In this unit, coders will create a Rock, Paper, Scissors game. To create this project, coders will use JavaScript to take user input, use the Math Library to pick a random computer choice, and use conditionals to determine the winner.
- Copy the project planning document and link a completed version in your ReadMe.
- Go to the repository at
- Fork this repository to your Github account and pull it down to Glitch
- Look through all the Starter Code
- Use JavaScript to display the value of the input on the page
- Add any more HTML elements you will need to the page
- Customize your HTML with CSS
- Save and submit your website using the link on the session agenda.
- Outside of your click handler, declare the variables you'll need to track the user choice, computer choice and winner and assign them values of empty strings.
- Outside of your click handler, declare a randomNumber variable and set it equal to 0
- When the user initiates the game, generate a random number and assign it to the randomNumber variable.
- When the user initiates the game, store the user choice.
- When the user initiates the game, display user choice to the screen.
- Save and submit your website using the link on the session agenda.
- Write a conditional statement which, given the number range of randomNumber, assigns ‘rock’, ‘paper’ or ‘scissors’ to the variable that holds the computer choice.
- Display the computer choice to the screen.
- Write conditional statements that compare the user choice to the computer choice to determine the winner of the game.
- Display the winner to the screen.
- Clear the input value once a result is displayed.
- Save and submit your website using the link on the session agenda.
- Style your page to fit the developer's personality
- Validate the input so that it will return “Not valid input” if the user types in a wrong choice.
- Accept any form of a word regardless of capitalization (i.e. “Rock” “rock” roCk”)
- Keep track of total wins and losses, until the page refreshes.
- Allow for more variety in throwing options. Example: Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock