geteduroam.apk app-debug-aligned.apk