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1630 lines (1627 loc) · 93.6 KB

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1630 lines (1627 loc) · 93.6 KB

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The future is uncertain


Added EltreumRefreshDebuff nameplate style filter, which will set nameplates that have expiring debuffs to full scale and alpha, but it requires the player to manually add the debuffs to its list
Added a shortcut to the EltreumRefreshDebuff nameplate style filter in Eltruism > Nameplates so that its easier to add Debuffs to it
Added shadows to multiple Alert Frames like Achievements
Added Shadows to some missing frames
Added Gradient to Mirror Timers such as the Breath Timer
Added an option to Automatically Confirm Bind on Pickup Items in Classic/Wrath
Added Gradient to Classbars/Additional Power Bar
Added shadows and Gradient to Loot Roll Frame in Classic/Wrath
Added action paging for stances for Warrior and Death Knight in Classic/Wrath
Added Cardinal Directions to Minimap
Updated profiles, enabling smoothbars again and changing the backdrop color
Updated Details Icon to the new version of Details, also adding Evoker Icons
Updated some events related to Quest Item Bar
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Quest Item Bar
Fixed a possible error with Details
Fixed Profession skin not loading when other addons loaded Blizzard's Addons before Eltruism was loaded
Fixed a possible error with Glows when ElvUI action bars were not enabled
Fixed Guild Bank Shadows
Fixed a possible issue with chat custom colors due to the color table loading after the chat history had loaded
Fixed a possible issue with the Stats on Character Panel being outside the Panel in Retail when the number of stats was too many
Fixed the Inspect Sockets option button not disabling when the Character Sockets option was disabled


Added some more missing shadows
Added customizable gradient colors to Details Skins, if the option is enabled in Gradient Colors then Details will use the custom colors
Added Shadows to BigWigs Skin
Updated ElvUI FCT profile
Updated how fonts for other addons are applied during install, now they should use the font you have chosen
Updated Install process removing Automatic Scale since Eltruism is only really adjusted for the default Scale and not multiple ones (you can use any other scale but profiles won't be adjusted for it)
Updated Evoker Icons
Fixed an issue with Borders toggling during install if the profile was already installed
Fixed Target of Target size in WeakAuras mode if the Healer profile was used
Fixed Player Power not appearing if using WeakAuras mode with Healer Profile
Fixed Quests overlapping with the Boss Frame by hiding quests during boss fights when the option was enabled instead of collapsing quests
Fixed an error when attempting to type a voice for Mail Sound when Text To Speech did not have a voice selected
Fixed Details having a white bar texture during login
Fixed some shadow issues
Fixed an issue with action paging with Demon Hunters
Fixed spaced power shadows in Party


Added Gradient to BigWigs Bars with a BigWigs Skin in Eltruism > Skins
Added Gradient to Details Bars with a Details Skin in Eltruism > Skins
Added a few checks for Unitframe Modifications being enabled before applying settings like gradient power and models
Added the chat command /eltruism translate which will turn off DeepL translation warnings
Updated Bigwigs, DBM, Capping and ElvUI FCT profiles
Updated Warlock Model to be different from Paladin
Updated Pet Castbar color to have a different color between Interruptable and Non Interruptable
Fixed the Death Animations (such as "You Died") activating inside instances
*Note: Details alpha/beta versions might have issues with the skin since those versions are meant for Dragonflight and not release, make sure to use the release version from August 31st


Added settings for new Totems from ElvUI 12.89
Added Shadows to Totem Tracker
Added a missing enchant to sockets
Updated EltreumTarget Nameplate Style Filter by disabling Health by Class
Updated gradient functions to improve performance
Updated tooltip and enabled item quality border
Updated general Totem Settings due to new totems on all game versions
Updated PallyPower skin to use icons like the character panel skin(Releaf or Blizzard icons)
Updated Offhand Weapon Quality Texture in Character Panel Skin in Wrath/Classic
Fixed Minimap and Chat shadows not changing size when changing the size option for shadows
Fixed incorrect Group Spacing in Raid2 Healer Layout for Wrath/Classic
Fixed Inspect Item Level Text sometimes not updating


Added Gradient Aurabars and added shadows to Aurabars
Added Glows for Dispels on Unitframes, enabled in the Healer profile
Added an option to change Shadow Sizes
Updated Healer Raid Frames Layouts
Updated Shadow and Light profile
Updated PallyPower Skin by adding a few missing buttons
Fixed some PallyPower shadows
Fixed an issue where Health Color and Texture for Nameplates when Gradient was enabled were not being disabled
Fixed the Buff in Arenas function having wrong visibility after ElvUI changed Raid frames
Fixed an issue when ProjectAzilroka was loaded by some modules were not enabled when creating shadows
Fixed Shaman Totem Glow order in Wrath/Classic


Added a skin to PallyPower
Added gradient to focus target
Updated MeetingHorn skin
Updated a few shadows
Updated actionbar glows in Wrath/Classic to only load on classes that actually have procs
Updated the automatic role setup to ignore Death Knights in Wrath
Updated some class icons
Updated Chat Positions one pixel down due to the toggles
Updated Gladdy profile to add Totem Pulse
Fixed a possible error during Layout install if the LFG channel was not found
Fixed Tooltip Shadow when Healthbar was set at the bottom
Fixed some PallyPower Shadows


Added Item Level to tooltips in Wrath/Classic
Added a skin to the Gear Manager Toggle Button
Added an option to disable moving auras when hiding minimap in combat
Added gradient to Focus Target
Added Spirit to the Stats Datatext for the Specs that use it in Classic/Wrath
Added an option to use custom colors for classes in chat, these colors sue the colors from gradient
Updated Layouts to use 0.71111111111111 scale as a multiplier for 1080p, 1440p and 4K
Updated Player and Target Castbar shadows to more reliably be set on the correct position
Updated Weakauras Actionbar mode
Updated [name:eltruism:abbreviateshort] to not use "..." and instead use one extra letter
Updated Layouts to use Locked ActionBars by default
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated [eltruism:groupnumber] tag to say, for example, "Group 1" instead of just "1"
Updated some references in how they obtain item info to use a more generic method compatible with non enUS locales
Updated Inspect Talent frame skin by adjusting some the text/buttons to be more centered
Fixed an issue with the Quest Skin that could cause an ElvUI message to appear
Fixed an issue with the Wrath Quest Skin where text sizes would change
Fixed Achievement Skin in the Objective Frame in Retail when the cursor entered/left the text
Fixed an issue with unitframe shadows when BenikUI ha detached portrait enabled and Eltruism had Information Panel on top enabled
Fixed Bars in Quest Skin having a gap when not using ElvUI Thin Borders
Fixed an issue where shadows would still get created for tooltips when not using ElvUI tooltips


Added option to color chat messages by player class
Added options to hide some blizzard frames
Added shadows to Inspect tabs
Updated for ElvUI 12.86
Updated Inspect Frame Talent Skin to be the same Size as the Player
Updated a few functions with combat checks that will show messages when they cannot be run in combat
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Stats Datatext with more relevant Stats per Spec in Wrath/Classic
Updated profile by enabling power model during install
Fixed Close Button on Glyphs not being Interactable
Fixed Shaman Totem Shadow in Wrath


Added new Datatexts for Stats, showing Crit, Mastery, Haste and Versatility in Retail and Power, Hit, Crit and Haste in Classic, alongside main stats
Added the new Datatexts to the EltruismDataText Panel and updated the Time datatext with a new panel
Added an option to set unitframes information panel to be on top of the frame
Added an option to change the background fade of Power Gradient
Added Gradient to Wrath Boss Unitframes
Added an option to use ElvUI Unitframes texture in Gradient mode instead of a Gradient Mode specific texture
Added Atwood's Role Icons
Added shadows and borders to Focus Target
Added a button to restore Blizzard's Combat Text in case it was hidden
Added a [name:eltruism:abbreviateshort] tag which will abbreviate names for Raid frames
Added the tags [eltruism:hpdeficitpc] and [eltruism:pchpdeficit] which will show health lost and hp % when health is not full
Added a function to set the cooldown colors to be class colored
Added Gradient to Cursor's Cast
Added Releaf's Role Icons
Updated Raid Frames to new ElvUI Layout
Updated Custom Texts to new ElvUI layout, some custom texts might need to be refreshed if changing fonts/outlines
Updated MeetingHorn skin
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Sockets and Enchants to show missing sockets and enchants when above 60 instead
Updated Datatext layout, with a new EltruismTime datatext that has a Time datatext in a larger size, and the new Stat datatexts added to replace friends and missing tables/coords
Updated Expanded Talents skin by increasing the size of the rank text
Updated Quest Items and added a few missing items
Updated ElvUI Cooldown Text options and changed some of the colors
Updated the Aura Filters to add more Auras when using Show All
Updated Logic for Aura Borders and Shadows, which should perform better
Updated Chat Install Logic in Classic, moving LFG to a separate Tab as to prevent spam
Updated Power Models to not be wiped away when going AFK
Updated Nameplate Style Filters (EltreumTarget, EltreumRare and ElvUI_Boss) in Wrath due to an issue with world bosses (mainly AV bosses) where the scale would not apply, EltreumTarget will now scale Worldbosses instead of ElvUI_Boss
Updated EltreumRestedNP and EltreumHideNP Style Filters to once again use Name Only since the issue with stuttering was fixed in ElvUI
Updated how Eltruism's Nameplate Style Filters are applied, they will now enable or disable when they are toggled on in the options
Updated a few more checks when installing profiles and skipping some options
Updated how nameplate IDs are checked and fixed an issue where sometimes gradient would not apply
Updated Gladdy profile with more Totem options
Updated the Frame Strata for some borders so text would not overlap
Updated Party Castbars on Profiles
Updated other plugins install message to only display when using an Eltruism profile
Updated objective frame skin to skin the collapse/expand button in Classic
Updated Quest Item Bar with a few extra items
Updated Questie profile, disabling DBM hud
Updated options enabling Boss frame options in Wrath
Fixed an issue where the character model would overlap the texture quality icons on the Character Panel Skin
Fixed an issue with one line of localization
Fixed an issue with Boss Borders multiplying when changing settings
Fixed an issue where the color of Gradient Castbar interrupts was not using the custom colors
Fixed an issue where some Role Icons could be missing textures
Fixed an issue where the Border is Disabled message could be spammed when leveling up and in other scenarios due to how events were firing
Fixed some texts not changing outline when using the outline functions
Fixed Borders Auto Adjust turning on when changing specs/profiles
Fixed missing Role Icons in Wrath
Fixed Tooltip Shadow when Health bars exist
Fixed an issue where the Character Panel Skin Font Size wouldn't change it stat colors was not enabled
Fixed some missing shadows on Player and Target unitframes depending on settings like power position
Fixed an issue where player model would reset on certain events
Fixed an error due to ElvUI_Explosives Nameplate Style Filter on Wrath/Classic
Fixed missing outline function during Roboto font install
Fixed an action bar overlap in 1080p


