Releases: epam/ketcher
Ketcher 2.3.2 (October 5, 2021)
- Setting initial molecule #806
Ketcher 2.3.1 (August 30, 2021)
Ketcher 2.3.0 (July 22, 2021)
We are glad to announce that a new stable version of Ketcher 2.3.0 is released.
The main features implemented in scope of this release are support of enhanced stereochemistry, ability to save structure as an image file, text tool, and support of multiple reaction arrows.
New features and improvements
Stereo Flags shouldn't appear for structures without correct stereocenters #418
It's impossible to open Ketcher with already entered molecule #601
Add a warning when saving a reaction equilibrium arrow in a format that does not support it #543
Add possibility to replace api path while App is building by passing additional argument #507
Add multiple arrow support for the same canvas #145
Set PUBLIC_URL as './' by default #508
Add possibility to add plain text on canvas #144
Colors for the STEREO FLAGS and STEREO MARKS #62
Implement "Create Stereo Marks" window #417
Add support for hydrogen bonds #72
Representation of Stereo Flags #57
Stereocenter should disappear after replacing the stereobond with the dative bond or the double cis/trans bond #554
Implement "Enhanced Stereochemistry" window #527
Chiral flag should be removed when all Up/Down stereobonds are removed #61
User can change the text of the four Stereo flags #518
Rename the "Do not show the Stereo flags" setting and change the default value #556
Rendering only feature #107
Add possibility to save structure as image #437
Unclear/inconsistent handling of absolute/relative stereochemistry #290
Label Display At Stereogenic Centers for the STEREO FLAGS and STEREO MARKS #63
Extend Text tool by bold, italic, subscript and superscript support #339
Move dative/hydrogen bond tools to a separate block in the 'Bond' tool menu #538
Add the ability to save information about the coordinates of the Stereo flags in * .ket #559
Update position of stereo flag while structure is moved #167
Adding a stereo flag when opening the structure #632
Incorrect template addition #676
The descriptor overlaps the structure after Layout #219
Layout action does not work on the distorted S-group members #671
No alert error message when trying to open incorrect InChi string #657
"Undo" after template merging does not work correctly #670
Stereo-label doesn't update after stereoBond flipping #661
Left toolbar is not visible in Firefox #612
Redo does not work for simple object "Shape line" after moving its dots #635
IE: Save as *.svg file does not work #627
Atom is not underlined in red after adding to the template #636
Application crashes after saving a template #652
The incorrect structure when marks "Load as fragment" #633
IE: The structure does not open #624
The application doesn't work after "Undo" #615
When marks "Load as fragment and copy to the Clipboard" structure don't save to clipboard #634
Modal windows don't close when pressing the esc button #626
The structure with R-Group is not visible #621
Multiple arrows are saved as a reaction in Daylight Smiles format #590
Ketcher build does not work on Linux #505
Rotation angle doesn't display after I change its value #380
'Calculated values' - The data in 'Elemental analysis' field is displayed incorrectly #445
Calculated values: old values blink before displaying new once #389
'Add text' - The initially created text object remains selected after adding the second one #464
'Add text' - It's not obvious how to reduce the "Text editor" window when a scroll is present in it #473
'Add text'- Impossible to edit a single letter text object #470
'Add text' - Double scroll appears when a long text is entered into the "Text editor" window #467
'Save Structure' and 'Structure Check' windows are enlarged when trying to save/check a big molecule #454
It is possible to save a structure in incorrect format when network connection is slow #456
The error occurs when trying to undo the delete action for a structure with stereo bonds #485
Blank page appears after trying to save a reaction with an R-Group member #488
A part of S-group brackets is enlarged after Cut - Undo actions #448
'Add text'- 'Cut'/'Copy' buttons become enabled when a text object is added to the canvas #472
Incorrect rendering of Stereo Flags in reactions #58
Console error after delete - undo/redo actions with a structure with stereobonds #573
"Help" module doesn't display correctly in IE11 #572
Incorrect stereo flag calculation #579
Browser crash when copy and paste a sgroup structure #592
Stereo labels after pasting display incorrectly #194
The Stereo labels and Attached Data keep their positions after the Flip action #201
Stereo Flag is not highlighted #604
Vertical/Horizontal flip hot keys don't work correctly #524
Error message when copying structure #606
Blank page and a console error appear while saving #514
Simple objects - An error in console after the 'Undo' action #511
'Add text'- 'Cut'/'Copy' buttons are disabled when a text object is added to the canvas #522
Error message when trying to open *.ket files with stereochemistry features #532
3D Viewer - The light mode doesn't work #531
Stereo flags are confused with stereo marks in *.ket files #544
Unable to paste the text objects after cut/copy #551
The periodic table opens when a text object is selected with the Lasso/Rectangle/Fragment selection tools #549
Stereo label (E) saves in .smi file #208
Wrong modal window, a blank page and an error in console after trying to add the Attachment points/R-sites to a structure #499
Ketcher 2.2.1 (April 22, 2021)
The main goal of release 2.2.1 was to stabilize the release v2.2.0. The whole list of critical issues that were fixed is provided below.
