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Tips, tricks, and recipies

How to see dependency changes?

Since version 10.2.2, rcc can show dependency listings using rcc robot dependencies command. Listing always have two sided, "Wanted" which is content from dependencies.yaml file, and "Available" which is from actual environment command was run against. Listing is also shown during robot runs.

Why is this important?

  • as time passes and world moves forward, new version of used components (dependencies) are released, and this may cause "configuration drift" on your robots, and without tooling in place, this drift might go unnoticed
  • if your dependencies are not fixed, there will be configuration drift and your robot may change behaviour (become buggy) when dependency changes and goes against implemented robot
  • even if you fix your dependencies in conda.yaml, some of those components or their components might have floating dependencies and they change your robots behaviour
  • if your execution environment is different from your development environment then there might be different versions available for different operating systems
  • if dependency resolution algorithm changes (pip for example) then you might get different environment with same conda.yaml
  • when you upgrade one of your dependencies (for example, rpaframework) to new version, dependency resolution will now change, and now listing helps you understand what has changed and how you need to change your robot implementation because of that

Example of dependencies listing from holotree environment

# first list dependencies from execution environment
rcc robot dependencies --space user

# if everything looks good, export it as wanted dependencies.yaml
rcc robot dependencies --space user --export

# and verify that everything looks `Same`
rcc robot dependencies --space user

How to freeze dependencies?

Starting from rcc 10.3.2, there is now possibility to freeze dependencies. This is how you can experiment with it.


  • have your conda.yaml to contain only those dependencies that your robot needs, either with exact versions or floating ones
  • run robot in your target environment at least once, so that environment there gets created
  • from that run's artifact directory, you should find file that has name something like environment_xxx_yyy_freeze.yaml
  • copy that file back into your robot, right beside existing conda.yaml file (but do not overwrite it, you need that later)
  • edit your robot.yaml file at condaConfigFile entry, and add your newly copied environment_xxx_yyy_freeze.yaml file there if it does not already exist there
  • repackage your robot and now your environment should stay quite frozen


  • this is new and experimental feature, and we don't know yet how well it works in all cases (but we love to get feedback)
  • currently this freezing limits where robot can be run, since dependencies on different operating systems and architectures differ and freezing cannot be done in OS and architecture neutral way
  • your robot will break, if some specific package is removed from pypi or conda repositories
  • your robot might also break, if someone updates package (and it's dependencies) without changing its version number
  • for better visibility on configuration drift, you should also have dependencies.yaml inside your robot (see other recipe for it)

How pass arguments to robot from CLI?

Since version 9.15.0, rcc supports passing arguments from CLI to underlying robot. For that, you need to have task in robot.yaml that co-operates with additional arguments appended at the end of given shell command.

Example robot.yaml with scripting task

  Run all tasks:
    shell: python -m robot --report NONE --outputdir output --logtitle "Task log" tasks.robot

    shell: python -m robot --report NONE --outputdir output --logtitle "Scripting log"

condaConfigFile: conda.yaml
artifactsDir: output
  - .
  - .
  - .gitignore

Run it with -- separator.

rcc task run --interactive --task scripting -- --loglevel TRACE --variable answer:42 tasks.robot

How to run any command inside robot environment?

Since version 9.20.0, rcc now supports running any command inside robot space using rcc task script command.

Some example commands

Run following commands in same direcotry where your robot.yaml is. Or otherwise you have to provide --robot path/to/robot.yaml in commandline.

# what python version we are running
rcc task script --silent -- python --version

# get pip list from this environment
rcc task script --silent -- pip list

# start interactive ipython session
rcc task script --interactive -- ipython

How to convert existing python project to rcc?