Added gradient nameplate castbars, which follow the castbar settings from unitframes
Added an option to set the Information Panel in Unitframes to be on top instead of bottom
Added Item Set Color to Item Quality Texture, coloring Item Sets differently and also adding color settings for it
Added bag ilvl to the Item Level Text on the Character Panel Skin, alongside color settings for it
Updated Power Gradient with the backdrop being also gradient colored if not using a custom backdrop
Updated the Character Panel Skin Stats to attempt better aligment of the text for other locales
Updated the default Gradient Castbars to not use reaction since colors for hostile npcs could be confusing with non interruptable spells
Updated German locales by Dlarge
Updated procs to remove moongoose bite since it is not a proc in Wrath
Updated shadows function to better detect Player and Target Power
Updated Dynamic Datatext to make it only work for Hunters and Warlocks
Fixed Meeting Horn Skin, thanks to slm20200822
Fixed an issue with LootText that caused some World Texts and Combat Texts to be larger than expected
Fixed an issue that caused Item Level text on Inspect frames to not update in Classic/Wrath
Fixed a debug print when deleting items
Fixed an issue with the Role Check happening in combat


Added an option to turn off gradient npc castbars being colored by reaction and added color options for it
Added LootText to some created items
Added options to change the size and font of LootText, which will also affect some Combat Texts
Added an option to change the scale of the Expanded Talents in Wrath/Classic
Updated German translations by Dlarge
Updated the automatic stats setting to detect player spec and more reliably set the correct stats
Fixed the compatibility check with MerathilisUI after its database was changed
Fixed player model effects not always appearing
Fixed possible errors in gradient power due to enemy NPCs having more powers than expected (over 100 power types), this will cause them to fallback to a mana gradient
Fixed the Stat Dropdown overlapping the stats on the Character Panel Skin for Wrath
Disabled MeetingHorn skin as I lack access to it in order to test and fix it


Added models to power bars and options for it, with nameplate power bar using the same settings as unitframe powers
Added options for gradient databars such as reputation, experience and honor
Added options for the nameplate style filter gradient
Added gradient to tooltips, this option is attached to unitframes
Added a function that will automatically set the correct role while in a group for Wrath
Updated German translations by DLarge
Updated Execute nameplate style filter to apply only a texture in order to not conflict with the gradient colors
Updated the custom nameplate height function to ignore player personal nameplate
Fixed a wrong icon for battle res while playing as a warlock in Retail
Fixed a possible error with shamans and totem bars during install
Fixed a possible class color overwrite when using custom colors for quests
Fixed Death Knight missing for Gradient Colors


Added new options for the Objective Frame skin, including fonts colors and textures
Added missing paging for Rogues and Warlocks in Wrath
Updated the position of some minimap icons
Updated Cooldown's minimum length to fix Death Knight's cooldowns
Updated Sockets and Enchants adding a few missing Death Knight runes
Updated borders in WeakAuras mode
Updated Nameplate Power Bar to more reliably hide when the nameplate is gone
Updated default Death Knight class Model background in unitframes
Updated Death Knight's Runic Power color's for gradient Fixed text overlap for Runeforging skin
Fixed Pet/Companion overlapping the button in Wrath\


Added full support for Wrath of the Light King Classic
Added gradient power to player, target, target of target, focus and target of target of target frames, and also the nameplate power bar
Added French translation by DeepL, much like the Spanish translation this locale is in testing
Added a new datatext, Eltruism Teleports, which will show the current hearthstone location and if its on cooldown, alongside a list of all teleports you may have that have a cooldown
Added a new datatext panel, disabling the minimap and chat panels to use this new datatext instead. An option to add it can be found in Eltruism > Installer
Added shadows to ProjectAzilroka's minimap buttons
Updated the Weakauras Action Bar function
Updated German translations by Dlarge
Updated Draenei Character Background
Updated general power colors
Updated Reputation Colors
Updated AFK functions to prevent misfiring
Updated the size of the aura border to not overlap the icon
Updated the position of the Objective Frame for Classic/Wrath
Updated the position of some stats in the character panel to fix the aligment issue, this may not work on all locales
Updated Character Panel Skin Custom background by cropping it the same way as other backgrounds when the panel is not seen
Fixed minimap border overlapping the location text when using rectangle minimap with Shadow and Light or Windtools
Fixed Classic/Wrath Objective Skin losing green completion color
Fixed custom colors for unitframes not applying in some scenarios
Fixed a missing setting for toggling Level and Boss Skins
Fixed a missing mover for the Totem Bar
Fixed Threat function firing while dead


Updated Quest Skin to also use Custom Gradient colors if they are enabled
Updated player combat icon position
Fixed Nameplate Threat Colors always using Custom Gradient colors
Fixed DELETE item spamming in some scenarios
Fixed a possible error with a shadow when opening the Guild/Community window
Fixed Quest Item Bar not always updating


Added FSR scale to the FSR always on option so that FSR factor can be set in Classic/TBC/Wrath
Updated a few shadows for Wrath
Updated Quest Item Bar to center when it has only one item
Fixed Class Cres overlapping some bars in Classic/TBC/Wrath
Fixed a possible error with custom role icons


Added an option to use Custom Role Icons, simply enable and type the file name inside Interface > Addons
Added an option to change the Character Model position on the Character Skin
Added an option to force AMD's FSR on even when not using a lower scale
Added options for gradient Reputation and Honor databars
Added an Option to move the Item Level Text Position
Added profile for BigWigs for Wrath
Updated Gladdy profile
Updated DBM profile font outline
Updated EltreumExecute nameplate style filter to automatically set the HP % based on class
Updated Item Level coloring in Classic/TBC/Wrath to reflect the average Item Quality Color
Updated Nameplate Player Class texture to be disabled if gradient nameplates are being used
Updated Healer profile Boss Buff/Debuffs
Updated Eltruism Role Icons
Updated Character Panel Skin Ammo position to not overlap with Item Level Text
Fixed Auto Adjust of Borders being enabled when borders were disabled during install
Fixed Glyphs in Wrath showing some backgrounds
Fixed Unitframes Health backdrop color
Fixed Class Crest position in other panels


Added an option to change the font size on the Character Panel Skin
Added an option to hide datatexts outside of combat and show them in combat
Added alpha option to the Nameplate Power Bar background
Updated Gradient Mode, finally solving the Gradient colors for Priest in light mode and making it more compatible with other ElvUI settings
Updated Objective Tracker Skin to better skin World Quests and added a Gradient Bar to it like the others
Updated WeakAuras Action Bar visibility and added a few checks to prevent errors
Updated pet unitframe health configuration due to an ElvUI update
Updated waypoint autopin to more reliably autopin in some scenarios
Updated German translations by Dlarge
Updated Action bar out of range color
Fixed health backdrop alpha in light mode
Fixed Talking Head not correctly hiding in some situations
Fixed profile not applying when spec specific profiles were selected


Added an option in Eltruism > Media to make the actionbars and power similar to a WeakAura, a command (/eltruism weakauras) was also added
Added an option to move the cursor anchor using offsets
Added an option to enable/disable the class colored modifier keys on action bars
Added a button in Eltruism > Installer to rerun the Database Check and improved the version check
Added new media, "Oh no no no"
Updated Character Panel Skin, allow more settings to be independent and also improved compatibility with Shadow and Light armory and Deja Character Stats
Updated Expanded Talents for Classic/TBC/Wrath, which will now better use the background art
Updated the Chat Color System messages to better detect messages in other languages than English
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Nameplate Style filter for Explosives, now forcing it to have full Alpha and higher Priority
Updated Quest Items Bar in Retail to more reliably detect quest items
Fixed Pet Name in Wrath not correctly replacing fonts
Fixed a possible error if trying to open the game menu while in combat
Fixed Other stats in Character Panel skin sometimes not being correctly positioned
Fixed an error with Style Filters


Added an option to toggle off gradient texts on character panel skin and use class color instead
Added a black background option to expanded art in character panel skin
Updated the item quality texture size to not overlap when not using the character panel skin
Updated some character skin options to work without expanded art/panel
Fixed Cooldown's Text To Speech option checking for Mail Text to Speech in order to enable/disable


Added models options, which will add models to Player, Pet, Target, Target of Target, Player Castbar and Target Castbar, these can be customized and changed to custom ones instead of being class based
Added Cooldown, a fork of discoteq's Doom Cooldown Pulse, which will show an icon for skills that are coming of cooldown. This fork includes an option to play Text-To-Speech for the skill coming of cooldown
Added Text-To-Speech option to Mail sound
Added an option to change the nameplate overlap whenever entering rested areas, and setting them to normal values once leaving
Added and updated movers to a new Eltruism category, making it easier to see frames from Eltruism
Added option to automatically adjust the portrait of the target based on it being a creature or a player
Added an option to hide the cooldown swipe on nameplates buffs and debuffs
Added a compatibility check to fix a possible issue with MerathilisUI
Added a class color to modifier keys (Alt,Shift,Ctrl and so on) on ActionBars
Updated Inspect Skin making the frame a bit wider as to not overlap as much information, for Retail moved the Item Level text and Dressing Room, for TBC/Wrath an expanded talents skin was also added
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Character Panel skin to use more gradients and to use custom gradients it they are enabled
Updated Custom Nameplate Height function to more reliably detect units that are in combat
Updated the Database, which will make the Database Converter run and move settings to their new locations, a reload is necessary to save settings. (Thank you Repooc!)
Fixed an issue with the Loot Screenshot option missing
Fixed NPCs incorrectly using custom gradient castbars when the custom option was disabled
Fixed duplicate items in Quest Item Bar and made its position detection better
Fixed backdrop alpha in some scenarios
Fixed a possible error with the AFK screen
Fixed a typo on the combatindicator tag
Fixed Light mode not using correct textures
Fixed Class Icon for Focus in Light/Dark Modes
Fixed Explosives in M+ not using normal nameplate heights
Fixed PvP Season History check position for Character Skin in Classic/TBC
Fixed an issue with the Error frame option toggling the Zone option for Skins
Fixed a missing option for the Character Panel art in Classic/TBC/Wrath
Fixed some colors in Gradient Mode being incorrect due to an alpha being supplied Fixed Borders not toggling on and off during install
Fixed Classic Skill Glows not working


