- Class hours and location: MW 11:30am - 12:45pm, LIBW 875.
- Jinho Choi: MW 4pm - 5pm, MSC W302F.
- 3 Synthesis: 30%
- Proposal: 10%
- Approach: 10%
- Experiment: 10%
- Analysis: 10%
- Final: 30%
- Everyone is expected to give 3 synthesis presentations.
- 1 oral presentation (with slides) and 1 written report (in latex) are required.
- See the synthesis page for more details.
- Everyone is expected to propose a research project at the beginning of the semester.
- 1 oral presentation (with slides) and 1 written report (in latex) are required.
- See the proposal page for more details.
- Everyone is expected to write a long research paper at the end of the semester.
- 1 oral presentation (with slides) and 1 written report (in latex) are required.
- See the final page for more details.
- Your work is governed by the Emory Honor Code. Honor code violations (e.g., copies from any source including your colleagues and internet sites) will be referred to the Emory Honor Council.
- Excuses for absence/reschedule and other serious personal events (health, family, personal related, etc.) that affect course performance must be accompanied by a letter from the Office for Undergraduate Education or the Laney Graduate School.