Docker container is not run as root by default. 21213
Read Fleet connection information from
instead offleet.kibana.
. 24713 -
Beats build for 32Bit Windows or Linux system will refuse to run on a 64bit system. 25186
Remove the
command. 25529 -
Default to port 80 and 443 for Kibana and Fleet Server connections. 25723
Remove deprecated/undocumented IncludeCreatorMetadata setting from kubernetes metadata config options 28006
endpoint proxies to the subprocess’s monitoring endpoint, instead of querying its/stats
endpoint 28165 -
Remove username/password for fleet-server authentication. 29458
Fix rename *ConfigChange to *PolicyChange to align on changes in the UI. 20779
Thread safe sorted set 21290
Copy Action store on upgrade 21298
Include inputs in action store actions 21298
Fix issue where inputs without processors defined would panic 21628
Prevent reporting ecs version twice 21616
Partial extracted beat result in failure to spawn beat 21718
Use symlink path for reexecutions 21835
Use ML_SYSTEM to detect if agent is running as a service 21884
Use local temp instead of system one 21883
Rename monitoring index from
21932 -
Fix issue with named pipes on Windows 7 21931
Fix missing elastic_agent event data 21994
Ensure shell wrapper path exists before writing wrapper on install 22144
Fix deb/rpm packaging for Elastic Agent 22153
Fix composable input processor promotion to fix duplicates 22344
Fix sysv init files for deb/rpm installation 22543
Fix shell wrapper for deb/rpm packaging 23038
Fixed parsing of npipe URI 22978
Select default agent policy if no enrollment token provided. 23973
Remove artifacts on transient download errors 23235
Support for linux/arm64 23479
Skip top level files when unziping archive during upgrade 23456
Do not take ownership of Endpoint log path 23444
Fixed fetching DBus service PID 23496
Fix issue of missing log messages from filebeat monitor 23514
Increase checkin grace period to 30 seconds 23568
Fix libbeat from reporting back degraded on config update 23537
Rewrite check if agent is running with admin rights on Windows 23970
Fix issues with dynamic inputs and conditions 23886
Fix bad substitution of API key. 24036
Fix docker enrollment issue related to Fleet Server change. 24155
Improve log on failure of Endpoint Security installation. 24429
Verify communication to Kibana before updating Fleet client. 24489
Fix nil pointer when null is generated as list item. 23734
Add support for filestream input. 24820
Add check for URL set when cert and cert key. 24904
Fix install command for Fleet Server bootstrap, remove need for --enrollment-token when using --fleet-server 24981
Respect host configuration for exposed processes endpoint 25114
Set --inscure in container when FLEET_SERVER_ENABLE and FLEET_INSECURE set 25137
Fixed: limit for retries to Kibana configurable 25063
Fix issue with status and inspect inside of container 25204
Remove FLEET_SERVER_POLICY_NAME env variable as it was not used 25149
Reduce log level for listener cleanup to debug elastic/beats#25274
Passing in policy id to container command works 25352
Reduce log level for listener cleanup to debug 25274
Delay the restart of application when a status report of failure is given 25339
Don’t log when upgrade capability doesn’t apply 25386
Fixed issue when unversioned home is set and invoked watcher failing with ENOENT 25371
Fixed Elastic Agent: expecting Dict and received *transpiler.Key for '0' 24453
Fix AckBatch to do nothing when no actions passed 25562
Add error log entry when listener creation fails 23482
Handle case where policy doesn’t contain Fleet connection information 25707
Fix fleet-server.yml spec to not overwrite existing keys 25741
Agent sends wrong log level to Endpoint 25583
Fix startup with failing configuration 26057
Change timestamp in elatic-agent-json.log to use UTC 25391
Fix add support for Logstash output. 24305
Do not log Elasticsearch configuration for monitoring output when running with debug. 26583
Fix issue where proxy enrollment options broke enrollment command. 26749
Remove symlink.prev from previously failed upgrade 26785
Fix apm-server supported outputs not being in sync with supported output types. 26885
Set permissions during installation 26665
Disable monitoring during fleet-server bootstrapping. 27222
Fix issue with atomic extract running in K8s 27396
Fix issue with install directory in state path in K8s 27396
Disable monitoring during fleet-server bootstrapping. 27222
Change output.elasticsearch.proxy_disabled flag to output.elasticsearch.proxy_disable so fleet uses it. 27670 27671
Add validation for certificate flags to ensure they are absolute paths. 27779
Migrate state on upgrade 27825
Add "_monitoring" suffix to monitoring instance names to remove ambiguity with the status command. 25449
Snapshot artifact lookup will use agent.download proxy settings. 27903 27904
Fix lazy acker to only add new actions to the batch. 27981
Allow HTTP metrics to run in bootstrap mode. Add ability to adjust timeouts for Fleet Server. 28260
Fix agent configuration overwritten by default fleet config. 29297
Allow agent containers to use basic auth to create a service token. 29651
Fix issue where a failing artifact verification does not remove the bad artifact. 30281
Reduce Elastic Agent shut down time by stopping processes concurrently 29650
context cancelled
error from fleet gateway into debug level. 187 -