Added an option to have enemies that are not engaged in combat or not targeted to have thinner nameplate healthbars, and to use ElvUI's settings or custom settings when they are engaged in combat or targeted
Added an option to have the target's model show up on the target nameplate
Added Shadows to Quest Item Bar
Added support to Blinkii's mMediaTag Interrupt Castbar feature while in Gradient mode
Added an option to use the combat font for Loot Text instead of the ElvUi general font
Added options to play a sound when an item from the Wishlist is looted
Added a mover to the Loot Wishlist
Added an Effect to Nameplate Power Bar, default disabled but enabled on profile install
Updated for 9.2.7
Updated the function that disables Blizzard's Combat text to more reliably only disable if the option was enabled
Updated the Dungeon/Scenario Block to be more centered
Updated focus name to use the same format as player and target
Updated nameplate profile to include some missing settings for nameplate width and height
Updated german locale by Dlarge
Updated the entering/leaving combat indicators to not need LootText enabled
Updated Gradient Nameplates to also make Nameplate Style Filters slightly gradient
Updated EltreumTarget filter to have a lower priority in order to allow other filters to overwrite it
Updated Hostile NPC, Hunter and Monk default gradient colors
Updated Quest Item Bar, which should now more correctly identify usable quest items
Updated Quest Item Bar Mover, which will now more correctly center itself, no longer misaligning
Updated MeetingHorn skin to not keep listening for MeetingHorn if the addon is disabled
Updated Classic/TBC QuestWatch frame skin to add the Header bar from Wrath
Fixed UnitFrame Fill Orientation in darkmode
Fixed Enchanting and Profession Skin in TBC/Classic/Wrath not correctly working with the Mouse Wheel
Fixed Shaman Totem border/shadow loading on TBC PTR
Fixed Nameplate Gradient Colors sometimes not working with Style Filters
Fixed a possible error with custom unitframe textures
Fixed missing castbar custom color in gradient mode
Fixed a possible error when applying fonts without some of Eltruism's Custom Texts being imported
Fixed Healer layout missing auto adjusting borders for the pet bar
Fixed Boss and Arena missing gradients after the gradient rework
Fixed Target of Target of Target gradient/custom textures
Fixed Chat fade options not working when Chat was transparent
Fixed Combat Indicator icon overlapping with name or absorbs in some situations by moving it in the profiles


Added an option to change Fill Direction of Unitframes
Fixed an error in Version Check
Fixed an issue with Custom Textures not correctly applying Textures


Added Gradient Nameplates and moved some options to a new Gradient Colors option, Gradient Nameplates uses the same colors as Unitframe Gradients so changing colors there will change for both
Added an option to disable the Eltruism logo while AFK
Added an option to limit the max distance for the Waypoint Time to Arrive
Added an option to change the color of the Waypoint and Time To Arrive texts
Updated ElvUI profiles to use non transparent power since transparent power does not use the texture, also small adjustments to some text positions
Updated Gradient function, making it use less memory and CPU and allowing light mode to use backdrop alpha, same as dark mode
Updated backdrop alpha, adding option to hide the backdrop to give unitframes a truly transparent background
Updated reaction detection, fixing unfriendly npcs
Updated automatic screenshot to also screenshot achievements in Wrath Beta
Updated Quest/Objective skin in Retail to be more similar to the Wrath Beta skin
Updated talent change detection in Wrath Beta, preparing for dual spec ElvUI
Updated custom textures, adding textures and options for Tapped Units
Updated EltreumStatus and EltreumHealth custom texts, mostly disabling EltreumStatus and using [eltruism:hpstatusnopc] for EltreumHealth
Fixed some combat text CVars not correctly applying during login, they should more reliably work now
Fixed some missing role icons
Fixed issues in Classic/TBC/Wrath Beta due to changes in ElvUI dev that are not yet released
Fixed issues in Classic/TBC/Wrath Beta due to some units not existing on those versions
Fixed an issue with gradient overwriting the tapped unit color by adding an option for gradient tapped units
Fixed the chat not correctly embedding details in Classic/TBC
Fixed points position in Craft Skin for Classic/TBC/Wrath
Fixed Pet Background overlapping Pet Name/Title/Loyalty in TBC/Wrath


Added Inspect Average Ilvl to Classic/TBC/Wrath
Added option to change the scale/size of the Character Panel
Added an option to hide the Button/Key Press on Action Bars
Added statusbar textures from Dragonflight
Added more enchants to Classic/TBC/Wrath list
Added option to change the Player Castbar Spark Texture
Added [eltruism:lowmana{12}] tag (where 12 is 12% and can be changed), this tag will display nothing and will instead use the emote "OOM" for healers when they fall below that percentage of mana. Works in Retail and Wrath Beta
Added [eltruism:lowhealth{12}] tag (where 12 is 12% and can be changed), this tag will display nothing and will instead use the emote "HEALME" when the player falls below the health percentage.
Added [eltruism:hpstatusnopc{1,2}] tag where 1 is a dead texture and 2 is a disconnected texture that can be swapped up to 6 and are made by Releaf. This tag will not report health percentage like [eltruism:hpstatus] and will instead keep the shortvalue only
Updated profile, changing tags to use [eltruism:hpstatus] and [eltruism:hpstatusnopc] and disabling EltreumStatus custom text for most unitframes.
Updated EltreumRestedNP Nameplate Style Filter to hide the HP bar of enemies you cannot attack, such as when you are in a sanctuary or when you are unable to attack them
Updated Wintools, Shadow and Light and ElvUI Floating Combat Text profiles
Updated german locale by Dlarge
Updated Eltruism Options to now be the same across versions, a future update is also planned to make it easier to change settings
Updated some ElvUI profile settings, including new ElvUI Death Knight options
Updated some Cursor functions to update/run when the options are changed and not require a reload, but a reload is still recommended
Updated Cursor sizes to increase it slightly
Fixed some style filters not correctly enabling after being disabled
Fixed some fonts not correctly setting to outline in resolutions below 4k
Fixed Retail version being 9.2.7 when 9.2.7 is not yet released
Fixed Shadows for Power Bars and Class Bars when detached or non spaced
Fixed Shield/OffHand Quality Texture position in Classic/TBC/Wrath
Fixed Borders auto adjust not auto adjusting after a spec/profile change in Retail
Fixed an Inventory is Full error message that could become spammy due to fast loot
Fixed an issue with Nameplate Power Bar and Death Knights in Wrath Beta

Note: all tags that use arguments such as [eltruism:lowmana{10}] will fail if they are used in conjunction with other tags that use arguments, so do not use more than one tag like that for the same text


Added [eltruism:combatindicator] tag, which will display the same icon used for Player Combat indicator as a tag for that unit, such as on other players showing their combat status
Added more checks for settings being double enabled when they shouldn't and added more checks to prevent it from happening
Updated Character Skin for all versions to become more similar, Classic/TBC/Wrath also have added character name color and icon to inspect, changed the size of the name text and made the reputation dropdown a mouseover
Updated Character Stats to use general ElvUI font and Font Outline
Updated german translations by Dlarge
Updated profile update to only enable autoadjust if borders are clicked during install
Updated Character Skin Expanded Art Race backgrounds to have higher resolution and better cropping, including on Inspect. Also added new backgrounds options
Updated profile settings during install to use Race Backgrounds instead of Class Backgrounds
Updated some style filter disable logic
Updated default AFK music to be Class based in Retail
Fixed Character Role Button overlapping some talent trees in Wrath Beta
Fixed a wrong message during install when detecting addons enabled/disabled
Fixed Character Skin Specialization not updating when changing specs in Wrath Beta
Fixed Expanded Talents and Character Skin overlapping in some situations
Fixed Role Button on Talents in Wrath Beta showing up in the Glyph Panel


Added Item Quality Textures to character/inspect panel when the character panel skin is enabled
Added [eltruism:hp{number1,number2}] which will display current health in short value, and when the unit dies it will display an icon from number1, and if disconnected will display an icon from number2
Added [eltruism:classcolor] which will color targets based on their class, but only for player characters
Added ptBR translation
Added FOV slider to Wrath (Beta)
Added Border to Focus Castbar, alongside settings for it
Added Heroic Raids to Wrath Beta Instance options
Added Nameplate Classbar and Powerbar to Nameplate Shadows Options
Added Borders to missing Temporary Buffs in Auras
Added Custom and Racial Backgrounds for Character Panel Expanded Art and Inspect Skins, this is why the addon gained a few megabytes in size (does not impact in game size or load time)
Updated some default textures
Updated german localization by Dlarge
Updated Shadows for Wrath Beta
Updated pet frame castbar, debuff and buff settings
Updated Nameplate Powerbar to allow smaller adjustments and fixed it not being pixel perfect because of this
Updated cooldown sound to disable the error speech when enabled, so that the sounds dont stack together
Updated Sockets to check for Belt Buckles since Wrath will have Belt Buckles
Updated Classic/TBC/Wrath Class Icons on Character Panel to more correctly be placed next to the Character name
Updated general Character Panel skin in Classic/TBC/Wrath, which will now only expand on the character panel, and not on other panels
Updated nameplate debuffs and buffs in Classic/TBC/Wrath to use Fluid mode from ElvUI
Updated ElvUI Nameplate StyleFilters for Classic/TBC/Wrath to enable ElvUI_Boss, which otherwise would not color some Boss type enemies like target dummies
Fixed some debuff and buff offsets when using wide nameplate debuffs in Classic/TBC/Wrath
Fixed some tags not being listed in Available Tags (they were working, just not listed)


