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Bosch Compress 5800i AW: Power Modulation with PV Integration Not Working After Update to v3.7.1 #2284

1 task
tomatensuppe opened this issue Dec 8, 2024 · 5 comments


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tomatensuppe commented Dec 8, 2024


With EMS-ESP v3.7.1, modulation options for heat pump and PV system owners have been introduced, as highlighted in the release notes. This includes features like Silent Mode and % power reduction settings. Unfortunately, after updating my system, these features do not appear to work or show up in my configuration.

I own a Bosch Compress 5800i AW heat pump and a PV system. After applying the update, none of the expected modulation settings or parameters for power reduction are visible in the EMS-ESP web interface or API.


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

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1.	Update EMS-ESP to v3.7.1.
2.	Connect a Bosch Compress 5800i AW heat pump and PV system.
3.	Access the EMS-ESP web interface or API.
4.	Look for power modulation settings (Silent Mode, power reduction percentages).


After updating to v3.7.1, I expected the following:
• Silent Mode settings (on, auto, off) to be visible.
• Power reduction options (30%, 40%, 50%, 60%) to be available for configuration.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your issue.


The modulation features appear to have been tested on Bosch CS 6800i AW heat pumps. Could this be why the Bosch Compress 5800i AW does not show the relevant parameters? If additional configuration steps are needed, they are not clear in the documentation.


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proddy commented Dec 21, 2024

Those entities should still be there. Can you provide the output of http://<ip>/api/boiler

Also check the Customizations model to see if there present, perhaps without values

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proddy commented Jan 18, 2025

indeed, I see powerReduction is missing. Let's see if it's in the telegram. do a read 8 484 from the console or via the WebUI's System Log (blue arrow, needs Developer Mode enabled in Application Settings)

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nothing happens


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proddy commented Feb 2, 2025

remove the 'read' if using the webUI

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