Update library containerd to 1.5.10. 186
Add fleet-server to output of elastic-agent inspect output command (and diagnostic bundle). 243
Update API calls that the agent makes to Kibana when running the container command. 253
diagnostics collect log names are fixed on Windows machines, command will ignore failures. AgentID is included in diagnostics(and diagnostics collect) output. 81 92 190 262
Prepare packaging for endpoint and asc files 20186
Improved version CLI 20359
Enroll CLI now restarts running daemon 20359
Add restart CLI cmd 20359
Add new
inputs to run Heartbeat 20387 -
Users of the Docker image can now pass
to include the--insecure
flag with theelastic-agent enroll
command 20312 20713 -
composable dynamic provider. 20842 -
Add support for dynamic inputs with providers and
substitution. 20839 -
Add support for EQL based condition on inputs 20994
to Endpoint Security 21042 -
subcommands 21206 -
Use new form of fleet API paths 21478
composable dynamic provider. 21480 -
Send updating state 21461
to published events from filebeat and metricbeat 21543 -
subcommand to perform upgrade of installed Elastic Agent 21425 -
and Kibana hosts when a policy change updates the Kibana hosts 21599 -
command to perform enroll before starting Elastic Agent 21772 -
from a POLICY_CHANGE 21804 -
from Windows .zip packaging 21694 -
on dynamic composable input providers communication channel 22352 -
logs to elasticsearch 22526 -
Log level reloadable from fleet 22690
Push log level downstream 22815
Add metrics collection for Agent 22793
Add support for Fleet Server 23736
Add support for enrollment with local bootstrap of Fleet Server 23865
Add TLS support for Fleet Server 24142
Add support for Fleet Server running under Elastic Agent 24220
Add CA support to Elastic Agent docker image 24486
Add k8s secrets provider for Agent 24789
Add STATE_PATH, CONFIG_PATH, LOGS_PATH to Elastic Agent docker image 24817
Add status subcommand 24856
Add leader_election provider for k8s 24267
Add --fleet-server-service-token and FLEET_SERVER_SERVICE_TOKEN options 25083
Keep http and logging config during enroll 25132
Log output of container to $LOGS_PATH/elastic-agent-start.log when LOGS_PATH set 25150
input for internal log collection. 25660 -
Enable agent to send custom headers to kibana/ES 26275
to the Fleet Agent ID in events published from inputs backed by Beats. 21121 26394 26548 -
Add proxy support to artifact downloader and communication with fleet server. 25219
Add proxy support to enroll command. 26514
Enable configuring monitoring namespace 26439
Communicate with Fleet Server over HTTP2. 26474
Pass logging.metrics.enabled to beats to stop beats from adding metrics into their logs. 26758 26828
Support Node and Service autodiscovery in kubernetes dynamic provider. 26801
Increase Agent’s mem limits in k8s. 27153
Add new --enroll-delay option for install and enroll commands. 27118
Add link to troubleshooting guide on fatal exits. 26367 27236
Agent now adapts the beats queue size based on output settings. 26638 27429
Support ephemeral containers in Kubernetes dynamic provider. #27020 27707
Add complete k8s metadata through composable provider. 27691
Add diagnostics command to gather beat metadata. 28265
Add diagnostics collect command to gather beat metadata, config, policy, and logs and bundle it into an archive. 28461
to Elastic Agent container. 28096 -
Enable pprof endpoints for beats processes. Allow pprof endpoints for elastic-agent if enabled. 28983
flag toelastic-agent diagnostics
and anelastic-agent pprof
command to allow operators to gather pprof data from the agent and beats running under it. 28798 -
Allow pprof endpoints for elastic-agent or beats if enabled. 28983 29155
Add --fleet-server-es-ca-trusted-fingerprint flag to allow agent/fleet-server to work with elasticsearch clusters using self signed certs. 29128
Discover changes in Kubernetes nodes metadata as soon as they happen. 23139
Add results of inspect output command into archive produced by diagnostics collect. 29902
Add support for loading input configuration from external configuration files in standalone mode. You can load inputs from YAML configuration files under the folder
. 30087 -
Install command will skip install/uninstall steps when installation via package is detected on Linux distros. 30289
Update docker/distribution dependency library to fix a security issues concerning OCI Manifest Type Confusion Issue. 30462
Add action_input_type for the .fleet-actions-results 30562
Add support for enabling the metrics buffer endpoint in the elastic-agent and beats it runs. diagnostics collect command will gather metrics-buffer data if enabled. 30471
Update ack response schema and processing, add retrier for acks 200
Enhance error messages and logs for process start 225
Changed the default policy selection logic. When the agent has no policy id or name defined, it will fall back to defaults (defined by $FLEET_SERVER_POLICY_ID and $FLEET_DEFAULT_TOKEN_POLICY_NAME environment variables respectively). 29774 226
Add Elastic APM instrumentation 180
Agent can be built for
. When it’s built for bothdarwin/arm64
a universal binary is also built and packaged. 203 -
Add support for Cloudbeat. 179
Fix download verification in snapshot builds. 252
Add support for kubernetes cronjobs 279
Increase the download artifact timeout to 10mins and add log download statistics. 308