Added an option to play a sound when attempting to use a spell while it is in cooldown, this option can be enabled in Eltruism > Cursor (Default disabled)
Added EltreumStatus custom text, which will display symbols for the unit being dead or disconnected
Added some Warcraft 3 sounds
Added shadows to Shaman Totem Bar (Wrath) and to Pet Action Bar
Added borders to Shaman Totem Bar (Wrath)
Added borders to Stance Bar and Pet Action Bar, alongside options for it
Added [eltruism:dead{x}] tag, where x is a number for the texture between 1 and 6, the texture will appear when the unit dies (textures by Releaf)
Added [eltruism:dc{x}] tag, where x is a number for the texture between 1 and 6, the texture will appear when the unit disconnects (textures by Releaf)
Added [eltruism:groupnumber] tag which will display the group number for the first member of that group only. Keep in mind that changing players groups can cause this tag to not correctly report which group the unit belongs to.
Updated lootroll settings for Classic/TBC/Wrath
Updated german localization by DLarge
Updated spanish localization using DeepL and Google Translate, feedback is still welcome
Updated Shaman Totem Bar layout movers and Objective Frame movers for Wrath
Updated Nameplate Debuff glow to use the same type glow as action bars
Fixed Wowhead button alignment in Wrath Beta
Fixed Glyph frame having dual talent specialization buttons/info
Fixed Death Knight's Runes not being affected by dark power setting in Wrath Beta
Fixed Death Knight's gradient, light and dark modes since the class was not being detected in Wrath Beta
Fixed castbar interrupt gradient coloring both castbars when it should not (fix by Blinkii)
Fixed AddonSkins hiding wrong chat when Details profile is loaded (Wrath)
Fixed Wrath's Expanded Talents overlapping with the dual spec buttons


Added EltreumTarget Nameplate Filter, which will be used instead of ElvUI_Target
Added [eltruism:presence] tag, which will display the Death Knight's presence in Classic Wrath (Beta)
Added Questie, Details and DBM profiles to Wrath Beta, which are currently working
Updated auto adjust to prevent some scenarios where it would activate
Fixed LootText error when looting some currencies/items
Fixed [eltruism:smartlevel] in Classic
Fixed in game navigation being forced on in Retail


Added support for Wrath of the Lich King Classic Beta
Added [eltruism:smartlevel] tag which show level the difference when it exists for NPCs and players but hide for players if they are the same level
Updated auto adjust borders to not enforce class colored borders
Updated german translations by Dlarge
Updated gradient castbar colors for non interruptible spells
Updated Class Colors for castbars, which now prevents Custom Colors for castbars
Updated Item Levels in Inspect Frame, which now should be faster and more reliable
Updated shaman totem glow colors
Fixed gradient castbar colors now properly applying
Fixed NPC castbars having NPC colors, which could become confusing (thank you Blinkii)
Updated ProjectAzilroka profile, enabling Moveable Frames by default
Fixed improperly named texture during install
Fixed ElvUI_Target nameplate filter having borders forced off if Eltruism nameplate settings were turned off
Fixed Automatically Closing Loot Window being enabled by default instead of disabled
Fixed Vehicle Leave Button overlapping tracking options in TBC/Classic


Fixed an error with boss borders


Added more border size options
Added gradient to player and target castbars when non interruptable
Added gradient to player and target castbars when interrupted
Added gradient and custom texture to Target of Target of Target
Added minimap border options to adjust its size
Added pet border options to adjust its size
Added V3 statusbar textures by Blinkii
Updated the nameplate debuff glow function and added an option to customize the timer
Updated install, adding borders and making Light/Dark a toggle
Updated gradient chat command to be a toggle, typing it while gradient is active will disable gradient
Updated gradient function, splitting player and target castbars
Updated some shadows to not apply when borders are enabled since borders would hide them
Updated borders function to update without a reload
Updated borders to check for ElvUI Action Bar Masks being loaded
Updated auto adjust borders function to apply when changing specs in retail if the profiles are both from Eltruism
Fixed target class statusbar textures options in nameplates, which was applying player class instead of target
Fixed an issue where auto adjusting borders would not load with Eltruism profiles
Fixed an issue where borders could sometimes not be centered correctly on Player/Target unitframes
Fixed player and target castbar borders on different types of cast attachment
Fixed aura borders overlapping the timer text


Added more frames that can have borders, including auras, chat, raid, party, focus, boss and other frames
Added a warning when ElvUI is out of date during install
Updated border auto adjust functions, which will now only adjust when using Eltruism profiles Updated border auto adjust to adjust more settings
Updated translations by Dlarge
Updated Warrior Class Panel gradient colors in order to improve readability
Updated some v2 Statusbar textures
Fixed some borders overlapping some windows
Fixed spam messages from Delete Item
Fixed chat shadows when using dark mode chat
Fixed Priest Gradient not working correctly
Fixed Classic and TBC showing options for classes that don't exist in these versions


Added more statusbar textures for classes
Added options to use a different version of the statusbar textures for nameplates and light mode
Added an option to automatically apply custom textures based on the class/reaction
Updated some labeling related to unitframes
Updated install process, changing fonts to be after Eltruism modes
Updated default textures to use version 2 in light mode and nameplates
Fixed an error when skipping install due to custom texts not being set
Fixed the positioning of the more skins option in TBC
Further improved the performance of gradient/unitframe functions


Added an option for the experience databar to have gradient coloring
Added borders to minimap and pet unitframe
Added the [eltruism:difficulty:all] tag, which will color all units and not just enemies
Improved Gradient functions, which should use less CPU time
Updated German translation by DLarge
Updated the hide talking head function
Updated general profile textures
Updated Install process and added a new page for addon profiles
Updated the labeling in Eltruism > Install, where Reset/Update can be used to update Eltruism settings to the current version if using an old install
Updated WarpDeplete/BattlegroundEnemies/Capping installation
Updated the quest npc ignore, adding the darkmoon teleport
Updated the position of the microbar in the DPS profile
Fixed tabs in Unitframes not being disabled when they should be
Fixed a possible error when leveling in combat
Fixed an error with the quest items bar when an item that could be equipped was detected as a quest item
Fixed transparency in an extra details texture
Fixed debuff alignment for the pet unitframe
Fixed border colors not updating when changing zones
Fixed a possible border error when changing profiles or specializations
Fixed gradient target castbar not using correct colors when custom colors were changed
Removed options to load extra media, media will now be loaded by default since ElvUI/WeakAuras fixed the Sharedmedia issue


Enabled gradient castbar option for Player and Target castbars when using Eltruism profiles
Added a CVar option to change Field of Vision in Retail
Fixed castbar gradient colors for interrupts and non interruptible spells
Fixed chat loot icons not being disabled when chat options were disabled
Fixed Minimap shadow depending on datatext settings
Fixed Minimap shadow when using rectangle minimap options from Shadow and Light or Windtools
Fixed shadows when using 2D portraits
Removed some unused files


Added a button during install to swap the background color to a greyer color instead of black
Added a reload prompt to the action paging swap between Bar1 and Bar4 due to the paging not switching without a reload
Fixed an error due to a database change in Windtools during install when Windtools was loaded


Added [eltruism:shortclassification] tag, which displays the difficulty of an enemy in simple letters such as R and R+ for rare and rare elite
Added partial Chinese localization by Neo
Added a Skin for MeetingHorn
Skinned IME frame in some locales
Fixed the [eltruism:difficulty] tag improperly coloring enemies
Fixed the minimap shadow being created when ElvUI's minimap module was disabled
Fixed the EltruismConsumablesWA anchor incorrectly resetting during login
Updated some profiles to check for the addon being enabled before attempting to apply a profile
Updated ElvUI nameplate debuff duration detection for the duration glow to activate in 9.2.5
Updated German translation by Dlarge


Fixed a possible error when importing Dynamic Status Icons and Capping profiles
Fixed an error during install due to a database change in Windtools


Added tooltip header font setting due to ElvUI update
Added Eltruism's logo to the options list
Added new media, including fonts and sounds
Updated Windtools profile and Shadow and Light profile due to new features introduced in Windtools
Updated German translations by Dlarge


Added an option to disable tracking of pet cooldowns on the cursor, default disabled
Updated arena gradients
Updated Battle Res frame detection
Updated default party frame visibility
Updated nameplate castbar text position
Updated paladin gradient on character panel skin
Updated player unitframe power strata in order for its shadow to match target uf shadow
Updated quest Skin while Shadow and Light is loaded
Updated the character panel skin lines, making them align a bit better in other locales
Updated the skip install button to also skip plugin profiles message
Updated the Shaman and Hunter stat gradients on the character panel skin and used these new colors as the default for custom gradients
Fixed an error with the character panel skin stats related to ranged stats in TBC/Classic
Disabled arena frames in BattlegroundEnemies profile
Removed Party Leader Icon Size option since ElvUI now has a scale option that fulfills the same role


Added gradient to Boss frames 6, 7 and 8 for Retail
Added shadows to ElvUI Arena frames
Added gradients to ElvUI Arena frames
Updated boss buffs and castbar placement
Fixed missing gradients on the character panel when using Shadow and Light's Armory mode
Fixed expanded talents not applying when other addons loaded Blizzard's Talent UI before Eltruism was loaded in TBC/Classic
Disabled using level in ElvUI nameplates to show target of casts since ElvUI now has an option to show the target in its castbar option


Fixed Nameplate Buffs and Debuffs border by type not being colored when the ElvUI option was enabled
Fixed Minimap shadows when Rectangle Minimap was enabled in Shadow and Light or Windtools


Added gradient to target castbar
Updated target castbar shadows
Updated the target tag
Updated Boss unitframe for the new ElvUI amount of boss units
Fixed Mail sound being enabled by default when it should be disabled by default
Fixed an error with the Eltruism Game Menu Button