Ketcher 2.2.0 (April 15, 2021)
We are glad to announce that a new stable version of Ketcher 2.2.0 is released. The main goal of current release was adding support of standalone mode. The list of changes related to this functionality can be found here.
New features and improvements
Get Molfile in v3000 format #21
Track if origin file was changed #246
Add save to MDL molfile v3000 support #190
Transform global css selectors into css classes #278
Split Ketcher into Core and Presentations modules #196
Extend editor API to generate png files based on structure #240
Fire custom event on structure change #54
Add delete button for user templates #160
Add ketcherWindow.ketcher.getSmilesExt() method #266
Add possibility to hide buttons on control panel #244
Add bonds information for ket format in DAT s-groups #280
Add indicator to inform users about execution of 'heavy' operations #255
Ketcher API: Add possibility to save RXN files #296
Add ellipse simple object #85
'Font' field should be disabled untill list will be loaded #321
Modal window displaying in Ketcher instance format #325
Simple Objects selection and resizing mechanism #315
Add ability to download image in several formats #373
Allow select simple object by several points in selection area #367
If structure contains SRU-Group User can't click 'Calculated Values' button - nothing happens after clicking. #215
Stereo labels appears on not stereo structure after 'Aromatize' action. #206
User can create incorrect Multiple S-Group but can't save and warning message doesn't appears. #175
Calculated Values displays some values from last calculation #279
Remove process.env.PUBLIC_URL from ketcher-react #282
Fonts drop-down list can't be opened when User opens settings for the second time #320
User can't copy/cut and paste part of structure or structure with SRU-polymer S-Group. #177
When User draw circle without height - Ketcher becomes disabled. #317
Error after Undo/Redo actions when User has edited S-Group #311
Unable to calculate values for selected structure #361
S-Group brackets place in incorrect place on structure with double bonds and sprouted single bonds #269
Calculated values for reaction: missing last bracket for chemical formula #364
The structures with atoms with valences rendering incorrectly after saving #46
Different structure between ketcher.setMolecule() and ketcher.ui.load() #386
Templates in template library are shifted down when Ketcher have less than 855px width #338
Display Settings: 'Show hydrogen labels' triggers error #391
'Calculated values' fields are editable #388
Incorrect behavior of Ketcher after deleting of a part of R-Group member #419
In Template Library scroll bar jumps up and down when it is centered #184
Incorrect behavior of Ketcher after deleting of a part of S-Group member #433
'Any Atom' tool incorrect behavior when selected with hotkey or typed in from keyboard #368
'Custom Templates' - User templates are shown without the images in the right pane of the 'Template library' #431
Ketcher 2.1.0 (January 11, 2021)
We are glad to announce that a new stable version of Ketcher 2.1.0 is released. The main goal of current release is stabilization of 2.1.0-beta release.
New features and improvements
Update Miew version #148
Add line simple object #126
Simple Objects Selection & Dragging Enhancements #112
'Cut', 'Copy' buttons doesn't work - error appears #237
Warning message doesn't appears for InChi files #186
Warning message is not shown when trying to save a reaction with R-group members as .rxn file #185
When User creates S-Group, group selection doesn't disappear #173
File V3000 format with Atom NOT List is not loaded #228
Selection for Rectangle sometimes select object incorrectly #226
User can't copy values from text fields in "Calculated Values" window. After CTRL+C nothing is copied to the clipboard #213
When User open .mol file with R-Group and then try to save it - blank page appears #187
Load as a fragment and copy to the Clipboard: Copy to Clipboard doesn't work #193
It is impossible to choose zoom value from zoom drop down list #174
Info text under the template image is missing #158
'Template name' field does not contain grey 'tmpl' placeholder #159
The layout of the 'filter' input is displayed incorrectly #153
Atom number field is empty in 'Atom properties' dialog #152
'Label edit' window does not appear while typing #154
Pasting into "Open Structure" box does not seem to work #143
Deleting the sprouted bond does not work correctly #146
Drop-down list of Bond Tools does not work correctly with different screen settings #147
Ketcher does not work in IE 11 #138
Rotation is broken if only arrow has been added on canvas #136
Cannot insert simple object as fragment from .ket #125
Cut command does not work for Simple Objects #117
Dialog for editing Rgroup doesn't work #119
Icon in toolbox is missed while sub-menu is opened #124
Undo doesn't work for simple objects #129
Dragging of structure does not work properly #134
Ketcher 2.1.0-beta (November 26, 2020)
We are glad to announce that a new version of Ketcher 2.1.0-beta is released. The main features delivered in this release are migration to React, new drawing tool for simple objects (Circle and Rectangle), and ability to download Ketcher as NPM package. The whole list of changes can be found below.
New features and improvements
Introduce Graph format to Ketcher #53
Migrate Ketcher to React #70
Need to create the warning message in the case if user tries to save incorrect structure in non-Mol format #47
Mount on DOM element #7
Add drawing tool for simple objects #66
Warning message should appear for S-Groups and Data S-Group while saving in Extended SMILES and Inchi Auxinfo formats #36
surpressing window.alert popups #83
Keacher API: add a method to clear ketcher's drawing area #87
Recognize function does not work #95
Recognize Molecule: pictures in tif-format cannot be loaded #28