All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update BDK to version 0.18.0
- Add BumpFeeTxBuilder to bump the fee on an unconfirmed tx created by the Wallet
- Change to TxBuilder.finish() to align with bdk function name
- Fix Wallet.broadcast function, now returns a tx id as a hex string
- Remove creating a new spending Transaction via the PartiallySignedBitcoinTransaction constructor
- Add TxBuilder for creating new spending PartiallySignedBitcoinTransaction
- Add TxBuilder .add_recipient, .fee_rate, and .build functions
- Add TxBuilder .drain_wallet and .drain_to functions
- Update generate cli tool to generate all binding languages and rename to bdk-ffi-bindgen
- Add dual license MIT and Apache 2.0
- Add sqlite database support
- Fix memory database configuration enum, remove junk field
- Remove hard coded sync progress value (was always returning 21.0)
- Move bdk-kotlin bindings and ios example to separate repos
- Add bin to generate Python bindings
- Add
function as named constructor to decode from a string per BIP 0174 - Add
function to encode to a string per BIP 0174 - Remove
struct field