Added an option to enable or disable the stat gradients
Updated Borders class color option to use target and target of target's class and reaction to color the border
Fixed Character Panel Skin compatibility with Deja Character Stats
Fixed Character Panel Skin not being correctly sized on other languages


Added gradient class colors to the character stats panel in the character frame
Added an option to change the progress bar in the objective frame for Retail
Added WarpDeplete profile
Updated player and target castbar shadows detection
Updated German translations by Dlarge
Fixed an issue with the mail text font for TBC
Fixed Battle Ressurection Count/Countdown
Fixed mail sound playing twice
Fixed an error with the objective frame skin when ElvUI's skin was disabled
Fixed an error with the Eltruism Game Menu Button


Added a Battle Resurrection frame that shows the count and cooldown for battle resurrection when in a party/raid that has the count system in Retail
Added a check for item existing to chat icons
Added a second weakaura anchor (EltruismWA2) in case more Weakauras need anchoring
Added compatibility with TomTom by renaming the commands to /eway and /ewaypoint when TomTom is loaded
Added a mail sound that can be enabled and customized in Eltruism > Misc
Added Eltruism button to the game menu, which can be enabled in Eltruism > Misc
Updated the Enemy Nameplate Level function to show enemy target for spellcasts when max level, and level when the player is not max level
Updated Details Spec/Blizzard Icons (Details profile v1)
Updated default ElvUI Arena Frames
Updated the Hide Raid Unitframes in battlegrounds function to also hide party frames if GladiusEX is loaded in retail since the GladiusEX profile now uses party frames and they show more information than ElvUI party frames
Updated the target casting tags to better detected when casting and colorize when the target is an NPC according to the player's reaction to the target
Updated Quest Skins compatibility with Shadow and Light
Updated the role icon in chat to also show when WindTools is not loaded
Updated Healer profile
Fixed !keys not linking in guild chat when not in a party
Fixed Expanded Stable


Added BattleGroundEnemies profile for Retail, this profile can be found in Eltruism > Addons
Added several checks before applying shadows and fixed errors when ElvUI Blizzard Skin was disabled
Updated Eltruism profile gradient texture to Asphyxia-Norm, this setting is only applied when installing a profile
Updated NameplateSCT profile damage offset, making it not overlap with buffs/debuffs
Updated Raid/Raid40 DPS Unitframes, along with Original and Alternative layouts for those frames
Fixed Close button on Expanded Talents for TBC/Classic
Fixed a possible error when deleting battle pets
Fixed a possible double icon when deleting items
Fixed a possible error when reloading during a boss fight
Fixed healer layout target and target of target power position and settings


Added gradient to pet frame
Added a custom Dark Souls text death animation, replacing the YOU DIED text with anything the user inputs
Updated resolution detection and font weight functions, with some fonts like player name now more reliably applying the correct outline and not applying thickoutline in cases where it shouldn't
Updated player/target buff/debuff count/duration text position to avoid overlapping with actionbars and other buffs/debuffs
Updated Leader Indicator size and moved it to the Unitframes section
Updated Power Prediction on Nameplate Power Bar to make it blend less with Shadow Priest Insanity Power
Updated Retail GladiusEX profile
Fixed Tank and Assist frames not applying priest texture in gradient mode while using light mode
Fixed a possible error in Dark Mode when applying Gradient Texture
Fixed a rare error on automatic accept/turn in quests where npc's GUID returned nil


Added Spell Haste datatext for TBC/Classic
Added priest gradients to dark mode
Added priest texture in gradient mode while in light mode
Updated gradient unit options, splitting player, target, target of target, focus and boss into different options
Updated default gradient colors for some classes
Updated cursor cooldown to prevent some low cd skills from spamming
Updated AFK music to prevent overwriting the game's music setting
Updated Instance text to hide in some locations, such as garrisons
Fixed some gradient healthbars not applying correctly due to a missing alpha
Fixed Player and Target castbar shadows
Fixed missing Mage class crest in character panel skin
Fixed power bar prediction coloring not applying correctly
Further improved detection of item level in chat item links


Added custom gradient colors to NPCs
Updated alternative unitframes layout positions
Updated alternative unitframes option and moved it to Unitframes section
Fixed Chat Item Levels not showing for items that were not in the player's inventory
Fixed Guild logo showing when Instance Text was enabled
Fixed Tank and Assist frames gradient
Removed the aura filters import for Shadowlands as it was outdated and similar to baseline ElvUI


Updated Light/Dark Mode to not disable gradient mode when applying
Fixed Raid Frame detection for TBC/Classic
Fixed a scenario where light mode and dark mode could be active at the same time, preventing both from working
Removed the confirmation prompt from the apply button for Light/Dark Mode


Added gradient to dark mode, making backdrops have gradient colors
Updated Media, which was split into Media and Unitframes, with unitframes being moved into the new Unitframes menu making it clearer when an option cannot be enabled because another one is enabled
Updated default Mage gradient colors
Updated spanish translation using deepL
Updated chat loot icon by trimming the borders
Fixed Method Raid Tools profile installation due to a change in MRT's internal profile structure
Fixed Eltruism Config datatext not showing for some classes in TBC/Classic
Removed a duplicate world text size in TBC/Classic


Added player castbar gradient
Added auto-adjusting actionbar spacing and positions based on borders being enabled, this option is disabled by default and can be enabled in Eltruism > Borders
Updated autoadjust textures, which is now Dark Power Background, making your class power in unitframes and nameplates have a black color instead of a shade of the power
Updated chat item level by disabling consumables from showing ilvl
Updated Eltruism Honor/Arena Points Datatext by adding Conquest Points and enabling it in Retail
Updated shadows, some shadows will now not be created when borders is enabled to prevent overlapping
Updated Waypoint ETA, which will now try to prevent waypoints from being registed inside instances/pvp where they should not be
Fixed Healer layout buffs being wrongly attached to debuffs instead of the frame
Fixed Instance Text not hiding default blizzard icons for difficulty
Fixed Method Raid Tools textures
Disabled chat link levels in Windtools profile
Disabled instance text in Shadow and Light profile


Added an option to disable raid shadows
Fixed Instance Text not hiding in some situations
Fixed Raid Shadows positioning
Fixed an error with nameplate style filters in retail


Added gradients to tanks, assists and boss unitframes Added an option to disable sockets and enchants showing on inspection for TBC/Classic Added shadows to raid, tank and assist frames Fixed DBM profile missing fonts Fixed Instance Text not hiding the Guild Icon Fixed Boss debuff/buff icon position Fixed Boss health color due to light/dark/gradient mode Disabled the announcement in the Windtools profile


Added another check in an attempt to prevent sockets from erroring when inspecting players inside instances
Added Honor/Arena Points Datatext for TBC/Classic
Added gradients to NPCs
Updated Nameplate Stylefilters
Updated Dynamic Cam Profile, removing instance events/druid forms which were causing the camera to reset
Updated border textures
Fixed an issue that caused action bar borders to not apply
Fixed Death Knights gradients being wrong color in gradient mode by default\


Added Gradient Mode, which will add gradient colors to unitframes. This option uses a separate texture and can be found in Eltruism > Media > Gradient where colors and textures can be customized
Note that for group units priests cannot have gradients and gradient mode, just like Light Mode, requires Auto Adjusting textures to be enabled in Eltruism > Media
Added automatically placing the keystone inside the pedestal when using the !keys command
Added Instance text, allowing the text that appears inside instances to be customized, this text can be moved using /moveui
Added a loot icon to the wishlist toast that appears when looting an item from the wishlist
Added a shortcut button in the spellbook for the click casting interface in Retail
Added enhancement console from Zereth Mortis to the ignore list of automatic quests
Attempted a fix for a socket and enchants error when inspecting a player inside an instance
Updated locales
Updated install process
Updated Quest Items icons
Updated automatic quest turn in and accept
Updated the healer layout for player/target unitframes, changing buffs/debuffs/aurabars and positioning the player power bar in case the player decides to use it while detached from frame
Updated the automatic positioning of the nameplate power bar
Fixed some shadows not being created when borders was enabled


Improved how the background texture is applied
Profiles will now apply Asphyxia-Norm texture and 0.7 alpha for the background texture, your settings will not be changed unless you reapply the profile
Added options to change the font and font size of the nameplate power bar text
Added [eltruism:leader] tag, which will show an icon for party leader or assist
Added [name:eltruism:abbreviate20] tag, which will abbreviate at 20 characters instead of the normal 16
Added [eltruism:newline] tag, which will add a line break
Added Pocopoc to the automatic quest ignore list
Updated how ilvl is calculated during login in TBC/Classic
Updated player/target/targettarget border size
Updated how borders are applied and shadows are applied, since some shadows conflict with borders they will not show up if borders are activated.
Updated healer layout for TBC/Classic, adding party pets
Updated quest item bar icon texture


Added options in Eltruism > Media > Unitframe to change the backdrop texture of unitframes, and to change the backdrop alpha
Added custom glow to actionbars in TBC/Classic
Added options to enable/disable the !key and !keys chat commands
Added more npcs to the automatic quest turn in ignore list
Added Pepsi-Cyr-Lat font
Added an option to change the font size of the Error Frame
Added a mover for the Raid Warning Frame
Updated german translations by Khornan and spanish translations using deepL
Updated how friendly nameplates is applied
Updated waypoint ETA to also show itself when the player has a waypoint when logging in
Updated how fonts are applied, they should no longer overwrite light/dark mode texts
Updated Item Levels for TBC/Classic, making it use less memory and be generally faster
Updated automatic quest turn, improving how gossips and quests are detected
Updated Details v3 Icons
Fixed debuff positions in the party unitframe for the DPS Layout


Fixed custom class textures for unitframes


Updated german translation with additional translations by Khornan
Added options to change class textures when using light mode in Eltruism > Media > Unitframes
Added !keys and !key commands adapted from Luckyone's M+ keys weakaura
Fixed some quests not turning in when using automatic turnin
Fixed loading german translation
Fixed enchanting material scroll bar not hiding in TBC Improved the cursor cooldown mask texture