Basic workflow to get it up and running

  1. Create a new robot using rcc create with Basic Python template.
  2. Remove and and copy files from your existing project to this new rcc/robot project.
  3. Discover all your publicly available dependencies (including your python version) and try find as many as possible from and take rest from and put those dependencies into conda.yaml. And remove all those dependencies that you do not actually need in your project.
  4. Do not add any private dependencies into conda.yaml, and also no passwords in that conda.yaml either (passwords belong to secure place, like Vault).
  5. Modify your robot.yaml task definitions so, that it is how your python project should be executed.
  6. If you have additional private libraries, put them inside robot directory structure (like under libraries or something similar) and edit PYTHONPATH settings in robot.yaml to include those paths (relative paths only).
  7. If you have additional scripts/small binaries that your robot dependes on, add them inside robot directory structure (like under scripts directory) and edit PATH settings in robot.yaml to include that (relative) path.
  8. If your python project needs external dependencies (like Word or Excel) then those dependencies must be present in machine where robot is executed and they are not part of this conversion.
  9. Run robot and test if it works, and iterate to make needed changes.

What next?

  • Your python project is now converted to rcc and should be locally "runnable".
  • Setup Assistant or Worker in your machine and create Assistant or Robot in Robocorp Control Room, and try to run it from there.
  • If your robot is "headless", has all dependencies, and should be runnable in Linux, then you can try to run it in container from Control Room.
  • If your project is python2 project, then consider converting it to python3.
  • If you want to use rpaframework in your robot (like dialogs for example), then you have to start converting to use those features in your code.
  • etc.

Is rcc limited to Python and Robot Framework?

Absolutely not! Here is something completely different for you to think about.

Lets assume, that you are in almost empty Linux machine, and you have to quickly build new micromamba in that machine. Hey, there is bash, $EDITOR, and curl here. But there are no compilers, git, or even python installed.

Pop quiz, hot shot! Who you gonna call? MacGyver!

This is what we are going to do ...

Here is set of commands we are going to execute in our trusty shell

mkdir -p builder/bin
cd builder
$EDITOR robot.yaml
$EDITOR conda.yaml
$EDITOR bin/
curl -o rcc
chmod 755 rcc
./rcc run -s MacGyver

Write a robot.yaml

So, for this to be a robot, we need to write heart of our robot, which is robot.yaml of course.

condaConfigFile: conda.yaml
artifactsDir: output
- bin

Write a conda.yaml

Next, we need to define what our robot needs to be able to do our mighty task. This goes into conda.yaml file.

- conda-forge
- git
- gmock
- cli11
- cmake
- compilers
- cxx-compiler
- pybind11
- libsolv
- libarchive
- libcurl
- gtest
- nlohmann_json
- cpp-filesystem
- yaml-cpp
- reproc-cpp
- python=3.8
- pip=20.1

Write a bin/

And finally, what does our robot do. And this time, this goes to our directory bin, which is on our PATH, and name for this "robot" is actually and it is a bash script.

#!/bin/bash -ex

rm -rf target output/micromamba*
git clone target
pushd target
version=$(git tag -l --sort='-creatordate' | head -1)
git checkout $version
mkdir -p build
pushd build
mkdir -p output
cp target/build/micromamba output/micromamba-$version

Think what you can do with this conda.yaml?

  # Just using conda-forge, nothing else.
  - conda-forge

  # I'm not going to have python directly installed here ..
  # But let's go wild with conda-forge ...

  - nginx=1.21.6     #
  - php=8.1.5        #
  - go=1.17.8        #
  - postgresql=14.2  #
  - terraform=1.1.9  #
  - awscli=1.23.9    #
  - firefox=100.0    #

How to control holotree environments?

There is three controlling factors for where holotree spaces are created.

First is location of ROBOCORP_HOME at creation time of environment. This decides general location for environment and it cannot be changed or relocated afterwards.

Second controlling factor is given using --controller option and default for this is value user. And when applications are calling rcc, they should have their own "controller" identity, so that all spaces created for one application are groupped together by prefix of their "space" identity name.

Third controlling factor is content of --space option and again default value there is user. Here it is up to user or application to decide their strategy of use of different names to separate environments to their logical used partitions. If you choose to use just defaults (user/user) then there is going to be only one real environment available.

