An instance with a rotation behavior will spontaneously rotate at the specified speed. The center of rotation is the instance anchor point.
- Speed: The speed of rotation (Unit: degrees/second). Default value is 180. When the value is positive, it rotates clockwise. When the value is negative, it rotates counterclockwise.
- Acceleration: The acceleration of the rotation. The default value is 0, here it's a constant rotation. When the value is positive, it's clockwise acceleration (counterclockwise rotation is deceleration), and when the value is negative, it's clockwise deceleration ( counterclockwise rotation is acceleration). For example, if the speed is 180 and the acceleration is -10, then the instance will rotate clockwise at 180 degrees/second, but the slower and slower. When the speed is 0, it starts to rotate counterclockwise and turns faster and faster.
There are no unique conditions for the rotation behavior.