Added German language translation by Khornan
Added options to change the Player, Target, Target of Target and Focus unitframe textures, this option can be found in Eltruism > Media > Unitframes and needs light mode or class colors enabled in ElvUI unitframes
Added a check to prevent fast looting when a BoP that needs confirmation is detected
Improved the Minimap combat hide, which will now also move auras to where the minimap was, and move them back once the minimap is shown
Improved the Quest Automatic Turn-in when gossips were involved, also added an ignore list for some npcs that shouldn't be automatically interacted with
Made the System/Interface window movable


Added option to change the font for the Error Frame and Raid Boss Emote Frame
Added an option to hide the Error Frame
Added a dark bar to the Dark Souls death animation
Added a GTA death animation
Updated the Pet castbar to not be transparent since the text was overlapping with the Pet unitframe
Updated the Weakauras tutorial image since the previous one was for single Weakauras, which was causing misunderstandings
Improved the addon profile importing for some addons
Improved the install logic detection of Gladdy and Gladius for TBC
Fixed an error with Database Converter due to a change in game version checking


Added test Spanish translation using DeepL automatic translation.
Added a popup if ElvUI is out date, since Eltruism is a plugin for ElvUI if its out of date a lot of problems can happen
Added [eltruism:levelskull] tag which displays the unit's level or a skull if the level difference is too high
Fixed Enchanting/TradeSkill window increasing the number of crafts when it shouldn't
Fixed the Enchant button when TSM was loaded
Fixed error with instant loot if the inventor was full
Fixed Death animation playing when in a party/raid in TBC/Classic
Fixed Nameplate Debuff Glow showing up on debuffs that had no duration
Fixed waypoint time to arrive not attaching to some quests
Improved quest detection for wowhead button in Retail
Updated Auras in Eltruism > Aura Filters
Updated locale files since many changes happened since they were originally made


Added Wowhead button for quests
Added Dark Souls death animation for player death, default disabled and can enabled in Eltruism > Misc
Improved the Delete Item with the item texture and item link in the message to make it clearer which item is being deleted
Fixed an error in loot options when the wishlist was empty


Added an option to display the item level of the item being linked in chat
Added an option to display the Class Crest in the Character Panel (Eltruism > Skins> Character)
Added an option to also accept weekly and daily quests automatically for retail
Added an option to filter loot items by quality
Added an option to put loot items into a wish list, which can also display a toast once the item is looted, alongside another option to restrict items to be looted only from the wishlist
Added a few items that are not considered quest items to the quest item bar
Skinned the professions window to be wider, this skin can be enabled in Eltruism > Skins
Fixed Aura Filters and Alternative Layout not applying due to the profile name change


Reworked many functions and how they are registered, resulting in improved performance and memory usage, especially in combat
Set smoothbars to off and friendly nameplates inside instances to off since it's been discovered that they impact performance. It is recommended to do the same, by going into ElvUI > Unitframes/Nameplates and unchecking Smooth Bars, then ElvUI > Eltruism > Nameplates > Hide Friendly Nameplates inside instances
Fixed an annoying World Quest Title being displayed when it shouldn't
Fixed Class Icon on Character Panel not showing up in the reputation and currency tabs for Retail


Added a mover for the Error Frame, along with making it use the ElvUI General Font and Font Size
Added Capping profile, which can be found in Eltruism > Addons
Added Method Raid Tools profile for TBC/Classic
Fixed missing Threat bar for TBC/Classic
Fixed ElvUI Floating Combat Text not showing up on other targets
Improved how addon profiles are applied, detecting if the profile already exists and if so just setting your character to use it
Improved the Socket and Enchants loading function
Improved how Item Levels detects tabards and shirts
Improved how Zone text is applied


Added Light mode to Party/Raid/Raid40 Unitframes
Added [eltruism:effectivehp] tag which will show effective hp for tanks based on the target's level for TBC/Classic
Added glows to Shaman Totems in TBC/Classic (Eltruism > Custom Glow)
Updated Priest Statusbar Texture
Fixed Automatic Experience Databar not working sometimes
Fixed Classic/TBC Shaman power not having shadows and not being colored. This option is liked to Auto Texture in Eltruism > Media
Fixed the Quest Log scrollbar overlapping the quest titles


Added a button in Eltruism > Installer that will reset Eltruism settings
Improved the Quests skins for Classic by adding a bigger Quest Log to it
Updated Instant Loot to be compatible with TSM Destroy
Updated how shadows are applied
Updated the profile install process with the profile naming using your character name and realm name to prevent possible overwrites from happening


Added a button in Eltruism > Nameplates that restores all unit names should you disable the automatic name toggling. Fixed a few options that were overlapping in the Eltruism menu
Fixed World Quest banner colors for some classes


Added Sockets and Enchants to the Character Panel for TBC and Classic (Classic only has Enchants), this option can be enabled in Eltruism > Skins > Character. This module is a fork of Kibs Item Level by Kibsgaard, which is licensed under Public Domain
Skinned the World Quest Banner and the quests statusbars
Fixed Druid Smart classbar not working
Fixed some World Quests not showing emotes due to the Raid Boss Emote Frame
Eltruism Database has been revamped, with almost all settings being disabled now.
A Database converter will be run the first time you load into the game, copying your settings over to the profile. The original settings now will be set on the layout install and players that skip the install can choose what to enable at will. Make sure to reload after running the database converter to save your settings


Improved Media loading
Made Quest Item Bar disabled by default, if you still want to use it simply enable it in Eltruism > Quests
Updated the Party/Raid sound selection, now any sound can be selected
Updated many functions, decreasing their cpu/memory use
Added an option to disable the Party/Raid death sound during battlegrounds and arenas
Added an option to automatically type DELETE on certain popups
Fixed Waypoint Time to Arrive not updating when selecting World Quests
Fixed Light Mode texture not updating on druid shapeshift and when loading in
Fixed an action paging issue for Druids when doing some world quests


Improved the Retail Character Panel skin, making it more compatible with Shadow & Light
Added some checks to prevent possible taints related to Quest Items while being in combat
Fixed a possible scenario where things on the Character Panel could get multiplied
Fixed a rare error with cursor cooldown
Fixed Player and Target Castbar shadows not being correctly placed when the castbar was set to be inside the power bar


Fixed Quest Items showing up inside instances when it shouldn't
Fixed Blizzard Combat Text getting disabled/enabled when it shouldn't
Added some missing shadows
Skinned the Scenario Block, used in places like Dungeons/Raids/M+


Added a grey background mode for ElvUI, simply type /eltruism background to switch between grey and black backgrounds, or go to Eltruism > Media and choose which mode to use
Added Quest Items, which will display quest items in a bar. Default keybind for the first is ], but it can be changed in the default Blizzard UI (Keybinds > ElvUI Eltruism). Quest Items is a fork of QBar by Aezay
Fixed an error when attempting to automatically turn in quests in TBC/Classic
Fixed missing smart classbar for Brewmaster Monks


Added an option to disable the automatic pinning of waypoints in Retail
Added an option to automatically accept and turn in quests
Improved the Party/Raid Death function
Improved the Cursor Cooldown function
Updated the Light Mode texture switch when your target changes target (target of target)
Updated the Install process
Updated the Retail Quest Skin, which under some scenarios could end up using more memory than needed
Fixed a bug where the position of Buffs/Debuffs on nameplates couldn't be adjusted
Fixed the Quest Skin on Retail causing unnecessary memory usage
Fixed Combat Music playing instead of Boss Music inside instances


Update for ElvUI 12.62/2.34/1.60
Improved the install process by revamping the pages
Improved the Hybrid spec detection for TBC/Classic
Improved the Dark/Light mode switch and the Dark/Transparent chat mode switch
Fixed the Character Panel art sometimes having wrong alpha
Fixed the Target of Target statusbar not updating sometimes in Light mode


Added an option for Nameplate Texture to be based on the Target's Class/Reaction
Added borders to Target of Target unitframe
Updated Details install with a new profile, this profile is equal to v2 but the icons are not as transparent. All three profiles are still available
Fixed a dev print that wasn't supposed to be on release


Added various shadows, such as Nameplate Healthbars, which can be enabled in the Eltruism > Skins settings
Fixed shaman Power Prediction in Retail
Updated the Eltruism Options, with some settings now showing up in tabs instead
Updated the detection of targets for Light mode, adding more reactions
Updated the Combat Music function, now simply type the name of the sound file inside Interface\Addons, and Combat Music can now play during Boss Fights in TBC/Retail
Updated specialization in the character panel for TBC/Classic, which now displays hybrids
Updated the chat install process
Updated the code behind the layout install process
Updated the automatic stats for TBC/Classic with Shaman now also getting spell stats


Added an option to toggle the automatic stats in the Character Panel for TBC/Classic
Added an option to load the extra media
Updated Dynamic Cam profile for Retail
Updated DBM profile
Updated various addon profile import functions
Updated Light mode name colors
Fixed the Player Title Dropdown in TBC/Classic
Fixed Healer Layout Buffs and Debuffs
Fixed Cursor being stuck in some situations
Fixed Aura shadows not updating


Added Power Prediction to Nameplate Power Bar
Added an option to show Cursor outside of combat
Added an option to hide the Minimap while in combat
Added options to customize the player castbar spark
Added borders to Nameplate Power Bar
Added an option to change the background of the Nameplate Power Bar
Added a Smart Classbar option for Nameplates
Added a Level Up toast for TBC and Classic
Added a skin to the Character Panel for TBC and Classic, which includes a fork of Simple Item Levels by kemayo
Added options to change the colors of the borders
Added Quests to TBC and Classic, also adding an option for any combat event
Added Crystalzcuhei as a font option during install
Added an option to automatically show or hide the experience bar depending on level
Added an option to display floating Power gains (such as Mana/Rage/Energy)
Added more options to control some CVars
Added a new Nameplate filter for Totems, if you can attack a totem its portrait will be shown
Added a new tag [eltruism:raidmarker] which will display the raid marker icon
Added a new tag [eltruism:difficulty] which will color the enemy npc according to its difficulty compared to the player's level
Added a new tag [eltruism:targetcast] which will show the target of an enemy spellcast
Added a new tag [eltruism:targetcast:indicator] which will show the target of an enemy spellcast alongside a Target > text
Added new commands: /eltruism color and /eltruism chat, color will toggle between dark and light mode, and chat will toggle between dark and transparent mode

