Sacara is implemented by considering a stack based VM, this means that most of the instructions take their arguments from the stack. It also support local variables that are saved in a different memory area. Both local variables and stack frame are valid only in the current function execution context. Once that you return from a function their values is lost.
Find below a diagram of the Sacara architecture:
All values stored inside the stack and local variables are considered as DOUBLE WORD in size. However, some instruction (as read or write) will convert the DOUBLE WORD value to a BYTE value.
The main entry point is a function named main.
In order to assemble a Sacara script you have to use the SacaraAsm utility. The utility support various kind of obfuscation options, print the help to know more.
The Sacara source code is called SIL which stands for Sacara Intermediate Language.
You can create SIL code also programmatically. For an example of usage take a look at this example. All the supported functions have the same name as the one from the Instruction set below. The only notable differences are:
- and => _and
- or => _or
- not => _not
The SacaraVM DLL exports four methods that can be invoked programmatically. You can find an example of usage in the Examples directory.
Sacara allows to define functions, to reference labels and to add comments to your code.
A function is defined with the proc keyword followed by the function name. All functions must end with the endp keyword. Find below an example of definition:
proc main
push 0x123
You can define a label inside your code. In Sacara each label is absolute, this mean that you can reference a label defined in a function from an external function. This implies that all label names in your code must be unique. The function name is also considered a label, and you can reference it in the same exact way. Find below an example of label definition and referencing:
proc main
push func1
proc func1
jump my_label
push 0x123
You can insert comments in your code to make it more understandable. Sacara support multi lines comment which starts with the string /* and ends with the string */ (this is the same exact pattern used in the C programming language). Find below an example of comment usages:
proc main
push 0x123 /* push second argument */
push 0x456 /* push first argument */
add /* sum */
halt /* stop execution */
Sacara supports a good amount of instructions. Each instruction can accept 0 or more arguments. Most of the instructions (except for push and pop) will get the arguments from the stack. When we refer to the first argument, it is the first value that is popped from the stack. The following image show an example of stack layout after pushing the given arguments:
Mnemonic: ret
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: at most one
This instruction returns from a function, if there is a value on top of the stack it is pushed in the caller stack. The function return address is saved on top of the caller stack. When the function returns all the stack and local variables are destroyed.
Mnemonic: nop
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction does nothing, just increase the Instruction Pointer.
Mnemonic: add
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction add two values and push back the result. It pops from the stack:
- first operand
- second operand
Mnemonic: push [imm/label/local variable]
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction accepts a parameter taken from the bytecode and push the value on top of the stack. It can be used with an immutable, with a label or with a local var. Find below an example of usage:
proc main
push my_label /* push the offset of the label */
push 0x123 /* push the immediate value 0x123 */
push local_var /* push the value stored in local_var */
push my_func /* push the offset of the my_func function */
proc my_func
Mnemonic: pop [local variable]
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction pop from the stack a value and save the result into a local variable.
Mnemonic: call
Popped Arguments: at least 2
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction allows to call a user defined method. It pops from the stack:
- the name of the method to call
- the number of argument to push in the new stack frame
- the arguments.
Mnemonic: ncall
Popped Arguments: at least 3
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction allows to call a native method outside of the VM. It pops from the stack:
- the address of the method to call
- the number of argument to push in the stack
- the number of DOUBLE WORD to remove from the stack, after that the method returns
- the arguments to the method
When the native method returns, the value of the native EAX register is pushed on top of the stack.
Mnemonic: read
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction allows to read 1 byte from the Sacara SIL code at a given offset (which start from 0) and push the result into the stack. It pops from the stack:
- the offset of the VM IP
Mnemonic: nread
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction allows to read 1 byte from the native memory space and push the result into the stack. It pops from the stack:
- the native address to read
Mnemonic: write
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction allows to write 1 byte to the Sacara SIL code at a given offset (which start from 0). It pops from the stack:
- the offset of the VM IP
- the byte to write
Mnemonic: nwrite
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction allows to write 1 byte to the native memory space. It pops from the stack:
- the native address where to write the value
- the byte to write
Mnemonic: getip
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction push into the stack the current VM IP. This value is the offset of the instruction that follow getip.
