- Be able to describe DSA in high-level and abstract way. (Interface, see below)
- Design and implement the DSA.
- Analysis of DSA: average and worst case.
Interface (API / ADT) | Data Structure |
- Specification | - Representation |
- What data can store | - How to store data |
- What operations are | - Algorithms to support operations |
- The first step to design data structure: to know the specification (i.e. its behavior) or how to implement from the user perspective, that is, to comprehend in abstract way (or mathematical).
- For ADT, we define the logical behavior by a set of values (
) and operations (Functions
), we just define what to store/operate the data, not how to implement the way to store/operate the data.
// TODO: translate into English and organize. Source: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_data_type
1. 設計資料結構的第一步:知道規格而不需要知道如何實作,也就是以「抽象」的(數學模型)方式去理解和設計,可以當作純粹理論的實體,用來簡化描述抽象演算法、分類和評價資料結構,抽象資料結構的選擇決定了演算法的設計以及評估複雜度。
2. 定義的時候,我們需要知道 `Domain` + `Functions` + `Axiom`,這時候我們只定義「行為」+「介面」,不定義實作細節(介面實作分離,使用者只關心公開的介面,不知道且不在意如何實作、也不受實作影響)。
3. 資料結構就是一個 ADT 不斷做 refinement 的過程,一直到所有運算都能夠「直接執行的函式」表示出來為止。
For the abstract List
# Domain
1. A collection with the same type.
2. The items in the list are ordered.
# Function
1. Get(i): Return the i-th item.
2. Add(i, element): Add element to the i-th index.
3. Replace(i, element): Replace the i-th item with element.
4. Remove(i): Remove item from the list.
5. Size(i): Get the list size.
Or the abstract Set
# Domain
1. A collection with the same type.
2. The items in the set are unordered and unique.
# Function
1. Add(i, element)
2. Remove(i)
3. Search(element)
The goal is not only to know how to solve problem, but also to know how to communicate to people the solutions and convince them that they are correct and efficient (better than other things).
So learning algorithm is trying to:
- Solve computational problems.
- Prove correctness
- Argue efficiency
- A problem is a binary relation from inputs to outputs (one input may have multiple outputs)
- A (deterministic) algorithm is a procedure that maps inputs into single correct outputs.
For example, let's solve the problem: "In a classroom, find the students with same birthday?"
. Then an algorithm to solve this problem will be:
1. Maintain a record of (name, birthday).
2. Go to ask all the students:
2.1 If birthday exists in the record, return the student.
2.2 Else add (name, birthday) to record.
3. Return null if no pair found.
An algorithms is a finite set of instructions that accomplish a particular task. And it meets the following criteria:
- Input
- Output
- Definiteness: Each steps must be concise.
- Finiteness: It will terminate within a finite steps.
- Effectiveness: Be carried out by only pen and paper + feasible.
We will say that the algorithm said to be correct if it halts with correct output for every input.
How to prove correctness of algorithm? For arbitrarily large inputs, algorithms repeat the instructions via loops or recursion, so we have to prove correctness via induction. One of the nice things about induction
is that is isolates our problem to not consider everthing all at once, but break it down into smaller interface so that we can do less work at each step.
// TODO: We don't spend too much time on induction, may take a close look back later.
See Complexity topic.
- Reduce to a problem you already know (using data structure or algorithm):
- Searching
- Sorting
- Shortest Path
- Design your own (recursive) algorithm:
- Brute Force
- Divide and Conquer
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy
- Fundamental of Data Structure - Introduction
- CLRS - Introduction
- MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithm - Lecture 1: Algorithms and Computation
- MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithm - Lecture 2: Data Structures and Dynamic Arrays