Updated Light and Dark Modes, now Light mode will have the Target Unitframe Texture as its own class based texture, with the player keeping its own and power and classbars not being affected by it
Updated Cursor, GCD, Combat Cursor and Cooldown Cursor functions
Updated references to FCT to make it clearer that it's Simpy's ElvUI FCT
Updated references to nameplates due to a change in ElvUI code
Updated Chat Fade to register events only when enabled
Updated Dynamic Cam Profile for Retail due to Dynamic Cam's internal changes Updated Chat, which is now transparent with a new option in Eltruism > Chat to revert to the dark mode or switch to the transparent mode if the user wants

Fixed an error when setting fonts without Project Azilroka installed
Fixed shadows showing up when chat panels were disabled
Fixed player castbar shadows being mismatched in some scenarios
Fixed some missing shadows
Fixed Auto Screenshot not working in some situations
Fixed some unitframe texts not being disabled before setting up custom texts
Fixed pet cooldowns not always working with Cursor Cooldowns
Fixed Target of Target Height on Healer Profile
Fixed Expanded Talents for Season of Mastery
Fixed Objective/Quest Tracker position due to Questie (only for new installations of Questie)
Fixed an issue where disabling wide nameplate auras would also disable the nameplate glows
Fixed an issue when using certain combinations of characters with the /way command could cause errors
Fixed an issue where some install options would be disabled when they shouldn't
Fixed an issue with nameplate power bar visibility when using Plater instead of ElvUI Nameplates


Fixed an error that occurred when ElvUI unitframes were disabled


Fixed an error causing the install of the healer profile to fail when Shadow and Light was enabled


Fixed an error causing the install prompt to not appear due to a change in WindTools


Fixed an error related to shadows when ElvUI Action Bars were disabled


Fixed Shadow and Light Profile not applying and failing to install Eltruism Profile due to a database change


Updated all versions to newest ElvUI and game versions
Fixed Nameplate Buffs and Debuffs's position being adjusted even when auto adjust was disabled
Fixed Action Bar 4 showing up during pet battles
Moved the Raid Pet frames for Burning Crusade Classic and Classic to allow healers heal pets more easily
Fixed Expanded Talents on Classic


Fixed duplicate name text
Fixed error on install due to a Shadow & Light change
Changed action paging for Rogue due to an issue with Shadowdance


Updated toc for TBC classic
Attempted to fix errors related to font file format
If you still have errors or issues, please report to the Eltruism discord, thank you


Fixed GothanNarrow font not working well with French localization
Fixed chat loot icons being enabled even when chat modifications were disabled


Disabled the Hardware Cursor change by default
Changed how detecting combat text addons work, now it is an option in Eltruism >Misc


Fixed tags in TBC due to a new ElvUI version
Fixed buffs being too high on nameplates due to a change in how they are handled


Fixed shadows error related to unitframes


Added a check for resolution for pet unitframe
Enabled buffs and debuffs on pet unitframe for DPS/Tank profile
Changed castbar on Healer profile to fit the shadows, this change will be pushed if you login with the healer profile after updating
Added a button in Eltruism > Media to swap action paging and visibility for Action Bar 1 and Action Bar 4
Added more checks before creating shadows to prevent errors
Tweaked class icons in light mode to not be so pixelated
Set most chat fade options to be disabled by default, making it user preference to enable them


Updated tags for new ElvUI version
Added an option to disable hardware cursor, resolving the cursor lag introduced in Battle for Azeroth


Fixed Multiple Class Icons on Character Frame
Added check for elvui bags before adding shadows to prevent errors


Removed SmartAura from Pet Unitframe
Added a check for ProjectAzilroka before applying shadows to stAddonManager
Added an option to skip plugin install warnings on login


Eltruism now only requires ElvUI and AddOnSkins. ProjectAzilroka, Shadow & Light and Windtools are highly recommended screenshots still use them, but you no longer need to have to use Eltruism
Updated layout for ElvUI 12.38
Added loot icons which is merged from Stanzilla's Chat Loot Icons which is Public Domain
Added Shadows to frames
Added an option to hide the NPC Talking Head Popup
Added InstantLoot, yet another fast looter
Added Skins to the default Objective Frame/Quest Log
Optimized nameplates and other functions
Hid the copy chat and Voice Buttons on the layouts
Nameplate Power Bar will now break down big numbers such as 50000 becoming 50k
Waypoint Time to Arrive now has unlimited range, automatically tracks new waypoints and the font follows ElvUI General Font


Added a Preview for Custom Glow, you will need to toggle it on and off to update the glow options
Updated Time to Arrive to use less CPU
Fixed Buffs being moved when auto adjust was turned off
Cooldown will now color the text red when below 1 second


Added glow to pet action bars, this setting is also available for TBC/Classic in Eltruism > Custom Glow
Added glow to expiring debuffs on nameplates, this can be turned off in Eltruism > Custom Glow
Moved the timer text for Buffs & Debuffs on Nameplates to a more readable position (top)
Added Colors to some events in Chat
Added an option to play a sound when someone rolls a 1 or a 100 (default off)
Added Combat indicator Floating Text, +Combat when entering combat and -Combat when leaving combat, this setting can be toggled off in Eltruism > Misc
Added mana to Raid and Raid40 uniframes for Classic/TBC
Removed the 75% alpha from action bars for DPS/Tank profiles
Fixed missing Arcane Mage Debuff mover when using Nameplate Power Bar
Disabled Flash on EltreumExecute Nameplate Style Filter
Readded Cast Icons on Nameplates and changed their position/size
Retail can now have threat on nameplates just like Classic/TBC if you enable Nameplate titles on Enemy NPC and/or Enemy Player


Added an option to hide Blizzard Boss Alerts (default on)
Added more fonts and textures
Changed textures and flash on EltreumExecute and EltreumInterrupt nameplate filters
Split Textures on Unitframes from Light Mode and Dark Mode
Updated AddOnSkins hide chat to current ElvUI chat frames, this might only work on the alpha version of AddOnSkins for now


Improved Party/Raid death detection
Split Cooldown from Cursor, now you can enable one without needing the other
Fixed Light Mode not having gradient unitframes
Fixed Class Icon on Armory being blurry sometimes


Added Class Icons by Releaf
Added a second Details profile that includes class icons by Releaf Added an option to switch icon types on character profile Added custom dead and offline indicators in Retail using Releaf's textures Updated chat install according to ElvUI changes Fixed switching Dark Mode > Light Mode > Dark mode
Fixed cooldown being enabled when cursor was disabled


Added Class Icons to Player and Target unitframe Name
Borders is now released
Added Cooldown to Cursor
When you try to use your cooldowns again their icon will show up inside Cursor, alongside a timer
The icon will show again when the skill becomes usable
Revamped changelog into a markdown file linked in the Support options menu
Added support for Dynamic Status Icons when importing profile


Fixed Transmog Window
Exorsus Raid Tools was renamed to Method Raid Tools and the references were updated for it
BigWigs profile is now working according to Funkeh's suggestions
Fixed .toc interface version


9.1 Compatibility
Wide Transmog updated to support transmogrifying each shoulder separately
Level Up and Event Toast updated to new system
New Misc option that includes some options that didnt fit into other places
Quests can now be hidden in Arenas and Battlegrounds
The following can be found under misc, and are defaulted to off:
Added Arena Buffs, show target and enemy player buffs in arena but hide them elsewhere.
Added option to hide arena unitframes in arena (in case you are using an addon like Gladius/Gladdy/sArena/GladiusEX)
Added option to hide raid frames in battlegrounds (in case you are using an addon like Battleground Enemies)
Rogue Order Hall Auto Open has been moved to Misc


Improved event detection for Nameplate Power Bar (Thanks Repooc!)
Hunter and Demon Hunter power bars will now follow Unitframe Power Colors like other classes
Left Chat hide will now behave the same as Right Chat hide
Moved the Focus Castbar into an easier to see position
Changed Experience and Reputation databars to on the top of the screen, disabled honor and azerite databars


Added Borders (Beta), disabled by default
You will need to adjust the borders if using them with profile or setting outside of the defaults for Eltruism DPS/Tank
Added Border media, credits in the License folder
Fixed AFK music error for Undead players since the race code is Scourge
Changed code for Nameplate Power Bar
Nameplate Power Bar colors will now follow Unitframe Power Colors so they can be changed by the user over there
Changed BigWigs and Details import logic (thanks Luckyone!)


Tweak chat hide so that it will hide without a mouse click
Prepared for 9.1
Changed classpower on nameplates that was defaulting to class color when it was meant not to
LootText will now have trimmed icons without the grey border


Added Localization Support (only English is live for now)
Added World Text Scale option
Fixed overlapping debuffs on nameplates due to Nameplate Power Bar
Moved the Focus to the top left side since on the right side there are boss frames and Arena frames and it should not overlap the Alternate Unitframes


Improved module loading between TBC/Classic/Retail
Fixed missing Demon Hunter Power Bar due to the position being behind the nameplate
Added Gladius and Gladdy profiles for TBC


Added more options to Nameplate Power Bar, such as changing its size, position, and texture
Fixed Nameplate Power Bar not appearing for retail Shamans until they swapped specs
Bundled ElvUI Chat and CVArs setup with Eltruism Install
ElvUI Install prompt will now be skipped since Eltruism sets the same things or overwrites things
Swapped Chat functions: Now it starts disabled and after a left click it can fade


Chat Fade/Hide can now be toggled off by Left clicking on either chat, clicking again will enable the Fade/hide again
Quests will now expand when the boss encounter ends
Reworked Classic/TBC Druid logic for Nameplate Power Bar
Changed BigWigs profile name to Default so that it doesn't get reset with a reload
Fixed missing Enemy Player Buffs/Debuffs on Aura Filters
Added Expanded Stables to Shadowlands Hunters, merged from Improved Stable Frame by Cybeloras and licensed under GNU GPLv3
Rogue Order Hall will automatically open following Rogue Door Opener by Burzolog licensed under GNU GPLv3


Added Chat Modifications, check Eltruism > Chat for the options
Added Expanded Transmog Window to Shadowlands
Spellsteal filter will now check for player class
Waypoint Timer will now follow ElvUI general font
Optimized Nameplate Power Bar
Fixed Nameplate Power Bar showing on neutral or unattackable NPCs
Fixed LootText not showing Gold earned when in other locales
Fixed Stealth not working when entering world or the first time stealth was used


Fixed Classic/TBC feral druid power bar overlapping combo points
Added ElvUI movers that can be used as Weakauras anchors: EltruismWA and ELtruismConsumables
Simply open your weakaura group and in Display > Anchored To > Select Frame > Type either EltruismWA or EltruismConsumables
The Weakauras will anchor to the mover and now you can use /moveui to move them.