But above three controls gives you good ways to control how you and your applications manage their usage of different python environments for different purposes. You can share environments if you want, but you can also give a dedicated space for those things that need full control of their space.

So running following commands demonstrate different levels of control for space creation.

export ROBOCORP_HOME=/tmp/rchome
rcc holotree variables simple.yaml
rcc holotree variables --space tips simple.yaml
rcc holotree variables --controller tricks --space tips simple.yaml

If you now run rcc holotree list it should list something like following.

Identity            Controller  Space  Blueprint         Full path
--------            ----------  -----  --------          ---------
5a1fac3c5_2daaa295  rcc.user    tips   c34ed96c2d8a459a  /tmp/rchome/holotree/5a1fac3c5_2daaa295
5a1fac3c5_9fcd2534  rcc.user    user   c34ed96c2d8a459a  /tmp/rchome/holotree/5a1fac3c5_9fcd2534
9e7018022_2daaa295  rcc.tricks  tips   c34ed96c2d8a459a  /tmp/rchome/holotree/9e7018022_2daaa295

How to get understanding on holotree?


How to activate holotree environment?

On Linux/MacOSX:

# full robot environment
source <(rcc holotree variables --space mine --robot path/to/robot.yaml)

# or with just conda.yaml
source <(rcc holotree variables --space mine path/to/conda.yaml)

On Windows

rcc holotree variables --space mine --robot path/to/robot.yaml > mine_activate.bat
call mine_activate.bat

You can also try

rcc task shell --robot path/to/robot.yaml


It is environment variable level settings, that says where Robocorp tooling can keep tooling specific files and configurations. It has default values, and normal case is that defaults are fine. But if there is need to "relocate" that somewhere else, then this environment variable does the trick.

Are there some rules for ROBOCORP_HOME variable?

  • go with defaults, unless you have very good reason to override it
  • avoid using spaces or special characters in path that is ROBOCORP_HOME, so stick to basic english letters and numbers
  • never use your "home" directory as ROBOCORP_HOME, it will cause conflicts
  • never share ROBOCORP_HOME between two users, it should be unique to each different user account
  • also keep it private and protected, other users should not have access to that directory
  • never use ROBOCORP_HOME as working directory for user, or any other tools; this directory is only meant for Robocorp tooling to use, change, and operate on
  • never put ROBOCORP_HOME on network drive, since those tend to be slow, and using those can cause real performance issues
  • always make sure, that user owning that ROBOCORP_HOME directory has full control access and permissions to everything inside that directory structure

When you might actually need to setup ROBOCORP_HOME?

  • if your username contains spaces, or some special characters that can cause tooling to break
  • if path to your home directory is very long, it might cause long path issues, and one way to go around is have ROBOCORP_HOME on shorter path
  • if you need to have ROBOCORP_HOME on some different disk than default
  • if your home directory is on HDD drive (or even network drive), but you have fast SSD direve available, performance might be much better on SSD

What is shared holotree?

Shared holotree is way to multiple users use same environment blueprint in same machine, or even in different machines with same, once it is built or imported into hololib.

How to setup rcc to use shared holotree?

One time setup

On each machine, where you want to use shared holotree, the shared location needs to be enabled once. This depends on the operating system so the commands below are OS specific and do require elevated rights from the user that runs them.

The commands to enable the shared locations are:

  • Windows: rcc holotree shared --enable
    • Shared location: C:\ProgramData\robocorp
  • MacOS: sudo rcc holotree shared --enable
    • Shared location: /Users/Shared/robocorp
  • Linux: sudo rcc holotree shared --enable
    • Shared location: /opt/robocorp

Note: On Windows the command below assumes the standard BUILTIN\Users user group is present. If your organization has replaced this you can grant the permission with:

icacls "C:\ProgramData\robocorp" /grant "*S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)M" /T

To switch the user to using shared holotrees use the following command.

rcc holotree init

Reverting back to private holotrees

If user wants to go back to private holotrees, they can run following command.

rcc holotree init --revoke

What can be controlled using environment variables?

