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File metadata and controls

76 lines (48 loc) · 2.57 KB


This is a tmux plugin that sets different pane colors for different sessions.

See it in action:

Each new session uses new color for the bottom panel, so that different sessions are more easily distinguishable between each other.

Also it automatically renumerates default session names, analogous to renumber-windows for windows.


The script requires tmux version to be not less than 2.3.

With tpm


set -g @plugin 'a-rodin/tmux-session-spectrum'

to your ~/.tmux.conf and run tmux source ~/.tmux.conf or restart tmux. Then press prefix + I.



git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-session-spectrum

Then add the following line to your ~/.tmux.conf:

set-hook -g after-new-session "run-shell 'bash ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-session-spectrum/'"

If you want your ~/.tmux.conf to work with both older tmux versions that don't support this script and the newer ones, it can be done using tmux conditional directive:

if-shell "bash -c \"[[ ! $(tmux -V | cut -d' ' -f2) < 2.3 ]]\"" "\
  set-hook -g after-new-session \"run-shell 'bash ~/.tmux/tmux-session-spectrum/'\""


There are three varaibles to configure.

The first one is the palette. It could be configured by providing space-separated list of color names as a variable STYLES.

The second one is the initial color from the palette. It is specified by providing DEFAULT_STYLE variable. It is optional, ff no DEFAULT_STYLE is provided, then the first color from the palette is used.

The third one is DIR_STYLES that specifies directory-specific styles. It has format patern1:colour1 pattern2:colour2 ..., where pattern* is pattern for grep that would be matches against the current directory name and colour* is the color name.

The color names used by tmux are the following:

The variables should be added to a file ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-session-spectrum/tmux-session-spectrum.conf.

Example tmux-session-spectrum.conf:

STYLES="colour47 colour53"
DIR_STYLES="tmux:colour77 rust:colour95"