Added aura filter options to show more buffs/debuffs
Added more options to Cursor
Added more options to Action Bars Glow
Reworked Shadow and Light and Windtools dependencies: Eltruism still requires them for Shadowlands, but not on Curse due to TBC/Classic issues


Added option for LootText to use ElvUI General Font (Found in ElvUI > General > Media)
Changed LootText icon scaling to be more inline with the font
Removed Weakauras page from install since most of them are now options in the plugin


Added Nameplate Power Bars - Based on the Weakaura
Added expanded talents to Classic
Added AFK music to TBC and Classic
Added Class Icons to Character Panel
Added tags to show Class Icons on unitframes/nameplates
Added Role Icons to Role Swap message
Modified Dynamic Datatext to Show Icon for Ammo/Soul Shards
Fixed an error due to scroll wheel being killed on talent window
Tweaked the Healing Profile Tank and Assist Frames


Fixed TBC Expanded Talents --Thanks Gregory!
Reworked Version Checks to have less errors


Added option to change the position of LootText
Fixes for TBC Expanded Talents


Added Expanded Talents for TBC
Added options in Media for the Expanded Talents, Level Up skin and Boss Loot Frames depending on game version
Added threat to Enemy NPC nameplates
Fixed errors when user first installing Eltruism
Fixed missing possession bar on Death Knights
Fixed the Healer Layout Tank and Assist Frames


Fixed error when ElvUI nameplates were turned off


Added option to change the strata of LootText
Fixed an error due to a missing table for Rare Style Filter


Added scale option to LootText
Optimization/Cleaning Pass
Added dynamic datatexts that change according to player class, showing Ammo/Soul Shards for Hunters and warlocks, and Friends for other classes
Fixed heal prediction being gray for some classes in TBC/Classic due to a low alpha value
Dynamic Level tags on enemy nameplates that will show only when the player is below max level
Due to how aura filters work in ElvUI it's recommended to go to |cffff0000ElvUI > Unitframes > Group Units > Party/Raid/Raid40 > Aura Indicator > Set them to Textured Icon with Display Timer|r


Fixed repeating install process prompt due to a database change


Revamped Changelog to fit more versions
Layout now has additional checks for resolution
Added class check to change left chat datatext panel to count Ammo/Soul Shards if playing Hunter or Warlock in Classic/TBC
Do note that the datatext will not dynamically swap if you change characters
Further streamlined the install process code


Added new Cursors, changed their file path
Revamped Cursor options
Changed some internal code
Improved Party/Raid death according to Simpy's suggestion


Fixed Cursor error related to instances


Added an option to change the size of the cursor
Added images showing the rings for the cursor
Fixed abbreviation when using cyrillic letters


Added Cursor, a fork of CastCursor by michaelsp (this module is GNU GPLv3)
Changed how version checking works
Added alternative layouts for party/raid/raid40 for the DPS/Tank profiles
Tweaked install process to offer alternative layouts for certain classes
The original layouts for those frames were made with pure dps classes in mind,
if your class has off heals or raid cooldowns you might want to use the alternative layout
Check it in Eltruism > Party/Raid


Updated settings to ElvUI's newest version
Changed TBC/Classic profiles to show mana/energy regen


Added option to reset nameplates to Eltruism defaults
Tweaked nameplate class borders, colors, and textures when option is off


Fixed friendly nameplates being forced on during login


Converted database to profile from private
Renamed Nameplate Stylefilters to avoid confusion, please remove the |cffff0000EnemyCasting, ExecuteRange, StealThisBuff and HideThis nameplate filters|r
Fixed Details! TBC profile due to Details! changes
Fixed Pet Unitframe happiness missing when using Custom Fonts
Reworked absorb logic for Retail profiles (disabled for DPS, enabled for Healer)


Streamlined install process
Updated ProjectAzilroka profile
Added missing Party Castbar to Retail Healer profile and TBC profiles
Added new death sound (Ion's - Frankly that's a skill issue)
Added custom fonts option (Eltruism > Media)
Fixed a rare issue with Shadow and Light viewport on profile install


Added power bar to pets
Update function has been changed
Added level to enemy nameplates in Classic/TBC
Fixed .toc versions


Condensed the install screen to be faster
Fixed ProjectAzilroka install due to its internal change
Revamped Threat bar in Classic/TBC to be in the Left Chat Datatext


Tweaked init function for quests


Removed Quest options in Classic/TBC due to those versions not supporting the function


Fixed a bug with LootText when awarded honor in Classic and Burning Crusade Classic
More pet unitframe changes to accommodate name length and happiness tracking
Changed the DBM HUD size in Questie profile
Warning: DBM HUD will cause bugs in bgs due to not being supported in instances


Improved Font Outline detection
Friendly Nameplate disable option added
Pet bar change to accommodate name length and happiness
Other minor changes to profile
Questie profile for Classic and Burning Crusade Classic
You will need to reload after questie builds the database and reload again after setting the profile
Classic Questie has some issues for now, and you might need several reloads due to a known bug with townsfolk


Added Dark Mode and Light Mode
Can be found in Eltruism > Media
Fixed Bigwigs profile for TBC due to new version


Fixed absorb tags in Classic/TBC
Fixed nameplate clamping to screen in TBC
Fixed LootText test command in TBC Fixed datatext height


Added combat music! Type the path to your file in the settings
Classic/TBC Support! Report any bugs in the Discord
Many addons weren't updated for TBC yet, so profiles might not work
Added class colored level up and boss loot by Aftermathh
Style Filter StealThisBuff fixed to be mage only
Enabled Class Totems
Changed the size and position of the Gladius Ex profile
Recommended settings for font outline:

  • 4K resolution: Use profile default
  • 1440p resolution: Eltruism > Media > Outline
  • 1080p resolution: Eltruism > Media > Outline
    Implemented automatic switching of font outlines


Added /way and /waypoint command, usage:
/way XX YY or /waypoint XX YY
/way XXX YYY or /waypoint XXX YYY
/way XX.XX YY.YY or /waypoint XX.XX YY.YY
/way XX,XX YY,XX or /waypoint XX,XX YY,YY
It will only work in places where waypoints work
Any other types of inputs may result in an error
Added option to enable/disable the /way and /waypoint commands
Added checks for installed addons
Added Font Outline options to Media
Fixed missing Sepsis paging for Night Fae Rogues (thanks to Naifu)


Fixed a CVar bug due to triggering in combat
Fixed full inventory in LootText


Removed test print


Added LootText, a fork of SLoTE. (This module of Eltruism is GNU GPLv3)
You can test LootText by typing '/eltruism loot'
Added a version check which will automatically update settings if the user is out of date
Changed Class Texture on Nameplates, Mage and Shaman use a different texture to avoid the green color
Included a nameplate filter for rares that is active with Class Textures on Nameplates
Changed the Friendly Nameplate option, now it will show friendly names inside instances also, with the previous setting being a separate option
Fixed a missing friendly nameplate setting that was not exported
Changed a few CVar values for nameplates
Moved dependencies, added checks on the installer for missing addons
Turned minimap bar into mouse over
Fixed pet on healer profile
Added a few commands:
/eltruism config - open Eltruism plugin settings
/eltruism options - open Eltruism plugin settings
/eltruism install - prompt the installer
/eltruism setup - prompt the installer
/eltruism loot - Display a test message for LootText


Added Changelog to options
Tweaked Quests during encounters
Fixed AFK music muting music on login


Version check for Shadow & Light
Added media (class textures)
Split Functions into Modules
Fixed a duplicate Font when importing other fonts
Class Gradient on Target Nameplate (default off!)
AFK Class Music
Quest Collapse during boss encounters to prevent overlap with boss frame
Roboto Font added as option during install


New option to change font during the install, choose between Kimberley, Exo2 and GothamNarrow
New media added
Tweaks to AFK sound, should no longer play duplicate sounds
Fixed DBM Y-Offset that was broken due to a change in DBM


Wide Nameplate Buffs and Debuffs
Nameplate Buffs and Debuffs stack count moved to lower right when using wide nameplate
New death sounds
Nameplate tweaks to make them stick inside the screen while targeted
Tweaks to font outlines
Minor tweaks to profiles


Fixed action paging for some classes


Fixed global fade on healer profile
Updated the waypoint options


Revamped Waypoint Time to arrive, decreasing memory usage by a lot!
Added Role Icons
Layout Changes
Added Weakaura recommendations that were made for this addon


Changed Action bar visibility options
Now you can have actionbars on all the time by disabling Inherit Global Fade on each bar


New death sound (Wilson Wow)
New media available
Tweaked Enemy Player Nameplates
Tweaked install process
Fixed missing chat height


Fix global soundHandle
Tweaked Nameplate classpower background color


Fixed classpower position


Time to Arrive includes the memory usage of the SuperTrackedFrame and should reset automatically just like Blizzard's code, but for now it will reflect Blizzard's memory usage
Added Time to Arrive text below Waypoints
Tweaked a few profile settings
Fixed SuperTrackedFrame inside instances


Added time to arrive text below waypoints
This setting includes the memory usage of the SuperTrackedFrame, and should reset automatically just like Blizzard's code
Tweaked a few profile settings


Fixed CVar taint from friendly nameplates near WQ areas
Fixed missing music for some races


AFK music is now working correctly


Added options to nameplates
Friendly Nameplates will now show outside instances, and hide while inside instances
Test version for Racial AFK Music added


Added a function to play a sound when someone dies


Healer profile was changed Additional Media


Initial version
Added Layout for DPS and Healer
Added Options Menu
Added Media
Added Class Glow to Action Bars