  • ROBOCORP_HOME points to directory where rcc keeps most of Robocorp related files and directories are kept
  • ROBOCORP_OVERRIDE_SYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS makes rcc more relaxed on system requirements (like long path support requirement on Windows) but it also means that if set, responsibility of resolving failures are on user side
  • RCC_VERBOSE_ENVIRONMENT_BUILDING makes environment creation more verbose, so that failing environment creation can be seen with more details
  • RCC_CREDENTIALS_ID is way to provide Control Room credentials using environment variables
  • RCC_NO_BUILD with any non-empty value will prevent rcc for creating new environments (also available as --no-build CLI flag, and as an option in settings.yaml file)
  • RCC_VERBOSITY controls how verbose rcc output will be. If this variable is not set, then verbosity is taken from --silent, --debug, and --trace CLI flags. Valid values for this variable are silent, debug and trace.
  • RCC_NO_TEMP_MANAGEMENT with any non-empty value will prevent rcc for doing any management in relation to temporary directories; using this environment variable means, that something else is managing temporary directories life cycles (and this might also break environment isolation)
  • RCC_NO_PYC_MANAGEMENT with any non-empty value will prevent rcc for doing any .pyc file management; using this environment variable means, that something else is doing that management (and using this makes rcc slower and hololibs become bigger and grow faster, since .pyc files are unfriendly to caching)

How to troubleshoot rcc setup and robots?

# to get generic setup diagnostics
rcc configure diagnostics

# to get robot and environment setup diagnostics
rcc configure diagnostics --robot path/to/robot.yaml

# to see how well rcc performs in your machine
rcc configure speedtest

Additional debugging options

  • generic flag --debug shows debug messages during execution
  • generic flag --trace shows more verbose debugging messages during execution
  • flag --timeline can be used to see execution timeline and where time was spent
  • with option --pprof <filename> enable profiling if performance is problem, and want to help improve it (by submitting that profile file to developers)

Advanced network diagnostics

When using custom endpoints or just needing more control over what network checks are done, command rcc configure netdiagnostics may become helpful.

# to test advanced network diagnostics with defaults
rcc configure netdiagnostics

# to capture advanced network diagnostics defaults to new configuration file
rcc configure netdiagnostics --show > path/to/modified.yaml

# to test advanced network diagnostics with custom tests
rcc configure netdiagnostics --checks path/to/modified.yaml


  • get example configuration out using --show option (as seen above)
  • configuration file format is YAML
  • add or remove points to DNS, HTTP HEAD and GET methods
  • url: and codes: are required fields for HEAD and GET checks
  • codes: field is list of acceptable HTTP response codes
  • content-sha256 is optional, and provides additional confidence when content is static and result content hash can be calculated (using sha256 algorithm)

What is in robot.yaml?


  Just a task:
    robotTaskName: Just a task
  Version command:
    shell: python -m robot --version
  Multiline command:
      - python
      - -m
      - robot
      - --report
      - NONE
      - -d
      - output
      - --logtitle
      - Task log
      - tasks.robot

  Editor setup:
    shell: python scripts/
  Repository update:
    shell: python scripts/

condaConfigFile: conda.yaml

- environment_linux_amd64_freeze.yaml
- environment_windows_amd64_freeze.yaml
- common_linux_amd64.yaml
- common_windows_amd64.yaml
- common_linux.yaml
- common_windows.yaml
- conda.yaml


artifactsDir: output

- .gitignore

- .
- bin

- .
- libraries

What is this robot.yaml thing?

It is declarative description in YAML format of what robot is and what it can do.

It is also a pointer to "a robot center of a universe" for directory it resides. So it is marker of "current working folder" when robot starts to execute and that will be indicated in ROBOT_ROOT environment variable. All declarations inside robot.yaml should be relative to and inside of this location, so do not use absolute paths here, or relative references to any parent directory.