Mnemonic: jump
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction jump to a given offset. It pops from the stack:
- The offset of the VM IP to jump
Mnemonic: jumpifl
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction jump to a given offset according to the result of a previous comparison (see CMP instruction). It pops from the stack:
- The offset of the VM IP to jump
Mnemonic: jumpifle
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction jump to a given offset according to the result of a previous comparison (see CMP instruction). It pops from the stack:
- The offset of the VM IP to jump
Mnemonic: jumpifg
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction jump to a given offset according to the result of a previous comparison (see CMP instruction). It pops from the stack:
- The offset of the VM IP to jump
Mnemonic: jumpifge
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction jump to a given offset according to the result of a previous comparison (see CMP instruction). It pops from the stack:
- The offset of the VM IP to jump
Mnemonic: alloca
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction allocates a given number of DOUBLE WORD to be used as storage for local variables. The number accepted can be considered as the number of local variables needed inside the current function. This instruction is mostly used by the assembler. It pops from the stack:
- The number of DOUBLE WORD to allocate for the local variables
Mnemonic: byte [byte value], ...
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: 0
This is not a real instruction but a command for the Assembler that instruct it to emit the specified BYTE in the code. It is also possible to specify more that one value by separating it with a comma (,). This command also allows to specify a string. The string must be enclosed in double quote. An example of usage is the following one:
byte "this is a string",0x00
Mnemonic: word [word value], ...
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: 0
This is not a real instruction, but a command for the Assembler that instruct it to emit the specified WORD in the code. It is also possible to specify more that one value by separating it with a comma (,).
Mnemonic: dword [double word value], ...
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: 0
This is not a real instruction, but a command for the Assembler that instruct it to emit the specified DOUBLE WORD in the code. It is also possible to specify more that one value by separating it with a comma (,).
Mnemonic: halt.
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction tell the VM to stop the execution.
Mnemonic: cmp
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction compares two values from the stack and update the internal flag accordingly. This flag is then used to decide if a jump in necessary or not. It pops from the stack:
- The first value to compare
- The second value to compare
Mnemonic: getsp
Popped Arguments: 0
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction retrieves the current value of the base of the stack and push it into the stack.
Mnemonic: swrite
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction writes a specific DOUBLE WORD to the given stack offset. It pops from the stack:
- The offset (as an index) of the stack location
- The DOUBLE WORD to write
Mnemonic: sread
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction reads a DOUBLE WORD from a specified stack offset and push the result back on top of the stack. It pops from the stack:
- The offset (as an index) of the stack location to read from
Mnemonic: sub
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction substracts the second value from the first value and push back the result. It pops from the stack:
- The first value
- The second value
Mnemonic: sub
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction multiplies the first value with the second value and push back the result. It pops from the stack:
- The first value
- The second value
Mnemonic: div
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction divides the first value with the second value and push back the result. It pops from the stack:
- The first value
- The second value
Mnemonic: and
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction executes a bit and of the first value with the second value and push back the result. It pops from the stack:
- The first value
- The second value
Mnemonic: shiftr
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction executes a bit shift right on the first argument, for a number of times equals to the second argument and push the result back into the stack. It pops from the stack:
- The value to shift
- The number of times to shift the value
Mnemonic: shiftl
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction executes a bit shift left on the first argument, for a number of times equals to the second argument and push the result back into the stack. It pops from the stack:
- The value to shift
- The number of times to shift the value
Mnemonic: or
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction executes a bit or between the first argument with the second argument and push the result back into the stack. It pops from the stack:
- The first value
- The second value
Mnemonic: not
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction executes a bit not operation on the argument and push the result back into the stack. It pops from the stack:
- The value to negate
Mnemonic: xor
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction executes a bit xor between the first argument and the second argument, and push the result back into the stack. It pops from the stack:
- The first argument
- The second argument
Mnemonic: nor
Popped Arguments: 2
Pushed Arguments: 1
This instruction executes a bit nor between the first argument and the second argument, and push the result back into the stack. It pops from the stack:
- The first argument
- The second argument
Mnemonic: setip
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction modifies the value of the Instruction Pointer with the argument passed. It pops from the stack:
- The new value to assign to the IP
Mnemonic: setsp
Popped Arguments: 1
Pushed Arguments: 0
This instruction modifies the value of the Stack Base Pointer with the argument passed. It pops from the stack:
- The new value to assign to the SP base