REF.: Git Submodules basic explanation
REF.: Git submodules best practices
- The submodule is (just) a separate repository.
- Don't forget to commit changes!
# Links the submodule with folder "dir_name";
# if you don't set a dirname the repo's name will be used instead
git submodule add https://path-to/the-submoule-repo.git [dir_name]
git commit -m "Add submodule <name>"
git submodule update [--init] [--recursive]
git clone --recursive [email protected]:name/repo.git
# Add status of submodules to `git status`
git config --global status.submoduleSummary true
# W/o config setting
git diff --submodule=log
# See submodule changes with `git diff`
git config --global diff.submodule log
# Check if already set to "on-demand"
git config --global fetch.recurseSubmodules
# Change into the submodule folder and git switch to the submodule's repository
cd dir_name
git fetch
git log # verify what you have
# Checkout on the desired checksum
git checkout -q <ckecksum>
# or use 'git pull' to get latest submodule changes
# or merge main into the detached branch using
cd .. # go back to your repo
# Note: do NOT use `git submodule update`
git add <submodule> # commit changes
# Remove permanently
git rm dir_name
# This will update the `.gitmodules` file as well
# Unregister but keep reference in `. gitmodules` file
git submodule deinit
# Remove remaining empty local submodule folder (w/o using `git`)
rm dir_name