It also marks root location that gets wrapped into when either wrapping locally or pushing to Control Room. Nothing above directory holding robot.yaml gets wrapped into that zip file.

Also note that robot.yaml is just a name of a file. Other names can be used and then given to commands using --robot othername.yaml CLI option. But in Robocorp tooling, this default name robot.yaml is used to have common ground without additional configuration needs.

Why "the center of the universe"?

Firstly, it is not "the center", it is just "a center of a universe" for specific robot. So it only applies to that specific robot, when operations are done around that one specific robot. Other robots have their own centers.

And reason for thinking this way is, that it is "convention over configuration", meaning that when we have this concept, there is much less configuration to do. It gives following things automatically, without additional configuration:

  • what is "root" folder, when wrapping robot into deliverable package
  • what is starting working directory when robot is executed (robot itself can of course change its working directory freely while running)
  • it gives solid starting point for relative paths inside robot, so that PATH, PYTHONPATH, artifactsDir, and other relative references can be converted absolute ones
  • it allows robot location to be different for different users and on different machines, and still have everything declared with known (but relative) locations

What are tasks:?

One robot can do multiple tasks. Each task is a single declaration of named task that robot can do.

There are three types of task declarations:

  1. The robotTaskName form, which is simplest and there only name of a task is given. In above example Just a task is a such thing. This is Robot Framework specific form.
  2. The shell form, where full CLI command is given as oneliner. In above example, Version command is example of this.
  3. The command form is oldest. It is given as list of command and its arguments, and it is most accurate way to declare CLI form, but it is also most spacious form.

What are devTasks:?

They are tasks like above tasks: define. But they have two major differences compared to normal tasks: definitions:

  1. They are for developers at development machines, for doing development time activities and tasks. They should never be available in cloud containers, Assistants or Agents. Developer tools can provide support for them, but their semantics should be only valid in development context.
  2. They can be run like normal tasks, by providing --dev flag. But during their run, all preRunScripts: are ignored. Otherwise environment is created and managed as with normal tasks, but without pre-run scripts applied.

The devTasks: primary goal is to provide developers a way to use the same tooling to automate their development process as normal tasks: provide ways to automate robot actions. Some examples could be: common editor setups, version control repository updates.

Currently --dev option is only available for rcc run and rcc task run commands. With the --dev option the only available tasks for execution will be the devTasks:. The normal tasks: will be skipped/missing. If the --dev option is missing, the devTasks: will be skipped/missing, and the normal tasks: will be the ones available for execution.

What is condaConfigFile:?

Use of this is deprecated, please use environmentConfigs: instead.

This is actual name used as conda.yaml environment configuration file. See next topic about details of conda.yaml file. This is just single file that describes dependencies for all operating systems. For more versatile selection, see environmentConfigs below. If that environmentConfigs exists and one of those files matches machine running rcc, then this config is ignored.

What are environmentConfigs:?

These are like condaConfigFile above, but as priority list form. First matching and existing item from that list is used as environment configuration file.

These files are matched by operating system (windows/darwin/linux) and by architecture (amd64/arm64). If filename contains word "freeze", it must match OS and architecture exactly. Other variations allow just some or none of those parts.

And if there is no such file, then those entries are just ignored. And if none of files match or exist, then as final resort, condaConfigFile value is used if present.

What are preRunScripts:?

This is set of scripts or commands that are run before actual robot task execution. Idea with these scripts is that they can be used to customize runtime environment right after it has been restored from hololib, and just before actual robot execution is done.

If script names contains some of "amd64", "arm64", "darwin", "windows" and/or "linux" words (like then other architectures and operating systems will skip those scripts, and only amd64 linux systems will execute them.

All these scripts are run in "robot" context with all same environment variables available as in robot run.

These scripts can pollute the environment, and it is ok. Next rcc operation on same holotree space will first do the cleanup though.

