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modern-errors plugin to serialize/parse errors.

This adds BaseError.toJSON() and BaseError.parse() to serialize/parse errors to/from plain objects.



Adding the plugin to modern-errors.

import ModernError from 'modern-errors'
import modernErrorsSerialize from 'modern-errors-serialize'

export const BaseError = ModernError.subclass('BaseError', {
  plugins: [modernErrorsSerialize],
// ...

Serializing errors to plain objects.

const error = new InputError('Wrong file.', { props: { filePath } })
const errorObject = BaseError.toJSON(error)
// { name: 'InputError', message: 'Wrong file', stack: '...', filePath: '...' }
const errorString = JSON.stringify(error)
// '{"name":"InputError",...}'

Parsing errors from plain objects.

const newErrorObject = JSON.parse(errorString)
const newError = BaseError.parse(newErrorObject)
// InputError: Wrong file.
//     at ...
//   filePath: '...'


npm install modern-errors-serialize

This package works in both Node.js >=14.18.0 and browsers. It is an ES module and must be loaded using an import or import() statement, not require().



Type: Plugin

Plugin object to pass to the plugins option of ErrorClass.subclass().


error: Error
Return value: ErrorObject

Converts errors to plain objects that are serializable to JSON (or YAML, etc.).

This is also set as error.toJSON(), so JSON.stringify() automatically calls it.

All error properties are kept. Plugin options are also preserved.


If value is an error plain object, converts it to an error instance. Otherwise, recurse over value and parse any nested error plain object.

The original error classes are preserved.


JSON safety

Error plain objects are always safe to serialize with JSON.

const error = new InputError('Wrong file.')
error.cycle = error

// Cycles make `JSON.stringify()` throw, so they are removed
console.log(BaseError.toJSON(error).cycle) // undefined

Deep serialization/parsing

Objects and arrays are deeply serialized and parsed.

const error = new InputError('Wrong file.')
const deepArray = [{}, { error }]

const jsonString = JSON.stringify(deepArray)
const newDeepArray = JSON.parse(jsonString)

const newError = BaseError.parse(newDeepArray)[1].error
// InputError: Wrong file.
//     at ...

Custom serialization/parsing

Errors are converted to/from plain objects, not strings. This allows any serialization/parsing logic to be performed.

import { dump, load } from 'js-yaml'

const error = new InputError('Wrong file.')
const errorObject = BaseError.toJSON(error)
const errorYamlString = dump(errorObject)
// name: InputError
// message: Wrong file.
// stack: InputError: Wrong file. ...
const newErrorObject = load(errorYamlString)
const newError = BaseError.parse(newErrorObject) // InputError: Wrong file.

Additional error properties

const error = new InputError('Wrong file.', { props: { prop: true } })
const errorObject = BaseError.toJSON(error)
console.log(errorObject.prop) // true
const newError = BaseError.parse(errorObject)
console.log(newError.prop) // true

Aggregate errors

const error = new InputError('Wrong file.', {
  errors: [new ExampleError('one'), new ExampleError('two')],

const errorObject = BaseError.toJSON(error)
// {
//   name: 'InputError',
//   message: 'Wrong file.',
//   stack: '...',
//   errors: [{ name: 'ExampleError', message: 'one', stack: '...' }, ...],
// }
const newError = BaseError.parse(errorObject)
// InputError: Wrong file.
//   [errors]: [ExampleError: one, ExampleError: two]


If an error with a custom class is parsed, its custom constructor is not called. However, any property previously set by that constructor is still preserved, providing it is serializable and enumerable.

const InputError = BaseError.subclass('InputError', {
  custom: class extends BaseError {
    constructor(message, options, prop) {
      super(message, options, prop)
      this.prop = prop

const error = new InputError('Wrong file.', {}, true)
const errorObject = BaseError.toJSON(error)
// `constructor(message, options, prop)` is not called
const newError = BaseError.parse(errorObject)
// But properties set by that `constructor(...)` are kept
console.log(newError.prop) // true

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