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elmarmut75 edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 42 revisions

Welcome to the Arduino-1602-2004-LCD-menu wiki!

Menu basic usage

Storing menu texts to the program memory

const char t00[] PROGMEM = "Menu item 1";

const char t01[] PROGMEM = "Menu item 2";

const char t02[] PROGMEM = "Submenu item 1";

const char t03[] PROGMEM = "Event text";

const char* const tt[] PROGMEM = {t00, t01, t02, t03};

Define new instance MyMenu class

Menu MyMenu;

Menu object initialization

MyMenu.begin(LCD_object, PROGMEM_text_table, refresh_time_[ms], sleep_time [s], off_time[min.] (255=off), LCD_columns, LCD_rows, date_format [1:DD.MM.YY, 0:MM.DD.YY], max_events [0..50])

MyMenu.begin(lcd, tt, 500, 30, 5, 16, 2, 1, 0);

Example: refresh_time = 500ms, sleep_time = 30 sec. (function Menu_Off is called), off_time = 5 min. (display is switched off), LCD have 16 columns, LCD have 2 rows, date_format is "DD.MM.YY", event table have 0 rows = not used`

lcd is instance LiquidCrystal_I2C class:`

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3f, 16, 2); // I2C address of the LCD display is 0x3f

Menu control type definition

MyMenu.key_input(input_type[0:binary, 1:analog], analog_pin, pin_up, pin_down, pin_left, pin_right)

MyMenu.key_input(1, 1, 40, 160, 10, 250); //analog keypad on A1 pin; up, down, left, right represents value on analog input pin when you press corresponding key on keypad [0-1024]

MyMenu.key_input(0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 2); //digital keypad pins 3 up, 4 down, 5 left, 2 right

MyMenu.key_input(0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 4); //rotary encoder pins 2 CLK, 3 DT, 4 SW

Menu item creation

MyMenu.add_menu_item(parent_id, action_type, text_table_index, variable_pointer (optional), var_type (optional))

For root menu - parent_id = -1

byte item1_id = MyMenu.add_menu_item(-1,0,0); //creates menu item with text "Menu item 1" in the root menu level

byte item2_id = MyMenu.add_menu_item(-1,0,1); //creates menu item with text "Menu item 2" in the root menu level

MyMenu.add_menu_item(item1_id,0,2); //creates submenu of "Menu item 1" with text "Submenu item 1"

Running menu

void loop() {



Creation of the Events

MyMenu.add_event(unsigned long _event_time, byte _event_text_id, float event_var);

MyMenu.add_event(1557297120, 3, 532); //creates event with time stamp 8. May 2019 6:32:00, description "Event text" and value 532

time stamp is in standard unix time format (number of seconds since 1.1.1970 00:00:00)

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