All scripts must be executed successfully or otherwise full robot run is considered failure and not even tried. Scripts should use exit code zero to indicate success and everything else is failure.

Some ideas for scripts could be:

  • install custom packages from private pip repository
  • use Vault secrets to prepare system for actual robot run
  • setup and customize used tools with secret or other private details that should not be visible inside hololib catalogs (public caches etc)

What is artifactsDir:?

This is location of technical artifacts, like log and freezefiles, that are created during robot execution and which can be used to find out technical details about run afterwards. Do not confuse these with work-item data, which are more business related and do not belong here.

During robot run, this locations is available using ROBOT_ARTIFACTS environment variable, if you want to store some additional artifacts there.

What are ignoreFiles:?

This is a list of configuration files that rcc uses as locations for ignore patterns used while wrapping robot into a file. But note, that once filename is on this list, it must also be present on directory structure, this is part of a contract.

Content of those files should be similar to what is used normally as version control systems as ignore files (like .gitignore file in git context). Here rcc implements only subset of functionality, and allows just mostly globbing patterns or exact names of files and directories.

Note: do not put file or directory names that you want to be ignored directly in this list. They all should reside in one of those configurations listed in this configuration list.

Tip: using .gitignore as one of those ignoreFiles: entries helps you to remove duplication of maintenance pressures. But if you want ignore different things in git and in, or if there are conflicts between those, feel free use different filenames as you see fit.

What are PATH:?

This allows adding entries into PATH environment variable. Intention is to allow something like bin directory inside robot, where custom scripts and binaries can be located and available for execution during robot run.


This allows adding entries into PYTHONPATH environment variable. Intention is to allow something like libraries directory inside robot, where custom libraries can be located and automatically loaded by python and robot.

What is in conda.yaml?


- conda-forge

- python=3.9.13
- nodejs=16.14.2
- pip=22.1.2
- pip:
  - robotframework-browser==12.3.0
  - rpaframework==15.6.0

  - rfbrowser init

What is this conda.yaml thing?

It is declarative description in YAML format of environment that should be set up.

What are channels:?

Channels are conda sources where to get packages to be used in setting up environment. It is recommended to use conda-forge channel, but there are others also. Other recommendation is that only one channel is used, to get consistently build environments.

Channels should be in priority order, where first one has highest priority.

Example above uses conda-forge as its only channel. For more details about conda-forge, see this link.

What are dependencies:?

These are libraries that are needed to be installed in environment that is declared in this conda.yaml file. By default they come from locations setup in channels: part of file.

But there is also - pip: part and those dependenies come from PyPI and they are installed after dependencies from channels: have been installed.

In above example, python=3.9.13 comes from conda-forge channel. And rpaframework==15.6.0 comes from PyPI.

What are rccPostInstall: scripts?

Once environment dependencies have been installed, but before it is frozen as hololib catalog, there is option to run some additional commands to customize that environment. It is list of "shell" commands that are executed in order, and if any of those fail, environment creation will fail.

All those scripts must come from package declared in dependencies: section, and should not use any "local" knowledge outside of environment under construction. This makes environment creation repeatable and cacheable.

Do not use any private or sensitive information in those post install scripts, since result of environment build could be cached and visible to everybody who has access to that cache. If you need to have private or sensitive packages in your environment, see preRunScripts in robot.yaml file.

How to do "old-school" CI/CD pipeline integration with rcc?

If you have CI/CD pipeline and want to updated your robots from there, this recipe should give you ideas how to do it. This example works in linux, and you probably have to modify it to work on Mac or Windows, but idea will be same.

Basic requirements are:

  • have well formed robot in version control
  • have rcc command available or possibility to fetch it
  • possibility on CI/CD pipeline to run just simple CLI commands

The script

#!/bin/sh -ex

curl -o rcc
chmod 755 rcc
./rcc cloud push --account ${ACCOUNT_ID} --directory ${ROBOT_DIR} --workspace ${WORKSPACE_ID} --robot ${ROBOT_ID}

So above script uses curl command to download rcc from download site, and makes it executable. And then it simply calls that rcc command, and expects that CI system has provided few variables.

