Debug Adapter Protocol is yet another instrument available for a Truffle language. The DAP is a native protocol for VSCode and as such, works only via VSCode. To start Enso with DAP server waiting for a client to attach, launch enso via:
env JAVA_OPTS='-Dpolyglot.dap' ./built-distribution/enso-engine-*/enso-*/bin/enso --run *.enso
Once DAP server is started and ready for a client to be attached, the following output will be printed:
[Graal DAP] Starting server and listening on /
There is a
Launch configuration
in the repository in
with name Debug Adapter Protocol
, you can start debugging via
Run and Debug view
by selecting the Debug adapter protocol
configuration and pressing play:
Another screenshot showing the DAP in action:
Note that the port 4711 is the default port for DAP.