[Project devs to add: Add a short description about what this project codebase is.]
[Project devs to add: Add a short description, or any notes on the codebase's architecture.]
Project element | Software |
Backend | PHP 7.3 |
Database | MariaDB |
Framework | Laravel 5.8 |
Build system | Laravel Mix / Webpack |
JS Framework | VueJS |
The application can be accessed locally via the endpoints below:
Endpoint | URI |
Web application | http://localhost:8000 |
Database | http://localhost:8080 |
- Download and install Docker Desktop for Mac.
- Ensure no other applications are using the same ports as the Docker containers in this projects use. e.g. Ports: 8000, 5757, 13306, 8080.
To start the project, run scripts/bootstrap
If this is the first time checking out the project. The script will create an environment file from the example file, and run any application initialistion scripts.
To build any compiled assets, run scripts/build
[Project devs to add: Add any additional information here]
Use the bootstrap script to start a project in an initialised state.
Usage:: $ scripts/bootstrap [args]
Argument | Description |
--no-update | Makes the script skip application dependency installation |
This script creates a .env file if one isn’t present, builds and starts the Docker service containers, installs applications dependencies (Composer packages, Node modules, Database schema, and seeding data), and generates an application key.
Usage:: $ scripts/update
Update installs application dependencies inside app container. For example Composer packages, Node modules, Database schema, and seeding data
Usage: $ scripts/build [command]
Build is used for building front-end assets. If no command is passed, the script will run NPM's development build task.
Usage: $ scripts/watch
Shortcut to NPM's watch task
Usage: $ scripts/test
Test runs the applications testing suite. It will run a php static analyser, followed by PHPunit.
Usage: $ scripts/console [args]
Console runs the given arguments in the applications command line interface.
If you're using Visual Studio Code, there are some handy settings to implement for Tailwind CSS if you're using the Tailwind CSS Intellisense extension. These can be viewed on the Tailwind CSS Intellisense GitHub repository.