A script for simulating variable injection.


export ACCOUNT_ID=4242:cafe9d9c0dadag00d37b9577babe1575b67bc1bbad3ce9484dead36a649c865beef26297e67c8d94f0f0057f0100ab64:
export WORKSPACE_ID=1717
export ROBOT_ID=2121
export ROBOT_DIR=$(pwd)/therobot

Expectations for above setup are:

  • robot to be updated is in EU1 (behind API)
  • Control Room account has "Access creadentials" 4242 available and active
  • account has access to workspace 1717
  • there exist previously created robot 2121 in that workspace
  • robot is located in "therobot" directory directly under "current working directory" (centered around robot.yaml file)
  • and account has suitable rights to actually push robot to Control Room

Simulating actual CI/CD step in local machine.

#!/bin/sh -ex


Above script brings "setup" and "old school CI" together, but just for demonstration purposes. For real life use, adapt and remember security (no compromising variable content inside repository).

Additional notes

  • if CI/CD worker/container can be custom build, then it is recommended to download rcc just once and not on every run (like script now does)
  • that ACCOUNT_ID should be stored in credentials store/vault in CI system, because that is secret that you need to use to be able to push to cloud
  • that ACCOUNT_ID is "ephemeral" account, and will not be saved in rcc.yaml
  • also consider saving other variables in secure way
  • in actual CI/CD pipeline, you might want to embed actual commands into CI step recipe and not have external scripts (but you decide that)

How to setup custom templates?

Custom templates allows making your own templates that can be used when new robot is created. So if you have your own standard way of doing things, then custom template is good way to codify it.

You then need to do these steps:

  • setup custom settings.yaml that point location where template configuration file is located (the templates.yaml file)
  • if you are using profiles, then make above change in settings.yaml used there
  • create that custom templates.yaml configuration file that lists available templates, and where template bundle can be found (the file)
  • and finally build that to bundle together all those templates that were listed in configuration file
  • and finally both templates.yaml and must be somewhere behind URL that starts with https:

Note: templates are needed only on development context, and they are not used or needed in Assistant or Worker context.

Custom template configuration in settings.yaml.

In settings.yaml, there is autoupdates: section, and there is entry for templates: where you should put exact name and location where active templates configuration file is located.



As above example shows, name is configurable, and can even contain some versioning information, if so needed.

Custom template configuration file as templates.yaml.

In that templates.yaml following things must be provided:

  • hash: (sha256) of "" file (so that integrity of can be verified)
  • url: to exact name and location where that can be downloaded
  • date: when this template.yaml file was last updated
  • templates: as key/value pairs of templates and their "one liner" description seen in UIs
  • so, if there is inside, then that should have shell: Shell Robot Template or something similar in that templates: section


hash: c7b1ba0863d9f7559de599e3811e31ddd7bdb72ce862d1a033f5396c92c5c4ec
date: 2022-09-12
  shell: Simple Shell Robot template
  extended: Extended Robot Framework template
  playwright: Playwright template
  producer-consumer: Producer-consumer model template

Custom template content in file.

Then that is zip-of-zips. So for each key from templates.yaml templates: sections should have matching .zip file inside that master zip.

Shared using https: protocol ...

Then both templates.yaml and should be hosted somewhere which can be accessed using https protocol. Names there should match those defined in above steps.

And that settings.yaml should either be delivered standalone into those developer machines that need to use those templates, or better yet, be part of "profile" that developers can use to setup all of required configurations.

Where can I find updates for rcc?

That is rcc download site with two categories of:

  • tested versions (these are ones we ship with our tools)
  • latest 20 versions (which are not battle tested yet, but are bleeding edge)

What has changed on rcc?

See changelog from git repo ...

See that from your version of rcc directly ...

rcc docs changelog

Can I see these tips as web page?

Sure. See following URL.